Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 842 Marine Ecology

Fortunately, he doesn't need to take care of Casey now, and he doesn't need to spend his energy on the problem of Jigglypuff's ability.

But just the two of them, Mantis and Sandsang, keep him very busy.

That's why people like Watari and Daigo only start the next one after the main force is formed.

Too many are really impossible to manage.

Of course, there is another school of thought that is very interesting.

Those people have a simple idea. They think that training is unnecessary. There are so many strong Pokémon in the wild. Just catch the strong ones when you meet them.

But in fact, why do you think you can defeat stronger Pokémon with weak Pokémon?

As mentioned before, Pokémon in the wild are very wild, and some of them are not afraid of death at all. Even if you have a way to defeat them, why should they listen to you?

Do you really think you are the protagonist? All Pokémon have to bow down to you when they see you?

Those who have this idea are purely those who have watched too many virtual works and are too confident to think they are the protagonists, and can't distinguish between reality and fantasy.

But in fact, there are really such schools of thought, and there are quite a few people.

The reason is that the strength gap between the bottom-level Pokémon is not that big. As long as you use the right method, you can still catch Pokémon like Rattata and Pidgeot with Caterpillars and traps.

In addition, most of those Pokémon are stupid, and they can be tamed with good guidance.

But that's all.

Because once you get out of the bottom level, the strength gap between Pokémon is too big, and it's basically impossible for you to jump to the next level.

But laziness is the driving force for human progress.

Then an organization called Hunters was born. They can help you capture powerful Pokémon and tame them for you, of course, the premise is that you need to pay enough money.

That is to say, this shortcut exists, but it is a shortcut that only rich people can take.

Of course, there is a limit to this. A fully formed wild Pokémon like Pidgeot, which costs millions, no one can catch it for you.

Not to mention those with higher rarity and stronger strength.

After all, the strength of the hunter itself is limited.

So if you want to break through the limit, you have to be reliable.

Of course, this requires a lot of time and money.

Those who are crazy about catching Pokémon definitely treat Pokémon as toys and have no intention of cultivating them at all.

Time flies during training, and it was already sunset in the blink of an eye.

Xiu and his team had already returned to the cliff to set up camp.

After soaking in the water for a long time, it was still seawater. After coming out, they had to wash it with clean water, otherwise it would be troublesome if there was any infection.


Xiu climbed on the cliff, holding a camera in one hand and reaching into the nests to take pictures.

Inside the nest was a long-winged gull that was in the molting period. Xiu waited until its parents went out to find food before he came up, just to take a few photos.

But this little guy seemed to be curious about the camera and started to cry.

This cry was not a big deal, but the chain reaction it brought was troublesome. The long-winged gulls in the nests around also started to cry.

For a while, the whole cliff was filled with sharp cries.

"Something is wrong, run away quickly." Xiu reacted and shouted to Casey who was floating on the side.

The next second, he disappeared on the cliff.

Just a few seconds after he left, the long-winged gulls and big-mouthed gulls that were looking for food on the sea all flew back, forming a black flock of birds directly near the coast.

Xiu, who was far away, was really glad that he ran fast when he saw this scene, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with.

"I think the call it made just now was a warning, and the others who stayed in the nest would also shout, forming a line of defense to drive away the enemy and call back the adults."

Xiu said to himself, and then recorded this phenomenon.

These days, the giant claw mantises have slowly adapted to the rhythm, and he has also gained a certain degree of liberation, and has more time to study other things.

For example, another ecosystem different from the land, some behavioral habits and appearance pictures of the elves in the marine ecosystem.

It is obvious that he was observing and studying the living habits of the long-winged gulls just now.

"Let's go, those big-mouthed gulls will not disperse in a short time, let's go to the sea to study."

The next moment, Xiu appeared on the sea, his whole body wrapped in superpowers, and the blue structure formed the style of a diving suit, except for the oxygen tank.

But he had a substitute. A small can of oxygen appeared in his hand, and then he leaned over and dived into the water.

It must be said that the density of elves in the water is more dense than on land, and it is very exaggerated.

Even near the coast, you can see many elves coming and going underwater.

Just a little deeper, you can see all kinds of strange coral reefs growing on the seabed, and some elves living in them.

For example, sun corals, big tongue shells, black seahorses, starfish, agate jellyfish.

There are even more swimming directly in the sea, there are groups of weak fish, and there are also Magikarp like weeds.

Of course, there are also water elves such as iron cannon fish and lobster soldiers. It’s overwhelming to see them all, and Xiu couldn’t even keep up for a while. Some confusion.

You have to know that this is just a shallow sea. If you really go to the deep sea, the density of elves will definitely be more outrageous, and some large water elves can also move in it.

In fact, humans have not done much research on ocean and water elves, and there are even some gaps in this area. Most of them only know what they look like from a photo, but they have no idea about their living habits and diet.

The reason is that the living environment is too different. After the water elves come ashore, only a few can maintain their combat effectiveness, and most of them are directly useless.

Humans have no interest in those elves that cannot move on land, so naturally they will not put resources on them.

Similarly, in water-related environments, the strength of water elves is very terrifying.

The elves that Xiu threw into the water during the previous battle of the Twin Islands must be strong, but they were easily solved by those elves after entering the water.

This leads to the fact that only people who live in coastal areas or go to sea frequently will choose water elves.

In fact, only some of these elves can adapt to both freshwater and seawater environments. If they confuse the two environments, they may become uncomfortable and weak, and even lose their combat effectiveness in severe cases.

Of course, if it is only for a short time, there will be no problem.

Xiu swam among them and approached them to communicate with them.

But most of them ran away when they saw Xiu approaching. If Xiu did not use Casey's ability underwater, he would not be able to catch up with them.

Even some elves that find it difficult to run hide under the mud and sand on the seabed, or run into the complex coral reefs. Some of them close their shells and pretend to know nothing.

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