Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 566 Abnormal Hunter

After the riot in the Evergreen Forest, Xiu felt that there must be something special here, but Professor Oak didn't say it, and he didn't have the ability to contact it before. It would be a lie to say that he was not curious now.

Xiu just looked at Casey, and after a moment, he slowly turned his head to look in the direction where those people were going away. The expression on his face began to change, revealing a grim smile, and his eyes revealed a faint desire to attack.

"Let's see what secrets the Evergreen Forest hides~"

While speaking, Xiu didn't care about Casey beside him anymore, but turned around and jumped off the tree, running in that direction alone.

Casey, who stayed on the tree, opened his eyes and looked at Xiu's back, and then floated over slowly.

Xiu didn't mean to hide himself. His movements were wanton and arrogant, and he walked in the forest to attract the attention of the elves around him.

But before they saw him, Xiu's figure disappeared into another place, leaving only the sound.

The barking of the dog that originally guided Xiu stopped for some reason, but he didn't stop at all, but continued to walk forward.

This situation either means the other party has reached the destination or was caught, but it doesn't matter.

Because his target is not that person at all~

Running all the way, Xiu didn't mean to save energy. This speed must be fast. Even if they walked a few minutes earlier, they still caught up.

But when he arrived, he saw the forest rangers stopping the man in front of a flat ground.

But Xiu didn't rush up, but stopped again.

This time he finally saw the man clearly. He was surrounded by two alliance members and there were big wolfhounds staring at him, but he didn't mean to be afraid at all, but looked proud.

Because they were a little far away, Xiu couldn't hear what they were saying, but it didn't look good.

Suddenly, for some reason, the big wolfhound on the side suddenly pounced on the man like crazy, and the sharp teeth on its big mouth were already open, flashing white light, and it was about to drink blood.

The man was suddenly startled, but the distance of seven or eight meters still allowed him to react.

He released a little Rattata, but before the little Rattata could react, it was bitten by the big wolfhound that rushed up, and the sound of bones breaking was heard.

Under the crazy shaking of the big wolfhound, the little Rattata was divided into three parts before it could hold on for two seconds.

The head and tail were thrown out by the big wolfhound, leaving only the fat body in its mouth.

Then it was chewing.


This was the sound of bones being bitten in the mouth of the big wolfhound.

A trace of blood mixed with saliva flowed out from the gap between the teeth, then dripped onto the ground and collided with the soil, and then was broken up and turned into smaller blood beads.

Even the evolved Rattata is one of the recipes of the big wolfhound. Isn't it a meal for you to release the little Rattata?

However, the man did not react in fear when he saw this scene, but laughed instead.

After eating the little Rattata, the big wolfhound did not know what happened, and actually began to stand unsteadily and sway, and then vomited directly.

When Xiu saw this, he immediately realized that the man's behavior just now was not to deliver food but to poison. There was something wrong with that little Rattata!

No wonder the little Rattata stayed there without reacting when it appeared. It turned out to be a medicine bag. It might have lost its mind.

The forest rangers also realized that the big wolfhound was poisoned and had to temporarily take it back. The man took the opportunity to sneak into the woods and disappeared here.

The forest ranger immediately reacted and was about to chase him. Unexpectedly, there were many traps in the woods, and all of these traps were lethal.

The two who just entered quickly dragged a person out. Seeing that his leg had been cut by something.

Xiu looked at the direction where the hunter fled indifferently~


The escaping hunter rushed into the forest and rushed left and right, constantly changing his route until he came to a mountain forest and stopped. Then he checked the traces left here. When he found no invasion, he relaxed a little.

He squatted in front of a dead tree, and then uncovered the bark covering it. Unexpectedly, there was a small hole.

The hunter carefully looked around and was about to go in when he heard a voice coming from afar.

"Finally found you."

This sudden voice made the hunter, who had been relieved, a little panicked. He didn't care about the situation at all and ran away directly, trying to get into the jungle to find a chance to escape.

Unfortunately, this method had no effect in front of Casey. The man was directly fixed in place by superpowers and lost consciousness.

At this time, Xiu slowly walked towards him.

After a simple look at the man's decorations, he couldn't find any special signs that could indicate his identity. Looking at his expression again, he finally saw panic at this time.

However, Xiu didn't need to interrogate anything, and directly launched superpowers to attack his brain.

After a while, Xiu withdrew his superpowers, and the man fell to the ground and his life or death was unknown.

However, Xiu's expression did not look relaxed at all, but frowned.

This matter was not an ordinary forest ranger fighting a hunter. That was just an appearance. The real important thing was the identity of this person.

He is a member of the Rockets, and there are many people like him. These people accept the orders of the Rockets to attract the attention of the league here.

This means that the Rockets must be planning some action, otherwise they would not waste resources on this.

However, this is just a small fish who has no more information and only knows to do things according to orders.

But there is one thing that needs to be noted about this person, that is, the Rockets have arranged a spy among the people of the alliance.

So these people's activities can avoid patrol routes, and even traps can be arranged in advance.

It's a pity that this person receives information indirectly and has never seen who the spy is.

Although the sudden insertion of the Rockets was a bit unexpected to Xiu, it also made him more curious about what exactly in the Evergreen Forest was worth the Rockets's trouble?

Glancing at the hole, which was just a hole he dug to hide in and had no value, Xiu turned his eyes to the person lying on the ground. After a little thought, he took out his gun and fired a shot at the sky.

The signal flare exploded in the sky, creating a striking cloud of smoke. After seeing this, Xiu immediately flew away from the original place under the leadership of Casey.

Sure enough, a team of forest rangers from the alliance came over soon.

The leader of the team was actually Du.

The two carefully approached and controlled the hunter. A big wolfhound was twitching its nose around, trying to find some clues.

"He was the one who attacked you just now, right?" Du looked at the unconscious hunter, and Dragonite seemed very casual beside him.

"Yes, we found him and chased him, then..."

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