Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 624 Rainbow City

After a while, the soil gradually shrank, and there was no trace of it.

Xiu wiped the dirt off the giant claw mantis, and then turned to look at the tree.

With a slight movement of his mind, the nest built on the top was directly decomposed, and more than a dozen Pokémon eggs floated out of it.

This is also part of the income, and Xiu naturally took it without hesitation.

This is also one of the reasons why the bounty for the task of exterminating the giant bee is low.

Because when the eggs are laid, the trainer will get two shares of the income, and the person who issued the task is also greedy for this part of the income, so the price reduction is assumed to be that the trainer has made enough benefits. Only the municipal government of big cities does not care about this money and will give a higher price.

But if there are no eggs, this price is more of a loss for the trainer. After all, not everyone can easily deal with thirty or forty giant bees like Xiu.

They need to pay some props, and if the Pokémon is injured, they have to spend money on treatment, etc.

Trainers are really not that simple, most of them survive in this society with difficulty.

As for those trainers who are well-known to the public, they are all at the top of the pyramid and naturally have a wonderful life~

Xiu glanced at Sandshrew, "What were you afraid of just now, those giant beedrills can't hurt you, and you won't have a midnight snack when you go back."

"Chijijiji!" Sandshrew tried to refute when he heard this, but it was obvious that Xiu would not let it go so easily.

"Now then, follow us, I will wait there for ten minutes, and I will deduct 10% if you are late for one minute. If you don't come after ten minutes, then you don't come."

After saying that, Xiu flew into the air and flew towards the town.

Sandshrew also rushed back immediately.


"Uh! I'm glad you're back safely~"

Miss Joy, who was sitting at the front desk, was relieved to see Xiu come back safely. She was really afraid that Xiu would go there without thinking and something would go wrong.

"It's done~" Xiu casually took out a package and handed it over, "Here are twelve complete venom glands. I remember you collected them."

Joey opened the package and checked it, and found that these were all freshly picked. This kind of material is indeed used in some situations, so the fact that the Pokémon Center purchased them also exists.

It was just less than half an hour since he left, and he's already done it?

"Count the money for the mission bounty." Xiu looked at her dazed look and reminded her.

This child doesn't seem very smart~

"Okay!" Miss Joy reacted and started to deal with those matters.

It's not her fault. After all, she just graduated from school less than two months ago. After being taught by the old man for a month, she was in charge of this place by herself. She used to meet ordinary trainers. How could she have seen someone with Xiu's strength?

Even if such a person passed by the town, they would not waste time to accept such a mission.

After chatting with Miss Joy about the things here, Xiu returned to the room after getting the money and dealt with the affairs at hand...

I don't know how long it took, Xiu looked at the progress bar of encryption on the screen and put his hands down, but raised them again quickly and stretched.

Looking back, the elves had returned to the elf balls to sleep.


Before Xiu could think about it, the encryption was completed here.

Pull out the connected encyclopedia, and finally delete the data on the computer, which is considered to be the completion of tonight's task.

That was some information and data about the crystal cave. Xiu sorted it out and sealed it up. He didn't tell Professor Oak, nor would he tell anyone else.

It would be best if this place was not discovered by humans, at least before he was able to develop it.

"Huh~ It's time to go to bed." Xiu slumped in the computer chair, looking at the sporadic lights outside, and suddenly felt a little tired.

No words all night.

The dim light from the balcony aroused Xiu's disordered biological clock and woke him up who was still a little tired.

"It's six o'clock~" Xiu looked at the time with sleepy eyes, and then forced himself to get up.

Originally, Xiu wanted to walk there, but the road from Sunshine Town to Rainbow City was neither short nor long. It only took more than an hour by car, but it took most of the day to walk.

More importantly, I talked to Miss Joy last night, and there was no place worth going on the way.

After breakfast, I walked around the town for a while, and waited for the first bus at eight o'clock to get on it.

It's true, there are quite a lot of people, and most of them seem to be trainers.

The sound of the engine starting, and the mechanical sound from the car horn.

"Heading to - Rainbow City!"

The Alliance still attaches great importance to road safety maintenance. It was a smooth journey without any problems.

"Please stop the car here!"

Xiu asked the driver to stop as soon as he entered the suburbs, and attracted the attention of some passengers when he got off the car.

But their eyes were not friendly, but hostile.

Although he was mentally prepared, Xiu still had an indescribable feeling about the scene in front of him after getting off the car.

The ruins were in sight, and those old houses collapsed in large areas. Most of the brick walls were covered with traces of smoke and fire. It can be imagined what kind of fire was so terrible.

Some houses that were still standing in the original place also had traces of various attacks.

Now there are no people on the streets. The whole area can be described in one word - dead silence.

Xiu had some understanding of Rainbow City before coming here. The cause was not only the incident that year, but also the unique political environment here as Baoba said.

There is nothing too legendary about the development of the entire Rainbow City. It was originally a resource point and foothold near the Changpan Forest, and it developed slowly.

Until that incident happened, this place was designated as a special zone, and it developed into what it is now with the investment of those nobles.

Among them, the North District is the oldest and is also the prototype of the Rainbow City. The real old forces are all in the North District.

Elf Center, Rainbow Department Store, Rainbow University, etc.

Then the city expanded to the surrounding areas, and there were three other districts adjacent to it.

In recent years, the Central District has also slowly extended until the current South District appeared.

Most of the South District is emerging industries and entertainment facilities.

The Central District has gradually become a commercial district, and the DC District was previously positioned as tourism, leisure and shopping. The station is in that direction, and there are a large number of hotels there.

The reason is that its geographical location is very advantageous.

The Elf Center is in the northeast corner of the city, the most luxurious hotel in the city is in the southeast corner of the city, and the station connecting Rainbow City to the outside world is in the east of the city.

It is close to the top city of Golden City, and connects to the North, Central and South Districts.

Tourists coming in to visit have to pass through the East District to go to other places, and people in Rainbow City have to go to the East District to take a bus or other means if they want to go out.

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