Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 869: Figure in the Lightning

Being in a heavy rain, my vision actually got better, and I could see farther away.

Looking around, there was a vast white torrential rain, and only myself and Casey were confined to this sphere.

Xiu stood on the top of the mountain and suddenly felt very lonely and helpless.

The heavy rain did not stop for a moment because of him. The heavy rain, which seemed very slow just now, spanned a thousand meters in an instant under Xiu's eyes, directly passed over the high mountain where Xiu was, and then continued to move forward.

And at this moment, Xiu seemed to have some inexplicable inspiration and turned his head to look behind him, which was the middle of the mountains.

Only then did he realize that the wind and rain in the sky seemed to have suffered some kind of weakening, weakening for no reason. However, the dark clouds accumulated in the sky were getting thicker and thicker, as if being attracted by something, moving towards them at a faster speed. Gather over there.

The clouds gather and rub together to form thunderstorms. The unprecedented density of lightning appears even more violent against the background of the wind and rain. Silver snakes dance wildly. Streams of almost uninterrupted lightning splash across the mountains like heavy rain. Everything covering the land is "taken care of". ".

Even this small hilltop was directly hit by several lightning bolts. The power of thunder was simply not something that humans could contend with.

When the sound of thunder broke through the air and there was a faint vibration from the ground, if many super powers gave him a sense of security, he might have just fallen to the ground.

Now he finally knew why all the elves on the mountain fled downwards. They would rather face the water than the lightning.

And gradually, something seemed to wake up under the call of thunder and lightning. At this moment, something seemed to rush up from the top of the mountain in the distance. Unfortunately, Xiu was too far away to see what it was.

But what he could see was that the originally irregular lightning struck strangely at the same time.

Every bolt of lightning contained terrifying energy. Even when he saw Xiu from a distance, he felt a kind of fear in his heart. It was the fear of living beings towards the power of nature.

Nothing can be faster than lightning. There is no doubt that these lightnings hit that figure, and the strong reaction caused by these powers directly exploded into a white light.

Xiuya subconsciously raised his hand to block the dazzling light, but he was still affected. Even if he closed his eyes, they were still completely white. There was even a burning tingling sensation, and the tear glands secreted tears out of control.

It took a while to recover, but when I looked over there, there were still some overlapping shadows, and that figure had long since disappeared.

But he could hear that the thunderstorm clouds in the sky did not dissipate, but became more violent, with thousands of roars erupting every second, but there was no lightning, and only a little lightning could be seen passing through. clouds.

"It should be over there, but I didn't expect it to go deeper~"

Xiu simply closed his eyes, not paying attention to the situation in the sky, which was no longer something he could involve.

But it was obvious that the scene just now helped him determine the location of Lightning Bird, and it turned out that his idea was correct.

But the scene just now was somewhat strange, because the heavy rain really stopped at the mountains and could not cross over, just like what the mayor said.

The mountains are the barrier to the hinterland of Kanto, and it is precisely because of the mountains that the Golden City will not be disturbed by extreme weather such as typhoons.

It's just that Xiu is very curious about the reason, but I'm afraid all this can only be understood after seeing the Lightning Bird.

Xiu opened his slightly better eyes and looked at the sky. The dancing thunder showed no sign of stopping. On the contrary, it became more intense as the thunderclouds gathered.

Xiu also had no intention of staying any longer. He was lucky just now. He didn't want to test who had stronger super powers, Lightning or Casey, so he turned around and returned to the camp with Casey.

Since he had made this preparation, he had certainly expected this kind of weather. The location of the cave was very particular. It was easy to protect him from wind and rain, and more importantly, he was not afraid of being struck by lightning.

There's nothing he can do about it. To be honest, he does feel a little guilty~

Casey was already sitting cross-legged holding the meteorite and entering a meditative state. Xiu didn't waste time. He hung up the light and took out the information collected in the mountains and began to organize it.

This rain seemed to have no end. It had been raining all the way from noon to night and still had no intention of stopping. Xiu then raised the prepared bonfire and released the Giant Pincer Mantis.

While opening the meal, Xiu told them about the scene that had just happened, and the night patrol spirit also came out of Xiu's body, avoiding the firelight and hiding in the shadows to devour the negative energy on Casey.

After simply eating something, Xiu didn't put them away. Instead, he let them stay outside to guard against those wild elves.

Although it is said that no elves usually come out to look for food in such extreme weather, the frequency of attacks he faced after coming in made him a little wary, not to mention that Xiu was not superstitious about the so-called rules.

Rather than putting his life in the hands of others, he only believed that he still had his elf.


Xiu, who was nestled on the mat, suddenly woke up as if he felt something. He glanced subconsciously and found nothing unusual except for the absence of a few of his elves.

"Damn~ I thought I was going to be late for work." Xiu whispered to himself, raising his hand to wipe away the tiny beads of sweat on his forehead.

The quality of sleep last night was the best these days.

He even didn't get up on time, so he was astonished as if he had been awakened.

I got up and walked outside. I didn't know when the rainstorm stopped. Anyway, the sky after the rain was always particularly blue. It was like putting on a pair of clean glasses. Everything around me became particularly clear.

The water drops hanging on the plants in the forest dripped naturally, and a feeling of vitality came naturally.

Xiu took a deep breath of air, and the indescribable freshness swept away the pressure he had accumulated over the past few days.

The giant claw mantis was doing some basic training, while the sandshovel was moving around after metalization, making some movements, obviously still adapting to the influence of the mud on itself.

But it can be seen that it has basically gotten rid of the fear of water now, and its movements are very smooth.

It's just that the body that was washed not long ago is dirty again~

Xiu didn't say much when he saw this, and his eyes swayed around, but he didn't find the figure of Jigglypuff.

Xiu shouted a few times towards the forest and soon heard some sounds coming from the surroundings. It was Jigglypuff who came back here, but it looked a little strange.

"What's wrong?"

Jilin walked quickly to Xiu's side, raised his hand and pointed down the mountain, making some noises.

Xiu listened and thought that it found some elves that were damaged by the rainstorm, but this was just a normal phenomenon for Xiu.

Brothers, I want to ask for your opinions. Do you think we should keep updating every day or upload all the plots as before? I personally prefer the second one because it looks smoother to you and I feel good when writing the whole code.

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