Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 843 The Sorrow of the Love Fish

After staying for a while, Xiu found that it was indeed very difficult to observe, because his activities under water were subject to many restrictions, while those water-based elves were free and easy.

However, after diving down and observing for a while, Xiu also figured out some situations.

That is, as Professor Oak said, these water elves generally do not have a very high IQ, and basically act according to instinct.

Moreover, when they are in the water, most of their attacks are very direct physical strength decisions, and basically no elves use their abilities.

Xiu did not have too many feelings about this, because this is in line with another characteristic, that is, elves that are particularly fertile and grow quickly are mostly not smart.

"Gurgle~" Xiu, who was constantly going deeper into the sea, suddenly found a relatively rare heart fish in those coral reefs.

That color and shape are very prominent in the sea.

The heart fish is as its name suggests, and the overall look is like a pink heart, with a light pink mouth and gills.

And from Xiu's observation, it can be seen that they are not patrolling in the water like other elves, but staying in the coral reef. Even when moving, it is more like gently swinging their bodies and drifting in it.

The sun corals in the coral reefs did not react much to the love fish, and the two seemed to coexist in a friendly manner.

Xiu actually knew a very beautiful but cruel incident about the love fish.

The general love fish looks pink, but in fact, the scales cover its body in a state close to transparent. After the scales dry out of the water, they will turn bone white, and the transparency will be greatly reduced, but as long as they are put back into the water, they will become transparent again.

But the above is only the nature of the scales of ordinary love fish.

In fact, some special love fish have colorful scales, just like the rainbow with colorful arc-shaped rainbow light.

If it is just more beautiful, it is fine, after all, there are many elves in the sea who have all kinds of beautiful but useless products.

But the problem is that the love fish is heart-shaped, and the scales are also heart-shaped. Soon this was noticed by some people, and then they tied the love fish and the concept of love together and hyped it up.

Just because of the shape, the love fish that knows nothing in the sea is labeled as love, claiming that as long as the couples who meet the love fish will be together forever.

With the help of beautiful blessings, this concept quickly swept the whole world.

But if you think that's the end of it, you're underestimating them. What happened after this concept became popular is the real purpose of those people.

Because ordinary people want to see love fish in addition to those aquariums, that is, coral reefs.

When the breeding season comes, a large number of love fish will gather at the coral reefs.

Xiu has seen a few old photos. The scene is very spectacular. The whole sea surface is dyed pink.

The original concept of blessing soon gradually increased, becoming: "Couples must come to see the love fish, otherwise he/she doesn't love you."

This directly led to a trend, driving the economy of many offshore tourist areas. Everyone wants to come and see it, especially during the breeding season, when there are crowds of people.

There are more people than fish, and some people even stand on the waves.

Originally, this wouldn't be too much.

But they soon launched a new concept, that is, the colorful scales of love fish, claiming that this has magical powers, and giving this to your partner will...

Anyway, it's a lot of fancy claims.

And this also made the colorful scales, which were not cheap to begin with, soar to a terrifyingly high price in a very short time.

Different grades are divided according to factors such as size and gloss, and then a rating is made.

But you have to know that this kind of colored scales are rare. You don’t have a single colored love fish among tens of thousands of them.

Then the scarcity of raw materials further stimulates the market, and the price of this is an incredible increase every day.

According to the data Xiu found, when this thing was the most hyped, a piece with the worst rating would cost 30,000 to 50,000, not to mention those top-level products that cost millions or even tens of millions.

Because it is so rare, there are even substitutes, that is, ordinary scales of love fish without color.

Of course, there are all kinds of messy imitations and fakes. Xiu also found in the records that someone used the scales of Magikarp to process them into heart shapes and then sold them.

It has to be said that Xiu still underestimated the horror of humans.

And it goes without saying what will happen if this useless thing is raised to such a price. A large number of love fish are hunted by humans, and the originally stable number has suddenly dropped to endangered, and even has the risk of extinction.

Until the Alliance and Junsha intervened and cracked down on related industries, the industry that was originally booming suddenly ushered in a cold winter, and I don’t know how many people went bankrupt and jumped off the building.

However, after more than ten years, the love fish has not been able to recover to its original level, and the related industries of colored scales are still operating in the dark.

This is why Xiu found it strange to see the love fish.

Xiu wanted to get closer to observe it carefully, but it quickly hid in the coral reef, and he couldn’t follow it.

In this way, walking along the coast, while training, observing the elves in the sea to complete the information.

Because most of the time is not used to rush, it took many days before I encountered the first human gathering place.

It looks like a coastal city, with beaches, coasts and docks.

After seeing this, Xiu quickened his pace and entered the city.

Even if you are more adapted to the wild, you will feel more or less uncomfortable after staying there for a long time.

Humans are always social creatures and need to communicate.

After entering a human gathering place, you can understand the local customs and habits, rest and recover, and replenish your consumption.

In addition, you can receive information from the outside world so as not to be isolated from the world.

Xiu looked at the city. From the architecture and the style of the people's clothes, he could tell that it was a city in the eastern part of the Kanto region.

This side is more modernized and people are more open.

But that's it. Xiu didn't feel much about the steel jungle.

However, the newsstand on the roadside attracted his attention.

"Boss, how much is this?"

"Three dollars for a newspaper."

Xiu leaned over and picked up a newspaper from the stall, looking at the big headline "Polluted City" on it.

After a brief look, Xiu smiled and handed the money to the stall owner.

"Give me one."

After the boss took the money, Xiu took the newspaper and chatted with the stall owner.

Soon he got the information he wanted and left with the newspaper.

Xiao Yuan has already started to take action, which means that the evidence has been collected almost completely. However, what the reporters have been able to collect are only ordinary and obvious ones, which are not strong enough.

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