Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 776 Long-range attack

Since he was carrying a wounded soldier, Xiu did not stay there but returned to the hot spring hotel.

Then he looked at Casey, told them what happened before through the telepathic network, and then released the Diamondhorn from the Poké Ball.

He was very curious about what this Diamondhorn had experienced?

The Diamondhorn, which had just been released from hibernation, suddenly saw so many Pokémon around and wanted to resist instinctively, but unfortunately it was suppressed by Casey.

"Don't be nervous, they are all my partners, we have no hostility."

Xiu spoke to comfort him, but the unique wildness of the Pokémon in the wild made the Diamondhorn fight against Casey with more brutal force.

Seeing that the broken armor on its body began to bleed, Xiu had to let the Gnat come out.

Gnat stepped forward and used [Healing Wave].

Feeling a warm stream coming from its almost dry body, the Diamondhorn was relieved for a short time at this time.

And this also made it collapse completely, and it looked like it was exhausted.

"Okay, okay~" Xiu waved his hand at Casey, and the cage that bound it disappeared instantly.

The diamond-horned rhinoceros couldn't even stand and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Casey helped it and put it on the ground safely.

Xiu turned his head to look at Jigglypuff and said in a serious tone: "It is very wary of us, so in order for it not to be like before, the task of saving it is left to you."

After that, Xiu took out various medicine props and arranged them beside it.

Jigglypuff was stunned for a moment and didn't react to Xiu's sudden decision.

"Don't be afraid, you have seen so much and learned so much, there will be no problem, and we are around, we will remind you if there is any problem." Xiu patted Jigglypuff on the shoulder and then left the area.

"Now check the injury and determine what type of injury it is. In addition to external injuries, pay attention to whether the injured person has internal injuries."

Xiu set up the illustrations on the side and gave verbal instructions.

Jigglypuff immediately took action after hearing it.

This is a rare opportunity for Jigglypants to practice, otherwise it will be useless no matter how much he learns.

And there is a special person to guide him, which is much better than the conditions when he picked up corpses on the roadside for dissection.

"What should we do after the examination? Choose medicine and tools according to the situation, prepare to clean the wound and disinfect..."

"Hey! You took it the wrong way, look more carefully, that is frostbite medicine."

"It has serious internal injuries, can that medicine be used? Change another one"


If he or Casey handled it, it would only take about half an hour, after all, external injuries are still easy to deal with.

Jigglypants dragged his feet for more than an hour and still couldn't get it done, but tortured the diamond-horned rhinoceros.

If it weren't for the fact that Xiu had enough nutritional medicine and Jigglypants kept it alive with [Healing Wave] from time to time, I'm afraid it would have been taken away directly.

"Well done."

Looking at the Rhinoceros whose external injuries were almost healed, Xiu nodded in approval, and then continued: "Now that the external injuries are resolved, it's time to deal with the internal injuries."

In addition to wanting to train its hands-on ability, Xiu gave the Rhinoceros to Jigglypuff because the Rhinoceros's real serious injuries were in its body.

Even if the medicine is used properly, it will take a period of rest. There is no other way.

Of course, that is the situation of the Rhinoceros in the wild.

And Jigglypuff's [Healing Wave] can speed up this process. As long as it is assisted by some medicine, it is not a problem to get stronger overnight.

According to the situation, Xiu also spent some time making a bottle of medicine while Jigglypuff was treating it, which can help it get better faster.

"Take it, you guys take your time."

After handing the medicine bottle to Jigglypuff, Xiu turned his attention away from here and looked at the giant claw mantis and others.

Xiu took a snack on the table and sat next to them.

"What did Onix teach you before?"

"Some energy calling techniques, and ways to train the body's strength." Mantis said it without hesitation.

Xiu looked at it and talked about another thing.

"I have been thinking about it for a long time, and found that we can still master long-range attacks, but the strength is still unknown."

Speaking of this, short arms have always been a pain for Mantis. Sometimes, even if the opponent can't break its defense, it is still difficult for it to attack the target flying in the sky.

"In fact, we can make an analogy. To be honest, long-range attacks are to transfer the energy in the body to the outside of the body.

After observation, we can see that those long-range attack methods must be able to maintain entity or energy fluctuations after leaving the body in order to cause damage.

For example, the Onix that you sparred with before transformed the energy into a relatively stable form of rock. We have also seen [Poison Needle], which chooses to highly condense the energy, which can be regarded as an entity to some extent.

There is also [Destruction Ray], which does not pursue entity, but simply releases the energy in the body. The power is purer. The energy can ignore the solid armor and directly attack your insides, causing your energy disorder, just like Rhyhorn now, but at the same time, such consumption is also extraordinary. Generally, the Pokémon will use up all the energy in the body after one move and need to rest..."

Xiu analyzed this concept with Mantis based on his understanding of some long-range skills, then deconstructed it and explained it in the way it understood.

Mantis was also a "high-level intellectual" who had attended the class, so he naturally understood what Xiu meant and started thinking immediately.

"You mean if I want to master the ability of long-range attack now, I must find a way to transfer the energy in my body to the outside, and then find a way to construct it into a physical conversion attack?"

Xiu slightly changed Mantis's words, nodded and said: "You can also understand it this way. As long as the energy can be converted, everything will be fine."

As he said this, Xiu imagined for Mantis what it would be like if it mastered the ability of long-range attack.

"For example, when you encounter a fragile but fast opponent, I shout "Use [Rain of Pear Blossom Needles] quickly! "

You just wave your hand here, and a large number of steel needles will condense out, pouring down on the whole place like a rainstorm. Who can withstand it!"

"If you encounter an enemy at a long distance, you raise one hand, slowly open the pliers, and a thumb-sized steel ball will be condensed, and then fired, directly hitting the enemy in the head.

Or if you encounter a heavily armored opponent, and you can't get close to him, then you just open the pliers, and a beam of light composed of energy will instantly hit the enemy.

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