Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 567 Melee 1

After listening to the man's description, Du did not show any obvious reaction, and his eyes were on the man being examined.

He received a call for help early this morning and hurriedly brought people here, but before the follow-up search began, he saw a strange flare.

He rushed over to find out the situation.

Unexpectedly, the target person had been subdued, so it was obvious that the flare just now was to remind them to come and take over.

So who subdued the hunter?

Du immediately thought of the mysterious man he met before...

"No external injuries were found, and there were no residues of substances such as hypnotic powder. The cause of the coma cannot be determined before further examination."

The ranger who examined the hunter reported to Du and woke him up from his thoughts.

Du arranged for someone to take the hunter back to the base for further interrogation without much hesitation, while he himself took Dragonite and walked in another direction...

Xiu was moving quickly in the forest here, and he had no intention of slowing down even if he left the place just now.

In fact, if Xiu really wanted to join the game just now, it would be best to stay where he was and wait for the alliance to come, and take this opportunity to find Du to communicate with him.

But let's not talk about whether there are traitors among the people here. If they wait like this, they may be identified as hunters.

He learned a lesson from the last trip to appreciate the snow mountain and did not want to join those teams.

Because keeping oneself independent can make things easier and avoid being disturbed by others.

And I learned a piece of information from the memory of the Rocket Team just now.

That is the contact point. Someone will contact the Rocket Team members at a specific time, whether it is to issue tasks or collect supplies, or to warn of danger.

They have gathered once a few days ago. Now if they want to find those people, they have to create danger for them.

Xiu just released a signal flare to alarm those people and force them to gather at the contact point.

There is only one chance this time. If they lose it, they will definitely change their location.

So Xiu will rush to that place without stopping.


It is a very common dense forest, surrounded by dense bushes and weeds, and some traces of small Rada can be seen.

But now there are several people gathered in it, and they seem to be in a quarrel at this time.

"I told you it was too risky, but you didn't believe me."

"Who was bragging before? Why are you saying this now?"

"It's just hindsight~"

"It's you! If you..."

"Okay! That's it." One of the deep voices came, instantly subduing the people who were arguing just now.

Sitting in the first seat was a tall man with a square face, but there was a scar on his cheek. No one knew how it was caused, and the suture looked very strange, which made him look like his left and right sides were different sizes, and he became a double-faced man.

But this did not weaken his momentum at all, but made him look more fierce.

"No one expected the alliance to react so quickly. No. 63 couldn't even hold on for this little while. What we need now is to renegotiate the next contact point, temporarily cancel the operation and hide for a while to avoid the limelight."

Said Scarface, looking at those people and warning: "Instead of fighting here!"

Just when everyone was silent, Xiu came out of the bushes on the side, and saw those people as if he met friends on the street, and said casually:

"Hello everyone, have you had breakfast?"

"Who are you!" Several people exclaimed, and they all took a vigilant look.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I need your heads." Xiu said without any taboo, and then casually released the giant mantis, saying: "I'll give you a chance. Maybe you can leave if you beat me~"

After he finished speaking, the giant mantis's tall body blocked him.

The opposite side was also a little surprised and doubtful when they saw the giant mantis appear, but soon they burst into strange excitement.

"It's actually a mutant! This is worth a lot of money~"

"This kid dared to come here alone, this time we brothers deserve to get rich!"

"This is because God knows that we are not doing well, so he came to compensate us."

The group of people made a lot of noise, only the scarred face was gloomy.

Because he saw that Xiu and the giant claw mantis faced so many people without any fear or panic.

Especially the boy, on the contrary, he was unusually relaxed, just like when he faced the green caterpillar.

"This person is very dangerous~" The person next to him spoke, his face was also very ugly, not as excited as his companions, he could even feel the threat of death.

However, this person's words only caused his companions to laugh at him. Instead, they sneered: "Now the boss is here and you are still afraid, are you questioning the boss's strength?"

"That's right! That's right!"

"Cowardly waste~"


Xiu looked at the various expressions on the opposite side, a trace of contempt flashed across his face, patted the giant mantis's claws, and smiled: "Today is your home court, hunt happily!"

As soon as Xiu finished speaking, a white light appeared on the giant mantis, and then the ground suddenly exploded, and the soil flew.

The giant mantis that was originally standing had already flown out.

It was like a flash of lightning under the powerful explosive force.

[High-speed movement]

The other side had been prepared for Xiu for a long time. When they saw Mantis taking action, they almost all took out their Poké Balls in no particular order, and several Pokémons appeared on the field at once.

Infernape, Arbok, Golbat, Venusaur, Rhydon.

Xiu took a glance and found that the only one who could threaten Mantis was Rhydon, the leading Pokémon.

But when Xiu saw that those people still had Poké Balls in their hands, he didn't know what was going on...

However, facing this situation, Xiu didn't mean to command. Instead, he just watched without saying a word.

This actual combat was an important project to test Mantis's strength. The most critical thing was whether it could develop the ability to fight independently.

Although he wanted to tell Mantis the information and tactics he analyzed, he could only hold back now.

Mantis was moving forward, while the opponent had a distance buffer and had organized a defense line in advance, and the two were about to fight.

When the infernape saw Mantis charging towards them, it immediately made a strange noise, jumped up and down, and waved its hands non-stop, and its triangular eyes were already red with bloodshot due to its rage.

It rushed out before the other Pokémons, blocking the two and trying to fight Mantis.

However, Mantis did not intend to stop, but dodged directly by turning sideways.

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