Seeing Nanami's reaction, Dr. Ohki continued.

"I don't know what happened between you, but you have to know that sometimes Xiu looks very smart, but in fact he is very simple and paranoid. In other words, his ideas are different from ours, do you understand?"

"Grandpa, why are you telling me this?" At this time, Nanami had already returned to her original state, and the expression on her face turned into confusion, as if she didn't understand why Dr. Ohki wanted to tell her this.

Upon seeing this, Dr. Omu turned around again and murmured: "You young people can solve your own problems~"

Nanami also heard this, but she didn't react at all.

"What are his research results? Why does grandpa rate it so highly?"

"Ah! Ha~" Dr. Omu turned around again, only to find that Nanami had walked behind him.

"What can I say about his research results... they are just outrageous." Dr. Ohmu said, controlling the computer to pull out some files, and then said: "See for yourself."

Nanami glanced at the questions, and the expression on her face suddenly became very strange.

"He wrote all these?"

"Hmm~ I wrote them while we were studying the illustrations, and some of them were written after my travels. He has almost read the information I accumulated, but he can tell that most of the contents are his own thoughts. ”

"Then releasing these will indeed cause a sensation." Nanami also had to admit that she was a very thoughtful person who could write such things.

"Don't be fooled by the title, the content inside is true..." Dr. Omu didn't know how to describe those strange thoughts for a while.

But he seemed to be able to get it right, which was the weirdest thing.

"Hey! Why is the name above not his? What is this character?" Nanami noticed a very strange point. The author of those papers was not Xiu's name, but an unknown character.

"This word is pronounced 'die' and he invented it himself. I don't know what it means."

"Huh? Why do you have to make up your own name? Isn't it better to use the original one?"

Nanami was a little confused about Shu's thoughts.

"Who knows~" Dr. Omu didn't care much about this, and even had a smile on his face.

"Maybe he is insecure..."

Nanami may not know, but Dr. Ohki knows how many aliases Shu has, and they are all weird.

Nanami complained after hearing this: "Tsk! Could it be that even the name 'Xiu' is fake~"

"Hey!" Dr. Omu immediately became energetic, and the smile on his face became even brighter, "Don't tell me, the name Xiu is really not his real name."

"Hey!" Nanami was completely shocked. This person actually...

"It seems that I haven't told you about Xiu's background in detail, right?" Dr. Ohmu thought about it and decided that it would be better to tell you so that his granddaughter could have a more intuitive feeling about Xiu.

"His original name was 'Kaxiu'. His parents died when he was three years old. Then he was sent to an orphanage in Jinhuang City. I don't know what happened, but he escaped when he was thirteen. He went to an orphanage and was rescued by a friend of mine.

There aren't many clues about what happened before, and I don't know the specific situation, but Xiu Cai really showed up after being rescued..."

Dr. Omu was talking about some of Xiu's previous experiences, which are traceable.

Nanami also calmed down, pulled a chair from the side and sat next to listen to the lecture, her eyes full of curiosity.


Xiu sat on a chair and meditated~

I originally planned to study that energy with Dr. Omu, but Dr. Omu only took the initiative to change the topic after confirming his situation, and did not ask him what happened at that time.

This is not normal, unless it is inappropriate to say this at the time, that is, there are no outsiders in the institute~

Nanami should be back there.

Xiu quickly judged Nanami's movements, but he didn't pay too much attention. He turned to look at the elves in the room and asked casually: "Are you hungry?"

He did not choose to have dinner at the Elf Center. Instead, he asked the front desk if there were any restaurants worth visiting nearby, and then walked out.

Is he really the same person from before?

The receptionist looked at Xiu's back and fell into deep thought.

Although she changed her clothes, her voice remained the same, and there were only a few people checking in today, so she remembered it clearly.

It’s just that the difference between before and after is too big, right?

Wandering on the street, there were not many people traveling at this time, but there were still a few.

Most of the houses on the street had lights on, some were having dinner, some were watching TV, and various sounds were mixed together, but Xiu didn't feel noisy when he heard it. Instead, he rarely felt relaxed and leisurely.

I haven’t felt this breath of life for a long time.

Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, the naughty children were hung up and beaten.

All this seemed to be far away from him.

The more capital they hold, the farther away they are from the people at the bottom.

It's just that a 'fool' like Dr. Oak would think about the rebel alliance and promote the civilianization of elves.

Of course, stupid people cannot do the stupidest things. Smart people do the stupidest things. (This sentence depends on personal understanding)

Xiu can see the way forward and has a goal in his heart to support him.

But Dr. Ohki could not see the future, but he did not give up moving forward.

The person who dares to invest so much money just for a few words of cultivation is really scary.

This town has developed as a post station or a foothold, so there are many hotels and inns. Xiu directly chose a good-looking one and opened a private room to eat with the elves.

Everyone has been working hard with him for so long, so it’s okay to indulge occasionally.

Human food is also different for them.

After eating and drinking, the elves went back to rest, and Xiu slowly swung back to the elf center.

But as soon as I entered, I found that the situation here was a little wrong. The appearance of several wounded people made the place extremely chaotic. One of them was a woman whose clothes were obviously different from those of ordinary staff members.

But there were only three people in the entire elf center, and the only one who could really do things was Miss Joy. However, those who could be stationed in such a small town were basically novices, and you could tell by the way she worked.

"Let me help." Xiu walked up to show his identity, and before Miss Joy questioned, he released the Jigglypuff.

Now Miss Joy also tacitly acknowledged Xiu's ability.

Xiu's mobility is not comparable to that of ordinary staff, especially since he has been in and out of various elf centers many times and is very familiar with the facilities inside.

Miss Joy was also freed, and the most serious cases were treated first.

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