Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 856: Letting the Wolf In

Xiu Xiu walked with a branch in one hand to push away the weeds. If he encountered a difficult road, he would use the other hand to cut with a machete.

As Xiu did not intend to use his superpowers too much, it was necessary to clear the way.

Xiu pushed away the weeds in front of him. Suddenly, there was a noise above him. He rolled forward to avoid it, and then took advantage of the momentum to stand up and throw the branch in his hand in a squatting position.

"Thief! Take my shot."

It was a pity that the "spear" in his hand was a little floating, and it was thrown out of the direction.

But he also brought his eyes to the attacker.

It was an Aridos, that is, a big spider.

It was now hanging on the tree with the silk thread sprayed from its tail.

The branch that Xiu had just thrown out did not hit it, and after losing the initiative, this Aridos did not seem to stay for too long, and turned back along the silk thread to climb back to the tree canopy.

Xiu did not intend to continue attacking. If he could avoid fighting, he would definitely not fight.

There is no need to fight unnecessarily.

However, Xiu also found that the elves here are very cautious. Once they lose their advantage, they will evacuate and will not stay for too long. It is a complete survival strategy.

Because you will not die if you are hungry for one or two meals, but once you are injured, it means that you are not far from death.

Xiu got up and carefully picked up the branch, then poked around, and then focused on the treetops above his head, as if looking for the trace of the elf.

Xiu had met Ariados in the Evergreen Forest before, and knew that the method it used just now was a very common tactic for this kind of elves.

That is to carefully hang from the tree behind the prey, then bite it and inject venom, and then wrap the prey with silk thread and bring it back to the nest.

However, their diet does not include large creatures such as humans.

They mainly eat Rattata and its evolution, as well as low-level elves such as Tailed that are common in the woods.

And when facing those agile small elves, their tactics will change.

Usually they hide in the trees, and then spray spider webs to hunt when prey passes by. Basically, those small elves are dead if they are stuck.

Alidos will inject venom into the body of its prey, which will dissolve the muscles and fat of the prey. After the prey is dissolved, it will suck the prey dry like drinking milk tea.

So the corpses left by the elves killed by Alidos are very interesting. They are all skin and bones. If they are left for a long time, they will be dried and become mummies.

If you dissect the corpse, you will find that there are only skin and bones left, and there are no muscles, internal organs, fat, etc.

This is a very ferocious elf, but it is actually quite popular.

Because the spider silk it produces is a high-end material after processing.

The fabrics made from this spider silk are famous for being soft and tough.

Of course, ordinary people can't afford this kind of fabric because the processing process is too complicated.

Another reason is that it is not very smart, but it is very loyal, and its ability to spit spider silk is very popular among forest rangers, international police, and hunters.

It is also common in the wild. If you want to get it, the price is not high, and you can also catch it yourself.

In general, this kind of elf is really the light of the common people.

However, Xiu didn't care much about these. He was looking for the nest of Alidos, because this kind of elf usually only moves around its own nest.

After searching for a long time nearby, Xiu finally found a nest made of spider silk mixed with branches at the junction of the branches of a tree.

If it were only spider silk, the nest would quickly deform, especially after being washed by rain.

So this elf was very smart to add branches and use spider silk as adhesive to build a nest.

This way it can be more solid and can be hidden with the help of protective color.

"Run after the fight? How can it be so good~" Xiu borrowed Casey's superpowers and floated towards the nest.

And his move was obviously to invade the territory, which Alidos had to fight back even if it didn't want to fight.

It's a pity that there is a huge gap between its strength and Casey's, and coupled with the weirdness of its superpowers, it was directly fixed on the tree by Casey before it made any more moves, and it couldn't resist at all.

Xiu didn't care about it at all, and went directly to the nest, then took out a flashlight to shine inside, and as expected, he found something interesting.

It was an egg.

"I wonder why it would take such a big risk to attack a large creature like me. The reason is that it consumes too much energy and needs to replenish energy quickly, and laying eggs is one of them."

Xiu did not follow his previous habit of not interfering with nature, but directly took out the egg.

After carefully checking it, he put it into a special container and put it away.

Since this Alidos attacked him, it means that he was also pulled into nature. After becoming a part of it, Xiu naturally needs to follow his rules.

No one can attack him without paying something, and the elves are no exception.

So he can only accept the egg with a little grievance.

As for this Alidos~

In this environment of the survival of the fittest, the elves are very sensitive to the difference in strength.

Because those who are not sensitive are eliminated.

If Casey or Xiu had shown any strength before, it would not choose such a target, but run away.

It can only be said that Xiu and Casey have such incredible control over themselves that they can achieve no leakage of any breath.

Xiu fixed his eyes on it, hesitated for a moment, took out a bottle of water from his body, then mixed some nutrient potions and poured it down directly.

"Let's go."

After finishing, Xiu and Casey ran away directly, not giving Alidos any chance to retaliate.

After feeling that the restrictions on his body were gone, Alidos did not intend to chase him. After waiting for a while, he fled directly back to the nest.

Xiu returned to the road just now and continued his journey deep into the mountains.

However, it must be said that when he was in the Evergreen Forest, most of the Pokémon would not attack him unless he ran to provoke those Pokémon.

And here he was attacked as soon as he came in.

Xiu didn't care too much about it. Walking in the wild is not that simple.

His direction was very pure. Unlike those trainers who only dared to wander around the entrance, he went directly into the mountains.

Along the way, various rare plants in the outside world can be seen everywhere here, and many of them can be used as materials.

Xiu even found some plants he had never seen before.

You know, he has basically visited half of the Kanto region, and he knows the plants growing here, even if they are rare.

These discoveries further stimulated his interest in exploring the mountains, and the originally fast-moving journey began to slow down.

There were often some small episodes on the road, but these did not disturb him, but instead gave him some fun in the boring journey.

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