Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 867 Extra: Welcome home!

A car drove into the suburbs of Qianhong City, and the person in the driver's seat was Xiao Yuan.

The matter of Heiyun City ended inexplicably. She could still feel the huge resistance and was ready to do a big job, but for some reason, all the resistance suddenly disappeared in less than two days.

After losing the restrictions, the topic spread throughout the Guandu area in just a few days with the publication of newspapers and magazines, and the reports about Heiyun City were also known by more people.

Under the deliberate promotion, a large number of people launched a resistance to Heiyun City products. Under the strong pressure of public opinion, all companies related to Heiyun City's industry were affected.

And today, when the heat has not yet dissipated, the voice has not dissipated, and it has even intensified.

Based on her understanding of those companies, I am afraid that a large number of companies will go bankrupt and a large number of workers will lose their jobs in this incident. The consequences have just begun~

But what does this have to do with her?

Compared to this, Xiao Yuan saw the huge potential of the media and finally understood why he had to start planning so early.

Using an event to draw the public's attention to the event itself, and then taking the opportunity to promote oneself, this method is more effective than spending money on advertising.

Once the exposure is up, the sales will also increase. This time, it is not her who asks others to advertise, but others who ask her to advertise.

The benefits here are even higher than selling the product itself.

My vision is really not as good as that man~

Now the major paper media in Guandu are basically in the hands of the company, and what is lacking is still the semi-official type such as TV stations. I must find a way to get it as soon as possible.

But today is not the time to think about this. After the situation in Heiyun City is stable, she will have time to leave the company and turn to look for the clues he left for her.

The vehicle drove through the suburbs and entered the central street, and the speed gradually slowed down.

Xiaoyuan looked around casually and found that there was basically no change from when he left.

She still remembers that at the beginning, she followed Xiu to almost walk all over the Qianhong City to sell those pirated books. Although it was a bit difficult at that time, it was her best memory in this city after her parents left...

The car gradually drove to the familiar place, and finally stopped near the convenience store, and got off and went in.


The familiar mechanical voice sounded, but Xiaoyuan did not react much and just walked around. After a round, he finally found the bread at the bottom.

Looking at the bread in his hand, Xiaoyuan's expression changed a little.

This is the cheapest bread in the store, and it was also her main food to fill her stomach at that time~

"Hello, check out." Xiaoyuan put the bread on the counter and handed over the money.

The current receptionist is also a little kid. Xiaoyuan knows very well that this kind of job that doesn't pay much and is tiring is only done by minors who have difficulty finding a normal job.

Most of them have to give up their studies and work part-time because of family pressure, or they have never been to school.

And the boss also saw this point and dared to lower the price.

The child was a little surprised why the big sister looked at him like that, but he quickly gave the change and handed over the money.

Xiaoyuan seemed to come back to his senses and said to the child: "I have something to ask you. If you can answer it, this money will be a tip for you."

"What is it?" The child was a little excited, but also a little nervous.

This is a lot of money. If he answered it wrong, the money would be gone.

Xiaoyuan smiled at the child and asked about the situation nearby. Then she left the convenience store.

The child clenched the money in his hand, and his expression was still a little unresponsive.

But soon his face was filled with surprise.

Xiaoyuan did not choose to drive over, but strolled on the familiar road and finally stopped in front of the small park.

Because the facilities here are too old and there are some construction waste piled up, no one comes here at all.

Xiaoyuan looked at this scene with some emotion. It's only been two years since he left, why does it feel like a long time~

Release Pichu from the Poké Ball.

The little guy was a little strange when he saw the surrounding scene when he came out, but he soon remembered something and ran around the small park excitedly, and wanted to drill into the pile of construction waste.

But as soon as he approached, his fur exploded, and a small arc burst out on his face. He looked alert, and it was obvious that something had occupied his nest.

"Come here~" Xiaoyuan looked at the child helplessly.

Summoned by Xiaoyuan, Pichu made a "hissing" warning sound towards that place, and then turned around and jumped back to Xiaoyuan.

"You~" Xiaoyuan looked at the dust on Pichu with annoyance. He had just washed it last night, and it was dirty again in less than two minutes after being released.

Pichu didn't think anything of it, and was full of energy and turned around Xiaoyuan.

Looking at Pichu's happy energy, Xiaoyuan realized that he rarely played with it?

Xiaoyuan didn't despise it, and sat directly on the abandoned cement pipe, then opened the package and broke the bread in half and handed it to Pichu.

"Chichi!" Pichu took it and ate it happily. He didn't reject ordinary food because he was used to eating fine customized rations.

Seeing Pichu's appearance, Xiaoyuan also took a bite.

Her life became much better after she became financially prosperous, but she didn't know why she couldn't help but feel sad when she ate this bite of bread.

Pichu seemed to feel something. He stopped moving his hands and turned his head to look at Xiaoyuan.

"Pichu! Pichu!"

Xiaoyuan came to his senses and raised his hand to touch Pichu's head.

"Eat quickly."

After a while, Ohara took Pichu and walked towards that place.

Stopping downstairs, Xiaoyuan slowly raised his head and looked there. Although his face was calm, there was an unconcealable anger in his eyes.

Back then, he took away everything his parents left for him and bullied him. This debt must be settled.

The elf is really spiritual. After noticing Xiao Yuan's anger, Pichu's lively and cheerful personality also restrained. His eyes had a different kind of darkness, as if he would rush out in the next second to protect everything with his fangs and claws. .

Standing in front of the door again, Xiaoyuan clenched his fists and raised his hand to knock a few times.

But the person behind the door was very calm and did not respond.

In fact, she had already expected that based on that man's habits, the family must have been cleaned up, otherwise he would not have given her the key.

She came here just to see what the guy had left for her.

Inserting the key, the door opened without any accident. The moment he pushed the door in, Xiao Yuan was stunned and stood at the door stupidly.

"This! How did he know..."

The decoration, furniture, etc. of the entire house were replaced and all traces of that family were cleaned away.

And that's not the most important thing. The point is that the new house is exactly the same as the house she remembered when her parents were alive.

Xiao Yuan walked in quickly. Not only the living room, but also the decoration, furnishings and furniture in almost all the rooms were as they were in his memory.

Some of them have even been forgotten and only remembered when they saw them.

"How did he do it?"

Shock was hard to describe Xiao Yuan's mood now, but she soon found an envelope with a vase on the table in the living room.

It's just that the flowers in the vase have long since withered, and the scattered petals are scattered randomly on the table.

Xiaoyuan suppressed his excitement, walked over and picked up the envelope, and saw familiar handwriting written on the surface.

[I made a few changes based on the photos you showed me before. I think you will like them. 】

Only then did Xiao Yuan realize that he had shown him the photo album before at the printing factory, but he didn't expect that he still remembered it now.

Feeling something inside the envelope, I opened it and took out a photo.

Above is a photo of her and Xiu. The background looks like a shopping mall, and the store's facade can be seen.

You can see Xiu smiling happily in the photo, but he seemed a little reserved at the time. Now that I think about it, I seemed to be a little stupid at that time.

She remembers this when Xiu took her to the mall after making her first money, and happened to take a photo for free during an event held by the store.

Xiao Yuan raised his hand and caressed the photo, and a smile appeared on his face.

Turning it over, Xiaoyuan saw a line of words written on the back.

The smile on Xiaoyuan's face froze, and she didn't know why she was trembling slightly. The emotions that had been suppressed for a long time burst out, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

The photo in my hand slipped and fell on the table, exposing the back, and I saw the words above:

【Everything has passed.

Now, welcome home! 】

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, brothers!

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