Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 868 The big one is coming!

A sharp blade flashed across, and the vines suddenly broke apart. Then, the vines were pushed aside by the branches, and a slightly embarrassed man walked out of it.

"After so many days of walking, we finally arrived~" Xiu looked up, and it was a towering mountain.

But he didn't have time to think more, so he retracted his gaze and dragged his tired body to climb up the mountain.

Xiu always had a perfect plan for doing things, and he would not act blindly.

Since he clearly entered the mountains to find the gods of the mountains, he was naturally prepared.

The mountains are not the Twin Islands that can be seen at a glance. They are too big and basically all mountains. The vision is very limited. It is basically impossible to accurately find the location of the Zapdos.

So Xiu didn't plan to find the location of the Zapdos directly in the first step, but set his goal on the mountain closest to him.

That is the one he is climbing now.

It has been seven days since he parted with Gyarados. Along the way, he can be said to have truly felt the vigorous aggressiveness of the wild Pokémon.

The deeper he went, the greater the threat he faced. He was often awakened by various elves even when he was sleeping, and even if he arranged to keep watch, fighting would break out inexplicably.

Without effective rest and facing a high-threat environment for a long time, his nerves had become weak.

Fortunately, he still persisted here.

Although it is the highest peak nearby, it is actually less than 3,000 meters high, and the slope is not large. With Xiu's ability, he quickly climbed to the top.

After a quick look, he didn't find anything. Xiu, who had been walking in the forest for many consecutive days, was already exhausted. He had to release a few elves and then find a place on the top of the mountain for the Sandshovel King to dig a cave that could accommodate them.

This was a very simple thing for the Sandshovel King. First, he dug out the approximate space, and then used his ability to make the soil flat and solid, and soon a small nest came out.

And Xiu finally had a relatively safe environment to rest...

When he woke up again, his condition was slightly restored.

And his elves were active nearby, and they also protected his safety.

His confused brain was slowly recovering, and only then did he show a bitter smile on his face.

It seems that the experience in the Evergreen Forest still made his judgment wrong. He didn't expect that the mountains were so much more difficult than the Evergreen Forest.

If it must be quantified, the challenge difficulty of the Evergreen Forest is level 10, while the mountains are at least level 30 or above.

There are some relatively strong elves in the Evergreen Forest, but the difference lies in their aggressiveness.

There is plenty of food there, so most of them can eat their fill, and they will not risk attacking large creatures such as humans.

But it is different here. Almost all elves are very aggressive, and some elves are very interested in trying out what humans taste like.

However, it is obvious that Xiu can get here, and the fate of those elves who provoke him on the way is self-evident.

I didn't pay much attention to it just now because I was in a hurry to recover, but now that I wake up, Xiu wants to take a good look.

It is true that you can see far from a height. Xiu stood on the top of the mountain and looked around, but even at this height, all he could see were mountains and forests. You can imagine how exaggerated the boundaries of the mountains are.

This also proves that his idea is right. If you want to find the lightning bird, you can't walk through the whole area. You can only use tricks.

That is thunderstorm weather.

Xiu stayed for a while after getting the news about the lightning bird at the mayor's house.

He was not chatting, but asking the mayor to understand the weather conditions here.

It's a pity that it's autumn now. According to the mayor, there were typhoons and rainstorms at this time of year in previous years, but they were much less. Whether you can encounter it depends entirely on luck.

And Xiu came here today just to try his luck.

With the camp, the threats he faces are much less. He plans to stay here for a few days, waiting, training and exploring the surrounding environment.

With this place as the center, if there is a thunderstorm at that time, then the whole area within a hundred miles can be seen. If he can't find it, it can only be considered that he has no such fate.

Xiu walked towards the giant claw mantis. He has had preliminary experience in the heat dissipation concept in the past few days, and he can make improvements and set the direction of subsequent ideas based on this.


I don't know whether he is lucky enough or the fate pusher fiddled with the keyboard.

Anyway, what he longed for came in less than two days.

Xiu put down the work in his hands and looked up at the horizon. It was dark clouds chasing the sun. The sky in the distance was like ink, and it was gradually spreading towards this side.

"The big one is coming~"

Xiu turned around and stopped the training of several elves, then put them back into the elf balls, leaving only Casey by his side.

He didn't mean to dodge, but climbed to the top of the mountain again, looking at the horizon and facing the storm.

The wind brought a hint of coolness to dissipate the heat accumulated on the top of the mountain, but in less than ten minutes, dark clouds were approaching. The gradually increasing wind force made Xiu's clothes rustle, and he couldn't even open his eyes.

And the tiny raindrops had already dripped and sprinkled on his face.

Casey's mind moved slightly, and a propped up ball enveloped the two of them. The wind and rain subsided at this moment, and there was even a kind of tranquility in the shelter.

Outside the sphere, there was a strong wind, and the leaves made a rustling sound under the wind. Some young branches inevitably bent under this pressure, as if they would break in the next second.

From the top of the mountain, Xiu could see the elves in the forest below constantly running for their lives, gathering into traces, and the elves on the mountain were similar.

It's just that their route was very strange. Unlike the normal way of going to a higher place to avoid the rain, most of the elves on the mountain went down.

However, Xiu didn't care much, and his attention was basically on the dark clouds.

As the wind and rain came, the distance began to become white, and Xiu's vision became worse and worse.

Fortunately, the strong light from the lightning could penetrate the thick rain curtain and bring him a moment of light.

But it was still the rainstorm in his impression, and there was nothing worth noting.

Although the sight seemed very close, in fact there was still some distance. It took more than half an hour for the continuous dark clouds to cross the eastern mountains and touch him.

The crackling raindrops hit the shield built by Casey, and the terrifying amount of rain formed a stream of water in less than a second.

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