Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 571 Melee 5


It hit the claws that Mantis extended, and they were metalized claws.

It turned out that Mantis had already noticed the attack behind it, and swung its claws while moving to take the attack in advance.

This hammer directly knocked Arbok away, and when it landed, everyone saw that its mouth full of sharp teeth had been broken, and only a few tooth roots were left.

This punch was too fierce!

And after a heavy blow to the head, Arbok has now lost the ability to resist and fainted on the spot.

"@#%\u0026%¥ # "

The Arbok trainer in the distance saw this and sprayed wildly, but it did not affect Mantis, but disturbed the teammates' minds and spread negative emotions.

Three against one and still got killed?

Do you know how to play?

This attack was actually disintegrated by Mantis, and once again took away a Pokémon.

They didn't expect Mantis to react so quickly.

Of course, it was also because of the small space that the fast boxer and the circle bear needed to take into account the position of their teammates, which led to the failure to keep up with the reaction.

The leader saw that the giant claw mantis was so difficult to deal with, and quickly changed his strategy.

"Order the fast boxer to leave and let the moth take action." The leader also shouted the signal of retreat to his circle bear.

They are all old hunters, and they understood it as soon as they opened their mouths.

After shouting a few strange sentences, the circle bear and the fast boxer who originally wanted to surround the giant claw mantis actually retreated, and the moth that had been behind also slowly flew up.

Unfortunately, the giant claw mantis would not let them have their wish, and immediately followed up, taking advantage of the inconvenience caused by the opponent's retreat and attacked.

The opponent it chose this time was the fast boxer, and the principle it followed was to target the weak first. You must know that if the circle bear gets too close, it is likely to be slapped away, and the giant claw mantis must take this into consideration.

The giant mantis leaned forward and stepped heavily, showing its powerful explosive power. There was only a cracked earth pit left where it was standing.

And it had already flown out, and its speed was so fast that it caught up with the fast boxer who retreated in advance.

At this time, it was close, and there was no time for the fast boxer to hesitate too much, so he could only turn around and fight with the giant mantis.

But this time the giant mantis did not intend to dodge, but fought with the fast boxer.

The giant mantis's boxing style emphasizes a strong and fast one. Once it touches the opponent, the two pincers will turn into black shadows. The pincers cannot be seen at all, and only the explosion sound in the air can be heard.

Fortunately, the remaining effect of the fast boxer's [Gathering Qi] was still there, and he reacted and did not take all the giant mantis's fast punches. He raised his hands and crossed them in front of him to block the first wave.

But that was all. You have to know that the claws of the giant mantis are made of metal, and they are powerful and heavy. Under the push of muscles, they are like a battering ram. A few simple punches broke the arm of the fast fist.

It can be said that the fast fist had already lost the moment he chose to defend.

But just when the giant mantis wanted to expand the victory, a hazy halo suddenly appeared on its body, and it was fixed in place.

It was the [telekinesis] of the moth!

The giant mantis was indeed chasing, but it inevitably closed the distance with the moth.

This skill without any signs of starting, the giant mantis is difficult to dodge even if it is not fighting with the fast fist.

However, the giant mantis is not a wooden stake. It quickly burst out energy to offset the superpower and break free from the restrictions, but the fast fist took the opportunity to distance itself.

But its withdrawal also paid the price of both hands.

After breaking free from the restrictions, the giant mantis did not continue to rush forward, but stopped in place to observe the moth in the sky.

There is no way. It is strong when it bursts out, and it can kill a kid with one punch, but bursting out also consumes a lot of physical energy. The previous wave was enough to replace the arms of the fast fist man. It would be more trouble than gain if it continued to chase.

It must save its physical strength to guard against the moth.

The giant claw mantis looked at the crowd, but the two sides just looked at each other. Before the moth had any new moves, it turned around and ran away without any nostalgia.

Everyone was stunned for a while when they saw the giant claw mantis running away, and they just couldn't connect this back figure with the fierce rush in front of it, which was ruthless and left people.

"Quick! Stop it."

The leader saw the giant claw mantis retreating to the side and shouted anxiously.

But everyone didn't react for a while, and couldn't help but look at the leader.

Isn't it good for the giant claw mantis to retreat? They don't want to face this terrible black death god.

When the leader saw them like this, his expression became even more ferocious, and he roared: "Idiots! It's entering the forest. Do you think we can stop it?"

The crowd reacted and looked around. It was all dense jungle. As long as the giant mantis was out of their sight, they might face...

At this time, they also understood why the leader was so excited.

"Quick! Stop it."

"The Venus flytrap [Tie Grass Knot] to block the road."

"Moru Moth, hurry up."

Seeing this, the elves had no choice but to force forward again, trying to entangle the giant mantis.

Instead, the fast fist man with injured arms returned to the crowd.

It can be said to be defense, or it can be said to be a meat shield.

But who says meat shield is not defense~

In fact, the giant mantis didn't think so much as those people. It just remembered a sentence that Xiu said.

"If the assassin misses a strike, he must flee thousands of miles away and seek the next opportunity."

It has no chance to stay, so of course it has to run away, otherwise it will become a target?

But this move directly touched the sensitive nerves of those people.

In the face of counterattack, Mantis is not afraid of you coming, but afraid of you not coming.

Because Mantis is running in the opposite direction, and the other Pokémons are all around, there is always a difference between the front and the back.

And this difference is Venusaur.

It was originally in the back, which is the direction of Mantis's tactical transfer (running away). The distance between them is also reduced quickly. This key makes it disconnected from the opponent's large force, resulting in a situation where it faces Mantis alone.

The trainer of Venusaur also realized this and hurriedly shouted for other teammates to hurry up.

But Mantis could not be controlled by it, but accelerated its burst, trying to harvest it before Moth came.

The Venusaur heard it, but how could it dodge the unreasonable advance of the Giant Claw Mantis without any legs?

At this moment, the Giant Claw Mantis's body suddenly became unstable, and a depression appeared on the ground where it had stepped, and its feet sank directly into it. The speed of its advance was too fast, and it was very likely that it would cripple its own legs.

And the Giant Claw Mantis, which had lost its flexibility, would be...

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