Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 597: Strange

Xiu dragged out a box and poured bottles of water into Bulbasaur's mouth, which was considered to be a sip of water for it.

"I haven't had water for a long time~" Bulbasaur smacked his lips, looking a little dazed.

Xiu knew that it was absorbing underground water through plant roots to maintain its life. After all, it is difficult for it to move such a long distance to the water source to drink water.

"If you want to drink, I still have it here."

"Okay~" Bulbasaur looked at the Bulbasaur grass, growled and had to turn back to the tree hole.

Xiu didn't mean to disturb its rest, and found Du who was in a daze.

"How is it? Follow me to learn something~"

"You are really amazing. You know, many people wanted to communicate with Bulbasaur before, but they didn't succeed, and that kid was so familiar with it after just meeting once."

"Forget it~ I'm tired too, take a rest quickly and go back tomorrow, don't delay your business."

Xiu didn't react to Du's compliment, and now he just wanted to rest.

There was no conversation that night. He woke up before dawn, but he didn't get up. Instead, he lay on the ground thinking about something.

After a long rest, the discomfort in his body had faded, and he had gained a lot.

It was the first time he saw such a powerful Pokémon. After enduring the [sense of oppression], he understood the reason. Then he would naturally know how to deal with similar mental shocks in the future, and his corresponding resistance would naturally be higher.

And the research of Bulbasaur on trees and its transformation of itself, these are extremely precious materials, and there is no second copy in the world.

Not to mention that it contains the root of Bulbasaur's strength, which will be coveted by countless people.

But is Bulbasaur's path really right?

Recalling its difficult appearance last night, it also paid a lot for this~

What did you do last night?

Xiu was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he came here to watch Bulbasaur evolve, how did he go there?

It was very interesting to watch last night, but now thinking back, is there any outstanding feature of the whole ceremony?

The most obvious scene is the scene where Venusaur guides them and then evolves together, but is it really necessary to travel so far just for this?

The local Venusaur should be able to do it~

Xiu suddenly felt a little confused. This ceremony was grand, but was it really the condition for Bulbasaur to evolve?

However, this did not seem to be useless. After all, so many Bulbasaur that had reached their limits did not evolve. After the ceremony, they all evolved. There must be something he overlooked.

Xiu began to carefully recall last night's experience, re-analyzed it slowly, and soon he noticed something, and the whole person suddenly opened his eyes.

That's right! The core of Bulbasaur's evolution is not guidance at all, but pollen.

First, Bulbasaur comes into contact with the pollen of Venusaur, and then they spray pollen. These pollens mix with each other and finally fall on them. Isn't this pollination?

After pollination, the seeds crack into buds. Although it is a bit strange, it is not surprising for Pokémon.

In this way, what Venusaur said is right. The more Bulbasaur seeds pollinate, the better the effect, and this may be related to the subsequent growth of evolving into Bulbasaur.

After understanding this, Xiu also understood why this ceremony needs the strongest Venusaur in the area to preside over it, because the stronger the inheritance, the better.

Bulbasaur gets pollen from the strongest Venusaur and then moves on.


Finally, the flower bears fruit (egg) and becomes a seed.

This is a closed loop.

And this Venusaur wants to break through this closed loop, it tries to find the way for Venusaur to move towards the Bulbasaur tree.

Unfortunately, it did not succeed...

Xiu glanced at Du who had not woken up yet, then got up and walked towards the tree hole.

The Bulbasaur on the grass had left here, and no one knew where they went.

This time, when Xiu approached Venusaur, his eyes were calm and a little strange, as if the two met for the first time.

Xiu called out Casey to connect telepathically with it, and then said what he had just thought.

"It can be said that when the energy accumulation of those Bulbasaur seeds reaches the limit, it means that the seeds on their backs have developed completely. At this time, they can feel the smell I release, and those within this range will come to receive pollen and then evolve.

My guidance is just to make them easier to evolve, and to teach them how to use some energy."

Bulbasaur said this to Xiu without any precautions, which made him feel a little pressured for a while. The elf was so straightforward that he told him the secret of evolution.

"Just like a weed, its life span is just a fleeting moment compared to your long life, but they will grow seeds, and then the seeds will sprout and grow, and then grow flowers and seeds, and so on. At the beginning, the weed did die, but more weeds grew on the ground, and life was continued."

Xiu was silent for a moment and sighed: "No life is immortal, so we choose to pass on the hope of life~The tree bears fruit, and you preside over the evolution, maybe this is inheritance..."

Bulbasaur did not speak, but just closed his eyes.

And Xiu did not want to continue to disturb him, and turned and left the tree hole.

At this time, Du had already woken up and was packing up the things. He seemed to notice that Xiu was going to the tree hole, but he didn't react when he saw him come out.

"How is it?"

"Let's go back for breakfast~ What else can we do?" Xiu laughed and teased, and then they packed up together.

The two rushed to the third area. Xiu didn't care about being out for a few days, but Du had a mission to complete, and he didn't know if there would be any problems after being delayed for three days.

But Xiu stopped not far away and asked Du curiously: "You said this is a restricted area, so does anyone come here normally?"

"You said it's a restricted area yourself, who would come here?" Du was speechless when he heard Xiu's words. How could a smart child ask such a question~

"What is this?" Xiu suddenly stopped and half-knelt on the ground to examine the traces on it.

Du paused, turned back and leaned over, and found some slight marks on the ground that were so slight that they could not be seen. These should be human footprints.

"You can find this! This is too abnormal~"

Compared with the traces, Du was more amazed at Xiu's observation ability.

"You have really stayed in the wild for a long time and have been intentionally looking for traces. Naturally, you can develop this ability that is more like inspiration. What's more, what I found were not footprints, but creases and bruises on plants caused by stepping on them. These traces are more obvious than footprints and exist longer."

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