Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 620 Sunshine Town

Kathy and Sandshrew followed behind and came out of the hole just now.

But they were not curious to see Xiu like this.

It took Xiu more than one or two days to repair the work.

To be honest, it was really torturous to stay down there, so in the second half of the journey, Xiu often talked to himself, saying that it was to maintain the ability to communicate.

He also entertained himself, saying some words that they couldn't understand, and then laughed for no reason, saying that this was to relieve anxiety.

It was a bit strange at first, but it was just like that after getting used to it.

"Hu~Hu~Hu~" After a series of deep breaths, Xiu slowly stood up, and there was no strange expression on his face, as if he had returned to normal.

"Sandshrew, come back and rest first, you have worked hard during this period." Xiu took it back into the Poké Ball with his backhand, and then stood up and walked out.

Sandshrew digging a hole is like going home, and he entering the forest is like going home, as professional as a jungle hunter.

When Xiu came out, he immediately let Kathy fly up to collect the surrounding situation.

This was not an environment he was familiar with, and there were no obvious reference points, so he urgently needed to reposition himself.

The two communicated a little and basically confirmed that they had walked out of the Tokiwa Forest, because there were several very obvious features.

The first was the density of the elves. There were no more traces of elves here, and even if there were, they were only Rattata and Caterpillar.

There was also less diversity of plants, especially the state of trees, which did not have the vigorous vitality of those plants near the depths of the Tokiwa Forest.

"Let's go, we should be at the periphery."

Xiu reorganized his state and began to move towards the target...

But in fact, Xiu took Casey back before he went far.

Because they had reached the suburbs, there were more and more traces of human activities.

At this time, Xiu actually had a little fear in his heart, and also a secret joy.

It was like a wanderer who was about to return home from a long journey.

After all, humans are social creatures. Even if Xiu didn't like to communicate with people, he couldn't avoid this kind of feeling.

Not long after walking, Xiu saw a building. The feeling of long absence arose, and he stood still for a long time before he reacted.

The town has arrived.

Just looking at the scale and architectural style, this is just a small town, not a big city.

But this is already a good place for Xiu.

Life in the wild is definitely not very friendly to humans. Those who have been in the wild for a while and are still bright and beautiful are definitely a joke.

After entering the town, Xiu observed all the way and soon learned that this place is called Sunshine Town.

He also knew something about this place, because it is different from those nameless towns. Although Sunshine Town is not a very prosperous town, it is located at one end of the bicycle bridge, connecting the two sides of the strait, so there is still a lot of traffic.

The simplest thing is to see trainers with Poké Balls walking on the street.

Because this place is not big, Xiu easily found the Pokémon Center here.

It is not as gorgeous as those Pokémon Centers in big cities. It is just a three-story building with a designated battle field behind the house.

"Open a single room." Xiu handed over his ID and other documents, then glanced at the front desk and found that it was someone he didn't know.

Uh... He didn't seem to know anyone here, and he didn't know why he had this feeling.

"Okay, sir! Here are the keys." The front desk quickly processed it, and then returned the things, including the keys.

She looked up at this time and saw Xiu looking at her, so she added another sentence.

"Excuse me, sir, do you have any other questions?"

"Sorry, nothing~" Xiu finally reacted, shook his head lightly, then took the things on the table and turned away.

Xiu hurried up to the room and released all the elves with his backhand.

Then it was the old rule, he waited until everything was done before he turned on the computer.

Xiu played with the illustrated book in his hand, his face expressionless, his eyes empty, and you could tell what he was thinking at a glance.

But soon the sound of the boot was awakened, and at this time he also changed his expression, as if he had made a decision.

Focusing on the computer screen again, Xiu recalled the situation along the way. Looking at the date on it, he confirmed that he had been walking for more than a month, almost measuring the Tokiwa Forest with his feet.

They must be very curious about his experience during this period of time without any news for such a long time.

As expected, he looked through the old emails. After running for more than a month, there must be a lot of things accumulated, but he didn't care much about it, and then dealt with them one by one.

Then he turned to the latest email, which was a greeting from two elders, Bao Oba and Dr. Oak.

In fact, Xiu also expected that he would disappear there, and Mori Mu obviously knew Bao Oba, and the two would definitely communicate about their own situation.

After a little hesitation, Xiu clicked on Bao Oba's contact information.

Not long after, the video call was completed, listening to that familiar voice.

"What's wrong with you? You're involved in Team Rocket's affairs again~"

Listening to Baoba's teasing words, Xiu couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then agreed: "Maybe I have a connection with them."

"To be honest, Moriki didn't tell me in detail what happened at that time."

"Uh..." Xiu hesitated a little, but still briefly explained the situation when he and Bulbasaur were fighting.

Of course, it was all from a neutral and objective perspective, without adding his observations and analysis and various messy thoughts, and did not reveal the background of Professor Byron and Bulbasaur.

At the same time, he did not reveal that Bulbasaur gave his ability to him.

He just said that he went to visit, then got involved, and finally Bulbasaur saved him.

"You can still survive in such a battle! This is simply a miracle~" Baoba was also shocked by Xiu's experience.

Why didn't he encounter such an exciting adventure story back then?

Baobab thought about it seriously. The most dangerous thing for him to do at this age is to dig the cave of the Abraxas and poke the nest of the Beedrill...

"I didn't expect this to happen. At that time, I just watched the battle between Venusaur and the unknown Pokémon brought by the mysterious man. The strength of these two Pokémon was too terrible. I couldn't intervene at all."

"That Venusaur should be gone." Baobab looked at Xiu and added, "It exploded and destroyed the surrounding area for hundreds of meters."

"Hmm~" When Xiu heard this, his expression changed obviously.

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