Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 596 Evolution Ceremony

Rhythmic vibrations came from the dark tree hole, and Bulbasaur walked out. Its huge body was revealed at this moment, and its fusion with the shadow made it look particularly strange.

When it completely walked out of the tree hole and broke away from the shadow, it raised its head slightly and opened its mouth to transmit waves of deep voices.

When this low roar was transmitted to this side, it gave people a shocking feeling.

It was like modern people traveling through ancient times and seeing dinosaurs running all over the ground, which was full of wild atmosphere.

And those Bulbasaur seeds looked at Bulbasaur one after another, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

"Are you going to help Bulbasaur evolve? But the number of Bulbasaur seeds this time is really enough~"

Du said casually, and Xiu simply got up and walked over there.

"I'll go ask and find out."

"Hey!" Du just wanted to call Xiu, but he walked out first.

Du was always respectful when facing Bulbasaur, how could he be so casual like Xiu?

"Are you going to hold the evolution ceremony?" Xiu came to the side and asked.

He could sense that Bulbasaur was indifferent to life and death, so how could he care about those fancy attitudes?

"This ritual can be performed even with a single Bulbasaur, but the more Bulbasaur there are, the better, so it will not start until a certain number of Bulbasaur are present."

Bulbasaur explained calmly, and then began to emit energy fluctuations.

Originally, Xiu was still wondering what Bulbasaur was going to do, but soon the rumbling sound attracted his attention.

Although it was night, under the moonlight, he could still see the trees in the distance shaking, and then countless things that were unknown to be vines or roots protruded from the ground and intertwined with each other. With the trees on the edge as the fulcrum, a root wall rose from the ground in a short time.

What an exaggerated power!

Xiu had not been able to accurately recognize the power of Bulbasaur before, but now he understood it.

A wall made of plants with an average height of five meters surrounded the entire grassland, and it took no more than a minute.

There was such a long distance here, and it required a delicate and huge energy mobilization to build such a wall.

Xiu knew that even Casey didn't have this kind of strength, but he could let it destroy it.

When the wall was completed, Bulbasaur roared again. Xiu couldn't understand what it meant, but the Bulbasaur began to roar.

And it wasn't just random roars, but there was a certain pattern, and the synchronization rate was very high, which meant that the Bulbasaur understood this.

I don't know whether it was taught by the Bulbasaur who took care of them or it came from the instinct of blood.

But before Xiu had more thoughts, Xiu felt a sweet smell next to Bulbasaur.

Xiu immediately realized that this was the fragrance emitted by the flower on Bulbasaur's back.

When he turned his head to look over, he saw that the slight movement of Bulbasaur stirred up the heavy pollen on the petals.

And these pollens floated with the wind, floating in the air like gauze under the moonlight.

The pollen gradually spread, and when the density was high, it began to reflect the moonlight. The scene was not beautiful, but it was shocking at all. It looked like the stars in the sky were upside down here, covering the Bulbasaur.

Gradually, changes began to appear on the Bulbasaur. The seeds on their backs cracked from the top and began to spit out wisps of pollen like smoke.

The pollen of these Bulbasaur spread into the air and merged with those of Bulbasaur, then mixed under the breeze and blew onto the Bulbasaur.

After the pollen enveloped the Bulbasaur, the tone of Bulbasaur changed. The long and heavy voice led the Bulbasaur to follow at the same time, and the combined voice became more and more exciting.

The powerful energy fluctuations began to emerge from Bulbasaur, and Xiu quickly retreated a certain safe distance. Looking at the Bulbasaur, they also emitted fluorescence, which was particularly obvious at night.

This was the energy that was captured by the naked eye, which meant that the Bulbasaur had accumulated enough.

Xiu could feel the fluctuations of energy, and naturally understood that Bulbasaur was guiding the Bulbasaur through energy.

Gradually, the light on the Bulbasaur became brighter and even a little dazzling, and the energy fluctuations emitted became more obvious. Moreover, when the same frequency overlapped, it was an extremely strong threat to people like Xiu, just like someone was constantly beating drums in his mind.

It was like ordinary humans could not hear ultrasound, but he could hear it. So when ultrasound appeared, it had no effect on ordinary people, but it felt very noisy to him.

If he wanted, he could still isolate this influence with Casey, but he was afraid that Casey's superpowers would affect the ceremony, so he could only resist it, and at most he could keep his distance to ease the discomfort a little.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long. Under the leadership of Bulbasaur, the Bulbasaur quickly touched and stepped on the edge of evolution. One by one, the light balls bloomed on the grass, illuminating the night like day.

After a moment, the light disappeared, and the Bulbasaur on the grass turned into Bulbasaur. All of them succeeded without a single failure. It seems that Bulbasaur is really strong.

Moreover, the weeds around Bulbasaur, which were originally very short, suddenly grew a few centimeters taller, obviously affected by what happened just now.

There was a rumbling sound, and the walls that were built gradually loosened, and then stretched back into the soil. The wall that separated the two places just disappeared, leaving only traces of turning soil.

This little elf is really good at manipulating plants.

Those Ivysaur plants seemed very happy, but Xiu could feel that the energy fluctuations of the Ivysaur flowers were abnormal, so he couldn't help but approached and asked, "Are you okay~"

"It's okay~ I used to be in the teens, but this time it's over fifty. It's a burden for me to guide so many at once. I just need to slow down a little."

Xiu could feel a kind of tiredness in the meaning conveyed by Bulbasaur.

However, it is indeed difficult to guide this thing. When he and Casey guided the Giant Claw Mantis, they had studied it for a long time and took a lot of effort, not to mention that Bulbasaur guided so many at once.

Xiu took out some tree fruits to replenish his recovery, but Bulbasaur had no intention of eating them.

"I no longer need to eat. The energy from food will make my body unstable."

"Hmm~ Let's drink some water." Xiu put the things away, then took out a bottle of water, opened it and fed it to it.

A water bottle that was as thick as an arm was like a toothpick in front of Bulbasaur. The water he poured in could not even moisten his throat.

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