Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 763 Lobbyist

Especially some of the topics involved Xiu's development of Casey's abilities, which surprised Dr. Ohki even more.

Others follow routines when cultivating elves, but Xiu's cultivation methods are so wild and unconstrained that ordinary people simply cannot keep up with his ideas.

Even Dr. Ohgi greatly appreciated Xiu's ability.

After all, Dr. Oki has been immersed in this art for many years, and some of his ideas gave Xiu a lot of inspiration.

After the discussion here was almost complete, Dr. Omu still raised a question.

"Didn't you notice that Casey and the Giant Pincer Mantis were out of touch?"

"Yeah~ I know that." Xiu didn't mean to defend himself, "Because this research is mainly based on Casey. Most of the time, Casey and I participated in the research, and their situation was indeed ignored."

"There's nothing you can do about it. Your elves are all different from the common elves. You can't copy other people's methods. You can only think of them yourself..."

Dr. Oki also knows a dilemma Xiu faces.

All the elves who are cultivated are abnormal, which means that the cultivation method cannot be based on other people's methods. Even if it is a reference, it is of little value. You can only explore it by yourself.

And people's energy is limited, especially if Xiu Huan hangs out in the outside world all year round, he doesn't have much time.

"I will find a way to solve this problem~"

Xiu didn't say how he was in detail, he just dropped a sentence.

Dr. Omu didn't say much when he saw this. He believed that the monastery would handle the matter well, so he took the initiative to bring the topic to the illustrated book.

At this stage, the testing is almost complete, and we will wait for the feedback to be improved later, and then release.

Dr. Omu is responsible for these things and it is not easy for him to interfere too much.

After the two chatted for a while, Dr. Ohmu seemed to notice something. He turned his head and looked outside, and then whispered to Xiu: "Xiao Mei's mood has been a little strange recently. It should be caused by staying here for too long and doing nothing. You Help me enlighten her."

When Xiu heard this, he agreed without much hesitation.

Although he doesn't like it very much, it's rare for Dr. Omu to come to him, and he has to agree no matter how difficult it is. As for the effect, it's hard to say.

Xiu walked out of the house and saw that Nanami had returned from the back mountain.


Seeing Nanami sitting in the backyard, focusing on the elves, Xiuya walked over involuntarily and sat next to her.

"Well~ when will you come back?"

"I just came back. I went to Tokiwa City to do some errands and stopped by to see you."

Xiu said, then he focused on Pi Baobao and reached out to brush the curly hair on its head.

Pi Baobao actually didn't react at all to Xiu, and he kept a straight face no matter how he teased him.

"What's wrong with this little guy?" Xiu poked Pi Baobao's cheek.

"Maybe he's angry~" Nanami smiled awkwardly, "I was probably scared by those elves when I took it to the back mountain just now."

Xiu casually took out a piece of candy, peeled off the package and put it in front of Pi Baobao.

"Try~" Xiu has a unique contact method.

Pi Baobao reached forward to pick up the candy, then licked it, and his little eyes immediately narrowed.

Xiu smiled and explained: "This has a sweet and sour taste. I usually use it to refresh myself. It is inevitably a bit sour, but it gradually becomes sweeter."

It was indeed like this for Pi Baobao. After getting used to it for a while, he put the whole piece in his mouth.

Xiu felt a slight tremor behind him, and when he looked back, he saw the silly armored rhinoceros running over, as excited as a child.

Fortunately, it finally stopped the car, otherwise Xiu felt like he would be pushed out by it.

"Long time no see~" Xiu smiled and patted its head, causing the armored rhinoceros to nudge it even more enthusiastically.

"Hey! Come on, don't bite my clothes..."

Since there was still business, Xiu played with it for a while and then sent it away.

Nanami also smiled slightly when she saw this scene and didn't say much.

She asked casually after the one-horned rhinoceros left.

"Are you going to leave again later?"

"Well~ I'm just back to deal with some things." Xiu responded casually without taking his eyes away from the elves.

"Hmm~" Nanami was not surprised by Xiu's answer. She put her hands together and leaned on her right cheek to support herself, her gaze also looking far away.

"It's boring to say that I'm not interested, what about you?" Xiu turned to look at Nanami, his tone became slightly more lively, "Did you find your target when you returned to Zhenxin Town?"

"It's still the same~" This time it was Nanami's turn to act like a salted fish.

"You are still too comfortable. Maybe I thought wrong before. Letting you come here not only failed to inspire your confidence, but also made you immersed in your comfort zone. You may be a useless person before long."

Xiu pointed out Nanami's current state without mercy.

The original idea was to let her come back because there could be a famous teacher like Dr. Omu here, and he would have time for her to do what she wanted to do, so that she could accumulate money for herself.

But she was like a useless person, doing daily tasks in the institute, and other than that, she just played with the baby.

Nanami didn't answer, but her expression changed a little.

Just as he was talking, Xiu stopped, looked at Nanami's increasingly ugly face and smiled, "Do you find preaching annoying?"

Nanami turned to look at Xiu, with a surprised look on her face.

Xiu just smiled when he saw her, and did not expose her intention. Instead, he changed the topic.

"Then tell me what you have done during this period?"

Nanami was speechless after Xiu said this, and could only avoid Xiu's eyes and pretend to be stupid.

"You can be so decadent, because Professor Oak will definitely not say anything to you. After all, you are his granddaughter. According to him, you don't have to worry about your life even if you stay here for a lifetime.

But that's it. The gap between you and your peers will widen. In the end, you can only live in Pallet Town like those ordinary townspeople, and it's hard to even go out."

Nanami actually felt what Xiu said. She seemed to have lost her soul and could only be in a daze.

"But I don't want to be a trainer. Fighting is not suitable for me."

"You understand it wrong~" Xiu sighed.

"It's not that having Pokémon is called a trainer, and it's not that trainers must fight.

Look at me, do I fight often? Obviously not. Casey and I train just to survive in the wild. Fighting is just one of the means, not the purpose.

Nanami didn't know if she listened to Xiu or not, but turned sideways and asked: "Then what do you think I can do? "

"Um... I can give you a reference. I remember you said you like photography, right?" Xiu suddenly asked another question.

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