Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 812 Extra: A harmonious day for Shiori and Saori

"Is it convenient?"


Shiori knocked on the door and walked into Saori's room.

At this time, Saori was working on the work at hand in front of the computer. She was wearing loose clothes and looked very homely.

But she had a small cup with some amber liquid in it.

When she saw Shiori coming in, she looked up and joked, "I usually go to find you. Why did you find me today?"

"I'm here to tell you a good news." Shiori looked at her with a strange look.

"Good news?" Saori asked back in surprise, "What is it? Did the boss have an accident?"

"No~ The boss didn't have an accident, but he asked me to tell you that in order to reward you for your achievements during this period, you have been given a place with better accommodation conditions, so you don't have to rush back and forth every day."

Saori was stunned for a moment and asked back, "What does this mean?"

"It means that the boss thinks you have done a good job and decided to reward you with new accommodation conditions. I have arranged it there. I will help you move there when I find a time in the next few days."

Shiori said it calmly as if she was reading a document.

But Saori was furious and stood up immediately and said, "I think this place is great, why do you want to move?"

"Because the company has allocated you a new and better residence. If you occupy two places, it will damage the company's assets. Moreover, this is the boss's private place and does not belong to the company, so you should move out."

"No, I won't move!" Saori knew this of course, and it was because she knew that she couldn't move out. Once she left here, it would be like leaving the central circle, and it would be difficult to come in in the future.

"You can give up that place, and I will live here to save resources for the company."

"No, the boss said, you must move out." Shiori raised her glasses and said in a flat tone.

"We have lived together for so long, and you have the heart to see me being driven out and homeless?"

"No, the company has arranged a better place for you to live."

Saori didn't buy it, and walked up to Shiori and asked, "Tell me honestly, what did he say? Is there any new plan?"

"You have no right to know." Faced with the questioning, Shiori remained calm and still looked the same.

"What do you mean I have no right to know? I'm helping him deal with the company's affairs now. Does this guy know how much effort I've put into the company? He ran out without saying a word, leaving the two of us here.

Now, I work hard for him, but he doesn't even give me a room to stay in!"

Shiori's tone became gloomy, "Isn't that guy afraid that I'll leave?"

"The boss said that he won't stop you from leaving. Just go through the process. Of course you can leave, but he doesn't want you to do something irrational."

When Saori heard this, she knew that her behavior had been guessed. Thinking of Xiu's methods, she understood why Shiori was like this.

I'm afraid that guy had already told Shiori about his behavior a long time ago. I'm afraid that Shiori saw her behavior as filling in the blanks and being arranged one by one.

Saori wanted to fight back and shouted out her resignation, but she also knew that she was being strangled by the neck and could only let the other party manipulate her. In the end, she could only agree.

"Okay~ I'll move out."

Seeing Saori agreed, Shiori didn't act pretentiously, but instead persuaded softly: "The boss just doesn't want you to rush around every day. He doesn't care about ordinary employees so much."

"Tsk~" Saori didn't want to talk anymore, turned back to her seat, picked up the glass of wine and drank it all, then poured the wine while complaining: "He can kick me away today, and he can kick you away tomorrow."

"The boss will have his own plans. We are just employees. There is no need to think too much. Moreover, he didn't kick you away. Instead, he values ​​you and gives you better conditions." Shiori was not affected by this at all, and just said calmly.

"Tsk~ Do you believe that?" Saori complained with disdain: "Don't forget that guy just found a young girl not long ago, she is much prettier than us! What will we have in a few years?"

"I want to remind you that our achievements today are entirely due to the cultivation of the boss." Shiori's face was a little more expression, and she looked at Saori with a strange look, "Also, I am just an employee. My task is to do my job well and will not interfere with the boss's private life."

Saori became alert when she heard this. She knew that Shiori was warning her to do her job well and not think about those messy things all day long.

Originally, she thought Saori had feelings for Xiu and wanted to use jealousy to provoke him, but she didn't expect that the other party would not buy it at all and was lectured instead.

But being thick-skinned is also an advantage. Even though she was scolded by Shiori, Saori still leaned towards her with a wine glass and asked mysteriously: "Then tell me, is it because of your..."

"What!" Shiori interrupted her question

"Nothing~" Saori stepped back and took a sip.

She knew very well that Shiori, as a die-hard fan of Xiu, would not tell her anything without his nod.

But she was sure that there must be something behind the company, because she was now in charge of the company's affairs, and she knew very well that the source of some of the money was very strange.

And she also investigated the background of the company. It has grown to such a scale in just one year. The whole process is to spend money to acquire, and the ability to control opportunities is very terrifying. There must be a team behind this.

But all the clues are broken on Xiu, which makes her more and more impatient.

If you want to see clearly behind him, you must step over him, but that man is unreasonable and there is no chance.

Because Shizhi doesn't need to go through her to deal with things, she has been here for so long and has not seen any clues.

"Rest early, I will arrange the moving." Shizhi said this and was about to go out, but she stopped at the door and looked back and said: "The boss doesn't like to drink. He said it will affect his judgment."

After saying this, he opened the door and left, leaving Saori alone.

This sentence made Saori nervous, and she had no intention of dealing with the affairs at hand. Instead, she sat on the chair and shook the wine glass in her hand.

She didn't understand why she was asked to move out at this time?

She didn't mention it before, and this sudden attack made her a little confused.

But what is certain is that there must be something she doesn't know.

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