Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 769: Amusement

But within two seconds, a smile of success suddenly appeared on his face.

Xiu looked at her expression, and a trace of surprise flashed across his face, but before he could do anything, a very fast black shadow flew towards his neck from behind.

The woman curled her lips coldly when she saw this, and scolded with disdain: "Idiot!"

But the next second, things developed a little strange.

The astonishment on Xiu's face, which was originally dazed, faded instantly, and his eyes looked at the woman with a hint of teasing.

And just when the black shadow approached Xiu, he turned his body slightly, and his left hand waved casually as if to drive away annoying mosquitoes, but the next second the black shadow flew out at a faster speed, and then hit a tree and fell into the grass, without any sound.

"No way~ No way~ No one can't beat Zubat, right?" Xiu casually put down his arm without even looking at Zubat.

Xiu's sarcastic tone and his expression made the two people's blood boil, but it didn't rush to the brain, but retracted to the heart.

This guy hit the elf with one hand, is it a human operation?

I'm going to die! I'm going to die!

Xiu looked at their expressions and smiled, and said directly: "You two are not old, is there no one in the Rocket Team now? Let you rookies come out to perform the mission?"

"What Rocket Team? What did you say?" The woman's tone was completely different from the previous insolence, but became confused.

She didn't admit it, and Xiu was not surprised, and said casually: "Relax, I just made a big deal with you some time ago, and we are all acquaintances."

When Xiu said this, the two people felt inexplicably. Although the pressure in their hearts was more or less relieved, they still didn't admit it.

After all, the Rocket Team is notorious, and the Rocket Team members outside will not say that they are from the Rocket Team.

"If you are okay, we will leave." Seeing that Xiu didn't do anything, the man didn't say anything, so he had to speak to test it.

Xiu showed a trace of surprise on his face, and he refuted his words.

"How can it be okay? Aren't you looking for me? You have been watching me here for so long."

Xiu was now in a completely evil mood, teasing the two newcomers.

Sure enough, when he said this, the two people's expressions were stiff, but they didn't dare to say anything. The heart that had just calmed down was lifted again.

"You two come over." Xiu waved at the two people, but the two of them didn't dare to go over.

Xiu no longer had the intention of playing around, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his tone became unfriendly.

"Are you coming over~ or should I go over?"

The two people looked at each other, nodded to each other, and then looked at Xiu.

They just took two steps, and they shouted in unison.

"Do it!"

The woman threw some unknown objects at Xiu, and the Arbok snake that was originally lying on the ground suddenly jumped out of the bushes and opened its mouth to bite Xiu's feet.

At this moment, the two people turned around and ran in different directions.

Xiu didn't care about their little movements. He moved his body slightly to avoid the flying knives, and then kicked away the attacking Arbok.

These didn't even interest him. He curled his lips and said, "No more playing."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two people who had just run into the forest actually came back by themselves, but their eyes were full of fear. It seemed that they were controlled by Casey.

"Check what their mission is and the current situation of Team Rocket."

Xiu closed his eyes and slowly opened them after a long time, and the two people fell to the ground as if they were exhausted.

"Hehe~ Is Team Rocket so miserable now?"

After reading their memories, Xiu understood why Team Rocket was in a hurry to use newcomers.

The entire army on the Pearl was wiped out, and no one could escape, and no benefits were gained.

And after this incident, those people followed suit to retaliate, further compressing the survival environment of Team Rocket.

The result was that the newcomer training, which was originally for three years, rushed out to take on jobs after less than a year of training.

Although these are relatively simple tasks, it also shows that the Rocket Team is not doing well now.

These two unlucky guys received this task a few days ago, and they rotated with the previous team to monitor the house.

The unlucky thing is that they only have two days to wait for the next team to take over.

Unexpectedly, they met Xiu.

The two are not people of status, but people from some small places. Their families are really difficult, so they can only join the Rocket Team to seek a way out.

The man has five children in his family. He is the eldest. He started to take care of his younger brothers and sisters when he was seven or eight years old. When he was ten years old, his family was too difficult and he had to run away to support himself.

It is impossible for him to work. No one dares to use him at this age. He can only join a gang and become a gangster. Later, he joined the Rocket Team in a daze.

The woman is better. She started as an orphan and has no relatives.

Uh... I can't say for sure...

Anyway, this person is even more ruthless than Xiu. At the age of eleven, she killed a peer who bullied her, then escaped from the orphanage, wandered outside for a while, joined the gang controlled by Team Rocket at the age of twelve, and was later selected as a new member of Team Rocket.

These two were assigned to be partners just a month ago, and then carried out their first mission.

Then they met Xiu on the first mission, and I don't know if it was good luck or bad luck.

After restricting himself, Casey has a stronger control over his superpowers, so the damage to humans is less under delicate operation.

He woke up soon after letting them go.

However, the situation of being controlled by others at will really scared the two newcomers, and they even lost the idea of ​​resistance.

"Oh~ wake up!" Xiu squatted down and looked at them, with a smile on his face, and a hint of satisfaction in his eyes, and whispered: "Very good~"

He was not satisfied with these two small fish, but with Casey's method.

It seems that after many improvements, more complex control can be carried out without damaging the brain.

But how to deal with these two people?

"Rocket team~ Tell me how I should deal with you?"

The two did not speak, and when Xiu looked at them, they instinctively retracted their hands and feet. They only felt that they were naked in front of this person, without any cover.

The feeling of being forcibly spied on was indeed unpleasant. Even though Casey's control had greatly increased and would not cause damage to his brain, being more sober when taking action meant that the psychological damage was even greater.

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