Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 857 Hunting in the Air

Xiu stood by the stream and filled his water container.

The consumption of water resources in outdoor activities is also very exaggerated, so people in the wild must have the ability to find various water sources.

This Xiu is naturally no problem, but he found a familiar plant here.

That is the food that Beedrill likes. The appearance of this means that there should be Beedrill activities nearby.

And Xiu is also a little interested in this~

"There should be Beedrill nearby, let's be careful."

After saying that, Xiu got up and searched nearby.

However, at this time, the breath of the two of them was completely covered by Casey's superpowers, and there was no reaction even if they passed by those elves.

Because Xiu was familiar with the habits of Beedrill, he quickly found traces of their activities.

After just a moment of exploration outside, Xiu roughly knew that this was a medium-sized nest with about 80 members.

If you want to know how to see it, it's very simple, just look at the Beedrills that stay in the territory.

Their members have clear division of labor, usually some stay and some go out to find food.

This is divided according to a 20% ratio. For example, now Xiu found that there are 15 wandering around the territory, so there are 75 members.

Of course, this is just a small trick he summarized based on his own observations, and it can only be a rough estimate.

Because the arrangements for the stay of the giant bee are different in different periods.

When there are eggs in the territory, or the hornworms have just hatched, these similar situations will increase the number of members left behind.

When there are casualties after a war, the number of members sent out will increase, including those who were injured.

The basic survival strategy is to either use the remaining energy to find food and bring it back, or die outside to reduce the overall burden.

It is very cruel, but also very effective. It can screen out the old, weak, sick and disabled to ensure the status of the entire group.

There is also a situation where the giant bee that has just evolved will stay in the territory to learn, and there will be more stays.

This requires people to distinguish which ones have just evolved.

However, Xiu can see that those who stayed are all well-developed, and there are no hornworms nearby. Instead, some iron shell pupae are placed on a tree in the center of the territory.

"What a pity~" Xiu sighed secretly when he saw this, and a trace of regret appeared on his face.

Since this batch has turned into iron shell pupae, it means that there are no more Pokémon eggs.

Unlike Butterfree, Beedrill's egg laying depends entirely on the surrounding environment.

Generally speaking, eggs are laid in batches and then collectively incubated and raised, and the next batch comes after the previous batch grows up.

This approach can ensure the survival rate and will not bring too much burden to the whole.

Only in two situations will eggs be laid continuously.

One is that the members fall into a dangerous situation and need to expand quickly.

The second is the "swarm" mentioned earlier. A group of adults will leave the large group, and the large group needs to lay eggs continuously to restore the number.

Xiu's understanding of Beedrill is completely like this Pokémon in the Evergreen Forest is like weeds.

Basically, you can meet it wherever you go, and there are more along the water source.

The reason is naturally that this thing lacks natural enemies. Only Pidgeot will sometimes eat some, and the rest of the Pokémon basically can't beat this kind of shameless Pokémon.

First of all, Beedrills live in groups, secondly, they can fly, and finally, this kind of Pokémon's favorite [Missile Needle] is a long-range attack.

Then the scene faced by the enemy is generally to encounter a group of hunting Beedrills from a distance, and more than a dozen of them will shoot you in the face.

If you don't rush over, you will be kited. If you rush over without a long-range attack, you can't hit them if they fly up, and you will still be kited.

Basically, the damage caused by Beedrills during hunting is not as great as the damage caused by the battles between different groups within them.

Of course, the fundamental reason is the Alliance's control over the Evergreen Forest, which has forced some powerful Pokémon to the mountains north of the forest. The original food chain of the forest has been destroyed.

The remaining powerful Pokémon, such as the Overlord Venusaur and Snorlax, can't eat too much even if they eat this stuff.

Professional forest rangers have to clean up those Beedrills from time to time.

After Xiu observed for a moment and confirmed that those Beedrills had no eggs, he lost interest.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly felt a subtle feeling in his body. He changed his casual mentality and became alert. His senses were instantly maximized to receive information from the surroundings.

Casey, who was in sync with him, seemed to have noticed something and opened his eyes to look up.

Just then, he saw a figure flying past them towards a giant hornet, but the giant hornets that stayed behind didn't notice it at all.

Xiu followed the figure and saw a bizarre scene just as he caught up.

The figure directly attacked a giant hornet from the front. After the head-on collision, the giant hornet's head fell off, and the broken body that was about to fall suddenly stopped in mid-air.

At this time, the elf finally revealed its shape.

It turned out to be an ancient giant dragonfly!

Xiu looked at the elf hovering in the air. It was similar to a dragonfly in general, but it was a bit scary when combined with its nearly two-meter length.

In terms of details, this elf was also full of alternative wildness.

The main color is dark green with red embellishments. Both sides of the head are basically covered by eyes. There are black stripes of "├—" on the red compound eyes. This structure of eyes can give it a 360° sight without blind spots.

The mouth is slightly protruding, with two fangs protruding downwards, and there are three pairs of legs under the abdomen, and there are sharp spikes at the end of the legs.

The ancient dragonfly has three pairs of wings, two large pairs on the back to provide flight power, and a smaller pair on the tail mainly used for balance and redirection.

The ends of the two pairs of wings on the back are red, and there are three protrusions on its back and one on the tail.

There are red spots on both sides of the body and the tail.

These combined elements undoubtedly arm the ancient dragonfly into an aerial killer.

And the six legs grappling the giant bee really look like a bomber.

At this time, the patrolling giant bee reacted.

It was just when they approached that the ancient dragonfly dragged the decapitated giant bee away.

The more than two-meter-long Ancient Dragonfly carrying a less than one-meter-long Beedrill is like an adult holding a baby.

Even with one, it was faster than the surrounding Beedrills and flew away directly.

Xiu watched this scene from the side. For some reason, he felt that the Beedrills didn't dare to chase him at all.

Combined with the familiar movements of the Ancient Dragonfly just now.

It feels like the Ancient Dragonfly is here to take advantage of the situation~

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