Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 572 Melee VI

But the giant mantis only appeared in the air for a moment, and the wings behind it, which had been motionless, vibrated rapidly, and it actually stopped its momentum by force, and instead stepped on the ground with its other foot, making it float in the air.

The giant mantis flapping its wings in the air looked down at the ground and found the enemy.

It was the mole that disappeared underground at the beginning, and appeared at this critical moment.

This time, it made a great contribution, not only stopping the giant mantis, but also saving the big flower.

The people over there were even more ecstatic when they saw the giant mantis stepping on the trap. If one of its legs could be disabled, the situation would be reversed!

But... this was just their beautiful vision~

Before they could react too much, the offensive on the field reversed.

The giant mantis floated in the air for a short time, just a moment, but it was enough for it.

Locking the enemy, turning back and folding down, the wings vibrated at an overclocked frequency, and a high-speed dive made the giant mantis become a missile, rushing straight to the mole that popped up on the ground.

The giant mantis closed the distance between the two almost instantly. Judging from the speed it showed, it certainly didn't use its full strength before.

The moment the giant mantis landed, its claws were already raised above its head.

The mole could only look up instinctively, and saw that the giant mantis, which was still some distance away just now, stood in front of him like a demon, and its arms were already coated with a metallic luster, and then... then it was gone.

[Arm Hammer] fell, and the entire ground collapsed with the mole as the center, forming a big pit.

"Gone... Gone?"

The group of people in the distance were directly shocked. The mole who had just made a great achievement was gone?

They couldn't see the sunken ground, but they saw the scene of blood and flesh flying.

Not to mention that the giant mantis was still stained with some broken meat and blood.


This is simply outrageous...

At this time, the giant clawed mantis slowly stood up and turned its head to look over. This bloody figure, coupled with the series of violent killings in front of it, gave it a layer of terrifying momentum.

It actually frightened the circle bear and others in one glance.

The giant clawed mantis shook the blood and flesh stuck on its claws with a little disgust, and then looked down at the messy ground.

"Hurry up! The previous blow must have been a huge consumption for it. Don't let it recover. Hold on for a while and the circle bear will come."

The leader also noticed that the scumbags on his side couldn't hold on. If he kept entangled, he would soon die.

But Xiu seemed very casual.

He had been silently observing the battle situation on the side, and he was very happy to see the giant clawed mantis's performance. This series of plays played its own advantages, and even he couldn't say much.

All skills are fake. If you are trapped by a name, you are really stupid.

It seems that the opponent is a skill commander, sandwiched with some elves' own performance.

Then they all worked themselves into the coffin...

Although it feels like the Giant Claw Mantis was just a fluke a few times, sometimes luck is also a part of strength.

Just kill the opponent and it'll be fine.

The Giant Claw Mantis's consumption is indeed a bit high, and it also encountered a problem that all Giant Claw Mantises will encounter, that is, overheating.

Although the metal armor is indestructible, it is too closed, and there is a big problem in heat dissipation. Once it exercises for a long time, the body temperature is likely to not drop in a short time, causing overheating.

More importantly, it is different from other Giant Claw Mantises. Its black body makes it easier for it to absorb heat from the sun.

This aggravates the situation.

From just now to now, the Giant Claw Mantis has exploded back and forth many times. Even if it has undergone a lot of physical training, this is a natural weakness and it is not so easy to overcome.

It needs a little time to buffer, let the body temperature drop, and wait for physical strength to recover.

It's just that the opponent is unwilling to give it a chance.

They saw the giant mantis stopped for no reason. Although they didn't know the specific situation, they knew that this was an opportunity to end the giant mantis's "evil life".

The circle bear changed from standing on two feet to crawling on all fours... No! It should be running.

What does it feel like to have a bear that is 1.8 meters tall and weighs 200 to 300 kilograms running towards you?

Armored vehicle, a speeding armored vehicle.

The giant mantis can feel the huge pressure, but it is not in a hurry to dodge. Instead, it focuses on the moth in the sky.

It seems that it is still thinking about the moth, or it is afraid...

Unlike the diamond-horned rhinoceros that can only walk slowly, the circle bear is not slow once it runs. It arrives in front of the giant mantis in less than three seconds, and then it pounces.

Once it is hit, the circle bear can hug the giant mantis to death no matter what.

But pounce also has disadvantages, that is, it cannot adjust its body in the air. After all, the circle bear does not have wings like it, so it can only go straight.

Of course, if it pounces, there will be a gap in the lower body of the circle bear. If it is still a flying mantis, it will definitely slide and then cut its belly open with a sickle.

But the giant claw mantis is not suitable for such fancy moves.

All it has to do is to dodge while it is suspended in the air. It has the confidence to do so.

But the accident still happened.

The landing point of the circle bear's pounce is not the giant claw mantis, but its side, which means that the opponent also knows this problem, so it is stable.

This sudden change caused the giant claw mantis to dodge sideways first, without the opportunity to exert force again, but the circle bear still had the strength to make a second attack.

And it was also prepared for this. At the moment of landing, it stood up with potential energy, and its arms were raised high. It wanted to replicate the [Arm Hammer] of the giant mantis just now.

If it is hit, it is no joke. Although the giant mantis has a great resistance to physical attacks, it is not one of them.

Once it takes this move, it will have no chance to turn the tables.

In this regard, the giant mantis can only flap its wings as much as possible, trying to use its thrust to push itself away to avoid this move.

The wings are very powerful. With the help of this, the giant mantis has the ability to exert force twice. As long as a little... as long as...


The giant mantis suddenly emitted a pink light, and the whole body was fixed in place. The wings behind it also stopped instantly, and the circle bear's arm hammer had already fallen, and the giant mantis could not withdraw from its attack range.

Yes, it is [telekinesis].

The giant mantis has to face not only the circle bear, but also the sinister moth, which has been attacking, and it is a fatal blow.

"Hit!" The group of people shouted happily when they saw this.

As long as this move hits, it means that the giant mantis is not invincible, and it will also be injured.

And will the giant mantis that has eaten this move still be able to survive under the hands of the circle bear?

Thanks to 'Qingxuan Zuqi Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun Miaowu' and 'Names are really hard to deal with' for the reward.

By the way, the names of the two are really a bit long...

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