"It was burned and deformed, that's all it can do." Casey explained casually.

Xiu looked at the exposed cement steps. Before he entered, he smelled a smell of iron mixed with a dull and rotten air. However, the next second it turned into the smell of some strange chemicals and was mixed with the smell of accumulated decay. .

Simply put, it is the smell of chemical plant sewage after it flows into the sewer and ferments for a period of time.

The four-word description is "foul smell".

Xiu waited until the smell dissipated slightly before taking out his equipment and going down.

Traces of smoke and fire can still be seen near the door. It must have been slightly affected by the fire, but it did not spread far and was separated by the solid floor.

Walking on the stairs, the cold footsteps echoed in the basement, and you could feel the chaos as soon as you stepped into it.

When the light shined through, I saw various broken glass shards on the ground, collapsed empty wooden frames, scattered papers, and traces of being soaked in water.

Xiu tried to pick up some of the documents that were still there and looked at them. The contents above were some research notes, but the records were all ordinary research, or copies of papers and some information. There was no mention of cloning or genetic mixing at all. Such situations.

There are some cabinets around, with some documents and books still on them, as well as some strange tissues soaked in glass containers.

Xiu walked over and looked through some documents and books, but didn't find any mechanism or anything like that.

Walking towards the inside, you can see a table in the middle with a few scattered papers, a pen holder filled with various stationery besides pens, and a small lamp.

Picking up the paper, there was some unfinished content on it, but it had no beginning and no end, and Xiu couldn't understand what it said.

Opening the drawer of the desk, there was a stack of white paper with no writing on it. However, it had been left here for so long and the environment was humid, so it was covered with gray-black mold spots.

Xiu tried to reconstruct the situation at that time. It can be seen that the man was panicked when he was cleaning the basement. He just took away some important things and left the place in a hurry.

He even accidentally knocked over the cabinet when he was leaving, causing the documents to scatter on the floor.

The papers on the ground had been soaked and turned into a pile of wrinkled waste paper, and the fonts on them had long since turned into a mass of filth.

But Xiu is basically certain that the owner here is probably related to Chaomeng.

Engaging in research, and with such a matching time, it is very likely that this is the base of one of the researchers, but why would it become like this?

It was obvious that he was running away at that time. What did he take with him?

"Let's count the remaining documents here, and then let's go." Xiu took out a big bag, sorted the documents and put them away, taking away those weird organizations as well.

This is not a place to stay for a long time. It would be better to take a look at it after you go back.


A small camp is hidden in the mountain forest. It is so high up that it can overlook the dilapidated houses not far below.

At this time, there were two people on duty at the camp, a man and a woman, wearing jungle camouflage uniforms and looking quite professional.

"That person has been in there for a while, why didn't he come out?" The young man fiddled with the lens tube in his hand, staring at the house below.

After hearing this, the woman complained casually: "What the hell kind of mission is this? How could I be sent to a place like this..."

"Be serious, this is our inspection mission."

"Tch~" came a female voice full of disdain, "Use your brain and think about it. Will newcomers like us be given really important tasks?"

"That's better than other missions. I heard that the entire army was wiped out in an operation some time ago, and no one escaped."

"That has to be better than us staying here now!" The woman was not convinced, and her voice couldn't help but raise two pitches.

This frightened the man. He hurriedly shushed and then lowered his voice and said: "Don't be so loud. If you are found out, you will be in trouble."

"Tch~" A trace of disdain flashed across the woman's face, but she did not continue speaking.

The man also knew what was going on with his companion. While observing the situation below, he comforted: "Maybe that person just now is the person we are looking for? After reporting..."

The female voice became irritable as she spoke, interrupted the male, and complained through gritted teeth: "You said the same thing about the first few homeless people. It took me a lot of time to track and monitor them. You don't know how many of them there are." Disgusting~"

"Maybe I wouldn't be so disgusted."

A voice that was different from the two of them suddenly intervened.


Although the woman was complaining a lot, she was still someone who had received professional training from the training camp. After a loud shout, she rolled out of the camp, first escaped from the small space, and then threw the elf ball with her backhand.

A supersonic bat appeared in mid-air.

The young man also stood up quickly, took out the elf ball from his body and placed his elf in front of him.

It was an Arbor snake, coiled up, hissing and sticking out its tongue.

"Don't be nervous~ Aren't you the ones looking for me?"

The voice was still so casual, and the two of them saw Xiu pushing aside the weeds and walking out.

Xiu looked at these two people. He didn't expect that they were still children, maybe twelve or thirteen years old, and he was a little surprised for a moment.

It seems that the alliance's attack did hurt the Rockets, otherwise how could these people who should be in the training camp appear here.

After seeing Xiu, the young man turned sideways and whispered to the woman.

"It's the man below just now..."

"Damn it! How did he get up? Where did you look~" The woman's face turned black, and she gritted her teeth and spoke weakly to her companions, while staring at the person who was walking towards them.

Xiu was very leisurely, without any sense of crisis of encountering an enemy, but was a little too relaxed.

However, the more he did this, the greater the pressure on the opponent. It was not until he stood in front of them that Xiu asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Who are you..." The man said it bluntly after hearing Xiu's words.

The woman was very sensitive to the fact that Xiu was not easy to deal with. She raised her hand and pulled her companion, interrupting him and explaining: "We are camping here. I wonder what this gentleman wants?"

"Oh~" Xiu smiled when he heard this and asked: "Then what were you talking about just now? Tracking~ surveillance~"

The woman looked at Xiu's smiling expression and knew that what she said just now was heard. She didn't know how to deal with it for a while, so she could only keep a cold face.

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