Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 777 Grudges

Even the remaining power was not reduced, and it came out directly from the body. At this time, the heavily armored enemy could not see any scars on the outside, but the inside had been destroyed, and he fell straight to the ground.

You can even use energy to condense a sickle on the pliers, causing sharp cutting damage..."

Xiu Shi became more and more excited as he talked, and it was difficult to stop talking once he started talking.

He expressed various battle scenes in words, as well as various ways of using them and so on.

He has been thinking about this practice for a long time, but it has not been perfected yet, so he has never told the giant pincer mantis.

In fact, he is very clear about the predicament that Giant Pincer Mantis is currently facing, and he is also very concerned about it.

It's just that old friends don't need too many words, and they can often understand each other with just one look.

Now is a good time. The energy accumulation in its body has reached a critical point. It is time to open the door to long-range attacks for it.

Of course, before that, the giant pincer mantis needs to channel the energy out.

Xiu originally just wanted to find a chance to chat with Giant Claw Mantis, mainly for him to explain the routines and principles of long-range attacks.

Unexpectedly, the Giant Pincer Mantis also had its own different gains.

"I find that when my body temperature is a little higher than usual, the energy inside my body will be more active, and it will be activated faster and my response will be more sensitive."

"When did you discover it?" Xiu turned his head and looked at the giant pincer mantis curiously. He had experienced hyperthermia many times before, so why didn't he listen to it?

The giant pincer mantis saw Xiu looking at him and said calmly: "I found it when I was soaking in the hot spring."

Xiu smiled when he heard this, and soon figured out the reason, and explained: "I didn't notice it before, probably because I was in a fighting state and had no intention to notice it. Also, your increase should be in It won’t work until a certain temperature. If it exceeds, it will still put you in a crisis of overload.”

As he spoke, he paused slightly, with a thoughtful look on his face. After a while, he continued:

"Perhaps we can find this temperature through testing, and then you can reach this critical point through exercise and maintain it. Then you will have an extraordinary reaction speed and energy utilization ability. I named it [Overload Mode] , of course we need to learn to control temperature first.”

"So should I master energy or temperature first?"

"Think about it for yourself. What I taught you is to take a long-term view." Xiu did not rush to express his thoughts, but instead guided it to think on its own.

The Giant Pincer Mantis was silent for a few seconds and then said: "I think it's temperature control."

"Control~temperature~" After hearing this, Xiu muttered these two words, then looked at it and asked: "Why? Tell me your reason."

"Because there are hot springs here, which can assist me in temperature control training. When I learn to enter the overload mode you mentioned, I can better mobilize energy. It may help me master long-distance attacks, and the environment here is not suitable. I exercise energy topicals that create havoc.

More importantly, after completing the temperature control, I can enter the [Overload] state at any time, and I can receive bonuses for both long-range and melee combat, with the highest benefits. "

"Okay!" Xiu smiled and patted it on the shoulder, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Originally, he thought that the Giant Pincer Mantis should choose to master the energy for external use. After all, it was obsessed with long-range attacks. Unexpectedly, he could let go of its obsession and choose the most advantageous plan.

Xiu also expressed his choice at this time.

"I don't choose temperature control or external energy use, I choose to have them all. In fact, have you realized that these two are actually long-term training plans and cannot be achieved in a short time.

What we need is to integrate this awareness into our daily training. You may not understand it here. Let me explain it using temperature control as an example. "

Here Xiu followed what he just said and explained his thoughts on temperature control.

The first step is to determine the critical temperature through testing, and then move to maintain the temperature near this temperature.

This does not only mean that the physical body moves, but the movement of energy in the body will also generate heat.

And this also requires estimating the temperature based on the actual situation, taking cooling measures at the appropriate time, etc.

This process is difficult to master. What Xiu needs is for the mantis to pay attention to its own state during daily exercise, so as to achieve habitual temperature control.

The same is true for energy external adjustment, which requires long-term practice and integration into habits.

Of course, there are many things to pay attention to and improve, and Xiu will accompany it to complete this.

While talking, the auspicious egg on the other side was finally completed, saving the Rhinoceros from its injuries.

"You should feel it yourself first, and I'll help you determine the temperature later." Xiu patted the Giant Pincer Mantis, then stood up and walked back.

The Giant Pincer Mantis sat there blankly, and it took a while to digest Xiu's words.

I saw it starting its daily exercise again and felt the feeling.

Xiu walked up to the horned rhinoceros, checked its current situation, and asked in a calm tone: "How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Although he was "tortured" by the auspicious egg, the horned rhinoceros still survived with its tenacious vitality.

His condition even looks much better, at least his life is not in danger.

"Now tell me what happened and why you attacked humans." Xiu just sat next to it, staring at it.

Feeling the familiar feeling, Xiu connected with it telepathically, and began to tell everything that happened with a slightly tired consciousness.

It was born and raised on the island. Before it evolved, there was a small population of one-horned rhinoceros on the island, with seven members, and the leader was also a diamond-horned rhinoceros.

They lived in the forest at the foot of the mountain. Although they encountered some humans, strictly speaking, they had no intersection with humans until one day... their leader, the diamond-horned rhinoceros, was captured to protect them.

Without the protection of the diamond-horned rhinoceros, they were also threatened by humans, and the number of members decreased sharply. Today, three years later, there is only one left.

And it fled in the forest on the island all day to avoid the pursuit of those humans. In this life, it went through hardships and finally evolved at a certain moment.

After the evolution, it finally relied on the power brought by evolution to keep its last freedom, and also bred two one-horned rhinoceros, but just last night, it encountered an unprecedented opponent.

Even after evolution, he was still no match for his opponent, resulting in the last two rhinos being captured by that human.

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