Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 811 Extra: Sakura

A bus traveling between cities drove into the eastern district of Rainbow City, then stopped at the station, and soon a girl got out of it.

This girl had an outstanding appearance. Although she was wearing ordinary clothes, her weak temperament aroused the desire of others to protect her.

At this moment, she was staring blankly at the scene in front of her, a little absent-minded, with an indescribable emotion in her eyes, not happy or excited, but a faint sadness.

Back to Rainbow City again~

But where is he?

The girl was Ying, the one who "overcame difficulties" with Xiu on the Pearl, and was later taken to Kuye City by the ship arranged by the company. However, because of Xiu's words, she resolutely escaped the restrictions of the company and came to Rainbow City alone.

Ying was stunned for a moment, and when she reacted, she found that some people around her were looking at her, so she had to get up and enter the station quickly.

According to the note given by Xiu, she contacted a person.

"Hello! Hello, who are you looking for?"

A slightly faint female voice came, which surprised Ying a little, but in order to see that person, she could only respond and say: "Hello, I want to find Xiu, is he here?"

Ying was very nervous when she said this, she was afraid that the other party would directly say "no", or hear some unfortunate news.

She was afraid of being left behind again.

"You are looking for the boss~" The female voice hesitated a little, but quickly reacted, "You are Ying, the boss has asked, where are you now? I'll pick you up."

Sakura on the other end of the phone felt like crying after hearing this, but in this environment she could only hold it back and then reported the location.

However, the person on the other end of the phone heard the slightly abnormal voice here and his tone changed slightly.

"I'll go to find you now."

Not long after, a man in a white coat walked into the station hall and found the girl with a somewhat unstable mood in a remote corner.

Shiori walked in front of Ying and looked at the uneasy little sister in front of her. For a moment, she didn't know what to say, so she could only speak stiffly.

"I'm Shiori. The boss has told me about you. Come back with me now."


Sakura looked up at Shiori and responded with a choked voice.

She waited for Shiori to lead Sakura into the car and then started her own car.

After so many things, Shiori changed her previous decadent style and became smart and capable.

Sure enough, not long after getting in the car, Sakura couldn't help asking: "Xiu... Where is your boss? Where is he?"

"I don't know, but he has arranged your affairs."

Sakura was not interested in the latter, but asked another question urgently: "When can I see him?"

Shiori glanced at Sakura with some surprise. Why did she feel that this girl seemed to be "poisoned" a little bit~

I don't know what the boss did...

"I don't know either, but sometimes the boss will listen to reports and order tasks. I will ask this question for you at that time."

"Thank you, sister!" Sakura was overjoyed to hear this, and had to thank Shiori quickly.

"It's getting late, let's go back first." Shiori didn't talk too much, or she didn't want to talk too much.

The car drove out of the East District and headed towards the research institute.

Sakura looked out the window, feeling the familiar yet unfamiliar streets of Rainbow City.

The prosperity was still there, but Sakura had no intention of lingering on the prosperity. Instead, it reminded her of something...

"We're here."

Shiori mentioned this, which made Sakura's thoughts converge and she looked at the building in front of her with some curiosity.

"Where is this?"

"This is the company's employee dormitory. You live here before the arrangement is completed."

Sakura was surprised when she heard this.

She didn't know how exaggerated Xiu's strength was before, after all, he didn't look like he had a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, there was a building in the city center, and it was only used as an employee dormitory.

Shiori took Sakura to walk around the entire district first, and briefly introduced her to the nearby situation.

"Come up first, I have arranged a place for you to live."

Shiori took a bag from the car and led her to the room.

Going upstairs, the key unlocked a small and exquisite single dormitory.

"Many things are not yet complete, so you can stay here temporarily." Shiori handed the key to Sakura, and then took her to introduce the situation.

Sakura was led by Shiori to sit in the living room, and then she took out a document and put it on the table.

"What is this?" Shiori looked at the document with some curiosity, and only picked it up and read it after asking Shiori.

Shiori explained on the side: "This is the company's talent training plan. According to the boss's assessment of you, you think you can get a C-level contract."

"What does this mean?" Sakura was a little unresponsive.

"That is, the boss thinks you have certain potential, so our company is willing to invest in you, and you need to work for the company in the future to repay the company's investment." Shiori glanced at the document and added: "This is a C-level contract."

After some explanation, Sakura understood this thing, but it was a little different from what she imagined, causing her to think for a long time before reacting.

"You don't have to agree right away, the boss has told you that you can live here for free this month, and..." Then Shizhi took out a wad of money and put it on the table, "This is the boss's personal money to make up for you. He asked me to say 'I'm sorry' to you."

Sakura didn't pay attention to this, and didn't even listen. She just flipped through the documents silently. It wasn't until a while later that she raised her head and asked, "Can I see him after I sign?"

"I don't know." Shiori was a little surprised as to why the girl was so persistent in wanting to see Xiu, but she still added, "This is his company, so you can meet her after all."

"Then I sign."

Sakura suddenly smiled, her smile was so beautiful that Shiori was a little dazed. After a while, she asked, "Aren't you afraid that he will lie to you?"

"I've finished reading." Sakura put down the document in her hand and said confidently: "He said he would give me a chance, and this is the chance. I won't let him down!"

Shiori looked at the child in surprise, but quickly continued the topic. "Then let me clarify the contract issues with you next."


The office door was knocked open, and Shiori led Sakura over to meet Saori.

Shiori was only responsible for signing the contract and placing her, and Saori was responsible for the rest.

"Who is this?"

"This is Sakura, I'll bring her over to visit the company." Shiori replied simply.

But this name had another meaning in Saori's ears, and her eyes changed instantly.

Xiu once told her some things, including information about Sakura, which inevitably made her react.

But soon Saori walked over with a smile and hugged Sakura who was a little stiff, and said with a smile: "Welcome to our big family. If you have any difficulties, just tell my sister."

Upon hearing this, Sakura subconsciously asked: "Then how can I see him?"

"Him?" Saori didn't expect Sakura to ask this, so she paused for a moment before saying, "You mean the boss?"

But before Yingying could answer, she said angrily: "Our boss is a very busy man. Even my personal secretary has no choice but to wait for him to find me."

"Personal secretary?"

Sakura looked at her nervously after hearing this.

"What! It doesn't look like it?" Saori smiled and took the initiative to step back, opening her hands, revealing her proud figure with just a few small movements.

Sakura didn't speak, just stared blankly.

"Let me tell you another secret..." Saori looked a bit pushy, and said to Sakura's ear: "This is the boss's harem. Have you seen your sister Shiori? Shiori and I are both Lived with the boss~”

Sakura looked surprised when she heard this, her eyes looking at Saori completely changed, and she didn't forget to glance at Shiori who was expressionless.

"Okay~ stop teasing her." Seeing this, Shiori had no choice but to move forward and separate her, and casually explained: "That's actually the boss's place of residence, there are many rooms."

"Is he really living with you?"

"If he comes back, he will live there, but he rarely comes back."

Regarding this issue, Shiori could only explain it a little bit. On the contrary, after hearing this, Shiori started laughing for some reason.

"Ha!" Saori came closer again, stretched out her hand to lift Sakura's chin to look at her, and said with a smile: "It's difficult to live here, are you ready to dedicate yourself~"

After saying this, Saori let go and stepped away, laughing without concealment. It seemed that she liked teasing this little sister very much.

On the contrary, Shiori glanced at Saori and explained casually: "She is just teasing you. Don't believe her. This is just a place where the boss stays. It's no big deal."

However, Sakura took these words as a provocation and forced her to say such words.

"I also slept in the same room as him."


This time it was Shiori and Saori's turn to be dumbfounded...

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