Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 625 Refugees

It can be said that it is a place where people gather, and its economy is naturally prosperous.

The service industry is the main one, not to mention hotels and the like.

The attack on the West District in particular has invisibly forced people to the East District.

As far as he knows, the consumption level there has directly risen to a higher level, and the land price is even more outrageous.

It can be said that the East District is now the hottest in the entire Rainbow City.

The development of the entire city can be seen.

It’s just that the West District is a very embarrassing place. It was developed together with the Midtown District and the DC District. It was mainly related to various factories and supporting industries, as well as workers’ living areas.

It can be said that to some extent, the early development of Rainbow City is linked to the prosperity of the West District.

It can even be said that the industry in the West District has driven the entire Rainbow City.

But with the passage of time and the changes in the construction policy of Rainbow City, most of those factories have moved, or closed down, and some are struggling to survive.

So the West District, which originally supplied blood to the city, has declined, and because of pollution and various problems caused by decline, it has become the object of contempt in the whole city.

Even the locals have a certain contempt for the people in the XC area.

Then they experienced the last disaster and directly destroyed this place.

I am afraid that before long, the XC area will become history completely.

Of course, it is not without benefits. For some people, this area was originally a stain on the city, and those in Rainbow City wanted to eradicate it.

But after the real problem came, the problem became big, how to manage it became a problem.

Who would be willing to accept this ruin?

Instead of developing here, it is better to go to other areas. It is easier there, just flatten the forest.

But here, we have to clean up the ruins first and then rebuild.

More importantly, as a buffer zone of the city, it can be said that living here means facing the threat from elves at all times, and there will be no popularity at all, especially after seeing the riot of the elves in the Evergreen Forest.

So after being destroyed by a wave of impact at that time, this place has not been restored for a long time.

Even so, no one wants to restore it.

For those people, investing here is the same as throwing money into the sea.

Xiu retracted his gaze, looked down at the ruins under his feet, bent down to pick up a broken doll on the ground, and didn't know whether its owner had escaped the disaster that year~

Putting the doll down, Xiu tidied his backpack a little, and then walked in the West District.

The feeling of walking in this wasteland gave Xiu a strange desire to explore. Since there was no one, he simply let Casey out and explored the ruins with him.

Walking through the ruins, it took a long time to reach the north of the West District.

Standing on the collapsed house, Xiu looked up and could see the building where the Rainbow Department Store was located from a distance.

It must be said that only comparison can reveal the real gap.

Standing between the two districts, one side is dilapidated and the other side is still magnificent.

In fact, it can be seen from here that the city's guard force at that time did not invest its defense force in the West District at all, but used the West District as a buffer zone, and then put its strength in the adjacent North City District and Central City District.

In short, it is to abandon the West District directly.

He didn't meet anyone along the way until he got close to other areas. He saw some people one after another, but their situation didn't look very good. Most of them were ragged and thin, and looked malnourished.

These should be some refugees.

Before entering that area, you can smell the stench outside. It's the smell of excrement randomly dumped and fermented, which gives people a very disgusting feeling.

But those who stayed here didn't react to it. They must have been accustomed to the environment here.

Going deeper, you can see some randomly built camps, some of which can still be attached to some buildings, and some are tents of the same style, which should be supplies supported by the alliance.

It looks very spectacular when you go over a large area.

This time, the West District is really labeled as a "slum"~

Xiu walked into those places specifically and found that most of the people here were idle, among which women and children were the most. Some ragged children were chasing and fighting, the youngest was four or five years old, and the oldest was eight or nine years old. Xiu felt really distressed when he saw this.

As he walked along, Xiu could feel the malicious eyes of those people. Some even wanted to steal his things, but he just dodged them.

Here, Xiu could clearly feel a resentment, which was hostility towards outsiders.

At the same time, he felt that a trend called decay was spreading here.

It was not the decay of materials, but the decay of human nature.

As he walked along, Xiu roughly estimated the situation. There were more than 3,000 people here.

And this was just one of the resettlement areas. There were countless such resettlement areas on the edge of the entire West District.

After passing through, Xiu came to the edge where the West District and the North District meet, where he could see the tallest building in Rainbow City, Rainbow Department Store.

But it was not easy to get through. It was separated by barbed wire, and it was full of sharp ports.

And there were equipment such as cameras nearby, and there were some patrolling security guards not far away, obviously to prevent refugees from going over there.

In other words, the rulers of Rainbow City wanted to build a wall to isolate this place?

It's just that Xiu is not an ordinary person, so he will not be stopped by this layer of barbed wire.

It can be said that he has an innate understanding of some crooked ways.

After walking along the barbed wire for a while, Xiu found the passage left by the aborigines based on the traces.

This is a hidden hole, with collapsed houses on top, but after drilling into the ground, it is a passage.

This looks like the underground water supply pipe passage of the house, but it has been opened.

A few minutes later, Xiu swaggered into the North District.

After entering the North District, the whole environment began to improve, but Xiu found that most of the shops and residential buildings near the West District had moved away, leaving only some old people still active here.

It must be said that the buildings in the North District are basically intact, except for those near the border that have traces of being attacked, most of the others are fine.

Walking all the way to the downstairs of Rainbow Department Store, there are still so many tourists, coming in and out in an endless stream.

Especially after walking in, there are more people, and the reason is nothing else, that is, the existence of one of the facades of Rainbow City.

Xiu arrived in front of the Rainbow Department Store building, feeling the hustle and bustle of the place, he looked up and walked straight in.

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