Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 623 Beedrill

There were three young men in total, with six injured Pokémon.

It was obvious that these were just ordinary trainers, and the level of their Pokémon was also average, all of which were the common Pokémon. The only one that was considered stronger was a Goryei, but it was also covered with scars.

As for the three trainers, they were better off. Although they were a little embarrassed, most of their injuries were just some careless scratches while running away.

Xiu could tell from the injuries on these Pokémon that the attackers should be Beedrills. Fortunately, it was only a long-range attack like [Missile Needle], and there was no sign of poisoning, otherwise this would be troublesome.

Miss Joy was busy stabilizing the Pokémon for a while, and only then did she have time to look at Xiu and nod at him.

"Thank you very much for your help, sir. I can apply for three days of free housing..."

"Hey hey hey!" Xiu smiled and raised his hand to interrupt her, "I have some connections with your Joey, and I just helped out. It's a bit too much to say this."

The Pokémon Center is indeed rich, but this thing is also divided into different places. The funding for a small town like this is just so-so. Xiu doesn't need to ask them to write a report because of this.

Seeing that she was not going to give up, Xiu had to change the subject and ask:

"But this is a human settlement. How could there be a Pokémon as aggressive as Beedrill nearby?"

The Beedrill that attacked these people must be nearby, which can be seen from the extent of the wounds, and if it was not nearby, these trainers might not survive.

"Ah~" Miss Joy looked embarrassed when she heard this, and she couldn't help but sighed, and then explained: "Some time ago, a group of giant hornets were active here, often attacking trainers entering and leaving the forest. We had contacted the forest rangers, but I don't know why they didn't come."

When Xiu heard this, he understood that of course the forest rangers couldn't come, they were busy catching Team Rocket~

And after this incident, the alliance certainly didn't have more people to deal with things here.

After all, it was just a few giant hornets, which was not important to them at all.

"Do you have any related tasks?" Xiu asked with some curiosity.

As mentioned before, the Pokémon Center, as a gathering place for trainers, usually takes into account the release of some tasks that need to be completed by trainers.

This is an important part of the trainer's income.

"Yes, but the town can only give a small amount of money, and there are too many Beedrills, so few trainers are willing to take on this mission." Miss Joy looked at Xiu with hope and asked, "Do you want to take on this mission, sir?"


Xiu was just asking to gather information out of habit, but he didn't expect to be at a loss after being asked this question~

"Is it urgent?"

"Many people have been attacked in the past few days, and our Pokémon Center is almost unable to hold on."

"Okay~ Can you tell me the location?"

Xiu actually didn't care. As long as the number of Beedrills did not exceed 100, it would not be a threat to him, and it would not be difficult to deal with them.

Just treat it as an activity after dinner~

After asking about the specific situation, Xiu turned around and left the Pokémon Center.

Now it was Miss Joy's turn to be at a loss.

You know, it's night now, shouldn't he prepare to recuperate and wait until tomorrow?

After leaving the house, Xiu went straight through the town into the forest.

The direction where the Beedrills appeared was not the direction he came in from before, but in another direction.

After releasing Casey, he floated up and flew over there after a simple communication of thoughts.

This is the advantage of night~

Searching along the road, Xiu quickly found relevant traces and finally stopped at the edge.

Estimating the distance, these giant beepers are only about three kilometers away from the town.

And they are located in the east, which is the road to Rainbow City. No wonder so many people were attacked.

The superpower spread out, Xiu looked and saw that there were more than 30 giant beepers, and no unicorns or iron shells were found in them.

In addition, their nests were not built. Most of them returned to the nest to rest at night, but now most of them just depended on those trees.

After observing for a while, Xiu quickly judged that this thing should be a group from a large bee colony.

Giant beepers are also planned. Generally, after they develop too much, the carrying capacity of the surrounding environment becomes worse and cannot afford the resource consumption of so many giant beepers.

At this time, they must separate some members, usually selecting healthy adult giant beepers to leave, and these giant beepers will take away some elf eggs as the foundation for development.

But the forest has been around for so many years, and the territories that should be owned have all been owned, so Beedrills usually flock near human gathering places.

In the confrontation between the two, humans are obviously better, and countless Beedrills are cleared every year.

But this is also an important factor in curbing the number of Beedrills.

Because there are really many Pokémon like Beedrills, and Horned Beetles are not like Caterpillars that can be slaughtered by anyone, and Beedrills will protect them.

And this thing grows very fast, and if it really floods the forest, it can't bear it.

And most Pokémon don't have the ability to clear Beedrills, it can only be said that humans control it.

Part of the responsibilities of forest rangers is to control the number of Pokémon such as Rattata, Caterpillar, and Beedrill in the forest.

Otherwise, why doesn't the Alliance raise Beedrills, but there are such a large number of Horned Bee Pokémon eggs every year?

Just like cutting leeks, keep the large groups and eat the small groups when they swarm away.

But even this can't stop the reproduction of giant needle bees. Every year, the cleaning of giant needle bees around human gathering places never stops.

"Are you interested?" Xiu asked Casey, but it looked like he probably didn't feel anything about it.

"Then let the Giant Pincer Mantis and Mountain Rat take action."

Xiu muttered to himself, and then released the two of them.

"Dispel those giant needle bees in front of you..."

The Giant Pincer Mantis looked over there and walked towards it without much hesitation.

The pangolin hesitated a little but followed.

Xiu and Casey stood aside and watched, with no intention of intervening.

The giant pincer mantis did not hide its traces, and attracted the attention of the giant needle wasp as soon as it appeared.

Thirty or forty large needle bees flew together, and the vibration caused by the flapping of their wings was still very scary.

But this didn't mean anything to the giant pincer mantis, which still maintained its steady pace and walked towards them.

On the contrary, the pangolin guy was hesitant and alert on the outside.

When the warning was ineffective, the giant needle wasp raised its hand unceremoniously, and countless [missile needles] attacked the giant pincer mantis.

Seeing this, the Giant Pincer Mantis stopped pretending and rushed over.

Thanks to anime collectors, Yanling Tenshou, and Star Watch for the rewards...

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