Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 621: Reporting Safety

He understood it when he felt the vibration, but he just confirmed it once in Baobab's mouth.

He made a note of this account, and he would definitely settle it with Sakaki in the future.

"We didn't encounter that Pokémon last time when we controlled the riot. It seems that we were lucky, otherwise the casualties would definitely not be so simple now."

Baoba also added quite seriously: "But after this time, the alliance will definitely continue to clear out the Rocket Team. They don't know that it might be dangerous to encounter this~"

"That Pokémon is not important. I can see that it has no autonomy. When you encounter it, just involve the Pokémon and then use ghost-type Pokémon to attack the trainer.

But pay attention to two points. That Pokémon will attack remotely, and it is fast, has a long attack range, and is extremely powerful. Fortunately, the attack range is not large, so just dodge it, and don't go head-on.

Also, you can't use psychic-type and physical attack Pokémon to fight it. It's best to involve it with energy."

Xiu directly gave the key to breaking the deadlock.

The energy limit of superpowers for ghosts is not big, this can break through the protection and kill Sakaki directly.

Without Sakaki, Mewtwo is not afraid of this, it will not have the idea of ​​revenge for Sakaki.

"I will report this to those people."

"If possible, I suggest running away when you see it. Without the strength of the director, it is not its opponent."


Baoba also heard that this was a big blow to Xiu, because he knew that although Xiu's character was cautious, he was still very motivated, but when talking about this, he actually lost his courage.

After chatting for a while, the two disconnected. Xiu wanted to find Du to explain the situation and remind him of something.

However, the two did not exchange contact information at that time, so Xiu could only put it aside temporarily and find Professor Oak instead.

Xiu glanced at the time and estimated that Professor Oak should not have rested yet, so he directly applied for a video call.

People who do scientific research don't go to bed so early. When Xiu participated in the attack on the atlas, he could only go to bed at one or two o'clock every day when he was the busiest.

What's even more terrifying is that he has to get up early every day to take care of the breakfast for the two gods.

Fortunately, Casey helped and took care of the feeding of the elves in the backyard, otherwise he would have died suddenly.

Of course, he felt much more relaxed after Qianyang got up.

"Wow! What did you do?"

Just when he was distracted, a voice suddenly came from the computer, and Xiu looked up.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Professor Oak on the screen?

"Good evening, Doctor."

"How did it get like this? Young people should also pay attention to their health."

Dr. Oak's words sounded sarcastic, but he was actually teasing his mental state.

There was no way, walking underground did not distinguish between day and night, and it was very common to forget the time while walking.

Later, he simply walked when he woke up and slept when he was tired, and had no concept of time at all.

Under the imbalance of life, dark circles naturally appeared, and his face became much more haggard.

The original sunny handsome guy became feminine, which is no wonder Dr. Oak complained.

But Xiu just laughed and said calmly: "I crossed the Evergreen Forest, and it was a journey day and night. It was inevitable that I had to pay a price~"

"The price was that I almost lost my life?" Professor Oak's tone was also unfriendly, "How did you get involved with the former chairman of the alliance?"

"Huh!" Xiu was a little puzzled when he heard this, but he quickly reacted and asked: "The old man named Evergreen Moriki is actually the chairman of the alliance?"

"He is the former chairman, and he has retired now." Professor Oak corrected Xiu's statement and was silent for a few seconds before continuing: "Forget it, these are not important. Where are you? I have something to tell you."

"I am in Sunshine Town now, but I will leave for Rainbow City tomorrow. If the doctor wants to send something, you can send it directly to the Pokémon Center there. I should go there."

Although Xiu didn't understand what Professor Oak wanted to send him, he didn't care about revealing the location.

"Okay! I will arrange it." Professor Oak agreed.

Xiu then asked some questions about the illustrated book.

As expected, Professor Oak has already started to take action, and the people invited to try it out have been arranged.

"Have you perfected those additional functions?"

"Qianyang is in charge of these, but I have taken a look and it is quite complete. I will follow up later."

"By the way, Doctor, are you interested in my idea?"

Dr. Oak was a little helpless when he heard what Xiu said, and immediately refused: "You know me, I don't have time to accept any messy interviews, but I will continue with the brief popular science introduction."

"Whatever, anyway, the folk story column I do is very popular, and the professional explanation of the doctor can entertain and popularize while taking into account knowledge." Xiu explained with a smile.

"The papers you asked me to review are not simple. Your research directions are very different from others. I think you have great potential. As long as you make the papers you studied public, I can help you promote them. I have a hunch that you will definitely become a new star in the industry and set off a big wave in the academic world."

"Hahaha~ I'm definitely not as good as you, Doctor. My theories are very different from the mainstream. It's really dangerous to promote them on a large scale now. Let's wait until the right time.

What's more, ordinary people prefer leisurely entertainment rather than boring research reports. "

"Who said that! Compared to an old man like me, young people today definitely prefer young people like you.

Moreover, you are a genius boy, born as a commoner, and my student. With these auras, are you no better than some PhD professors on TV? When the time comes, wouldn't you be perfect as the spokesperson for our illustrated book? "

Dr. Ohki had no intention of letting Xiu go and continued to advocate.

"Where is it? Doctors are still very good..."

Then the two began to 'persecute' each other.

After a long time, the video ended, and the originally lively and cheerful atmosphere suddenly stopped.

Dr. Oki closed the page, turned around and looked at a place outside the camera's field of view, and said, "Why don't you come over if you want to talk to him?"

"Who wants to talk to him!"

Nanami didn't even raise her head, she was wiping an experimental instrument.

Dr. Omu said a little helplessly.

"I've been wiping it for half an hour, and even the paint will be wiped off by you again~"

Hearing this, Nanami moved her hands for a moment, then stopped stiffly and slowly put the instrument back to its original position.

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