Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 908 Super Girl

At this moment, Xiu lost control. He stood stiffly on the spot, his body trembling slightly. His eyes were closed tightly, but the eyeballs under his eyelids were moving randomly, as if he was in some strange state.

The Night Patrol Spirit had already flown away from him. In its eyes, Xiu's whole body seemed to be swallowed up by negative emotions. He could no longer look like a human being. All he had was a black goo attached to him.

Casey immediately let go of the restraint on himself, and the light of the bracelet dimmed. The super power of Peng Bai directly transferred all the items on Xiu's body, and then set up a heavy super power to isolate the surrounding area.

But the energy fluctuations on Xiu's body from Casey's superpower perspective still couldn't stop escaping.

"What about your abilities?"

After being reminded by Casey, the Night Watch finally reacted, but just as it was about to get close to the mud-like black substance, it turned into tentacles and rolled towards it.

[Village] was activated subconsciously, but the thing actually ignored its ability and directly entangled it.

It was Casey who used his superpower to cut off the tentacles to save Night Watch.

After the tentacles entangled with the Night Watch Spirit broke away from the body, they turned into a puddle of mud again and were swallowed by the Night Watch Spirit.

It's just that this efficiency gave Casey a headache, and he knew he couldn't rely on this guy. Casey was about to use his super power to invade Xiu directly, and at this moment, the Night Patrolling that had just finished devouring it sent out strange energy fluctuations.

Before Casey could react further, a vortex gradually appeared in the void.

Casey suddenly stopped, it recognized the traces of the night demon.

Sure enough, a big hand stretched out from the whirlpool, and then the body.

Even if I watch this scene again, it is still very shocking.

It's just that Xiu can't see it now.

As soon as the dark night demon came out, it set its sights on Xiu, and it appeared in front of Xiu without Casey letting go of the barrier.

The understanding of [teleportation] allowed Casey to see its movements clearly, which was to use another space to cross the barrier he built.

It's just that that space is different from the space you enter by teleportation.

The dark night demon spirit who came to Xiu Shen directly stretched out his hands to grab Xiu's hands, and then pulled him in front of him.

The night watcher could see the black substance spreading directly along the big hands towards the body of the night demon.

But at this moment, the dark night demon opened its big mouth on its abdomen, and a terrifying suction force appeared. The black substance adhering to Xiu's body fell into its mouth uncontrollably, and the things that spread to its hands Same thing.

However, within ten seconds of cultivating his body, all the negative emotions were cleared away, and his whole body began to stabilize.

The Night Demon Spirit let go of his hands and Xiu Xiu was about to fall out of control. Fortunately, he was immediately caught by super powers so that he wouldn't be pulled over.

"Dark Night Demon~" Xiu looked at the figure in front of him weakly and then reacted, "Thanks, I thought I could control it, but I almost had an accident."

The Dark Night Demon didn't say anything, but started to gather the vortex again to prepare to leave.

Xiu immediately stopped it.

"Wait!" Xiuya stood up regardless of his physical discomfort. "No matter what, I am your son's godfather. After all, we are brothers. You must have seen what happened just now from my perspective. Now, brother, please help me. …”

But before Xiu could finish speaking, the dark night demon had already gotten into the whirlpool.


Seeing this scene, Xiu was a little helpless. The Gengar of the Adams family was very difficult to deal with, and he wanted to ask the Night Demon to help him deal with it.

Just when the vortex was shrinking and about to disappear, something flew out of it.

Xiu subconsciously reached out to catch it and found that it was actually a black crystal.

What's the use of this thing?

And before he could ask clearly, the vortex completely disappeared.

"Are you okay?" Casey came to his side.

"It's okay. I discovered that humans can also transform energy. The one just now was obviously..."

But before he finished speaking, Xiu noticed something and looked up to the sky.

Only then did Casey react and looked over.

It was a man suspended high in the sky.

Xiu pretended not to care, took back the equipment from Casey, and then took back the Night Patrolling. Then he used his superpower to ascend to the sky and face the visitor face to face.

It was a young girl with a delicate face and three-dimensional features, and her eyes were very strange, with purple pupils.

Her hairstyle is a rare Ji-fa style. Anyway, this is the first time Xiu has seen someone with this hairstyle after all the time she has been here. Moreover, her black hair is very long, almost reaching her hips.

Whether it was just now or now, the expression on her face had not changed at all, giving people a feeling of coldness or even indifference to everything.

Xiu had probably guessed her identity, the leader of the Golden City Gym—Nazi.

She also has another identity, that is, a girl with super powers.

It's not a parallel import that requires Casey to repair. He is a real superpower.

Xiu didn't care about the appearance, he just glanced at it. What he really paid attention to was the super power fluctuations that the girl's body radiated all the time.

Almost distorting the space around her.

This is not a good sign. It means that like Casey before her, she cannot fully control her superpowers, which is why this situation occurs.

She is even more serious than Casey at the time. It is already a miracle that she is still alive. Anyone who dares to approach her will probably experience the influence of super powers.

However, fortunately, Xiu has been in contact with this thing for many years and has a high resistance to super powers. In addition, the power of Changpan is running in his body. Otherwise, he would not dare to approach her within a hundred meters.

[She should be attracted by the super power you just sent out]

[Her super power is very strong. I can't figure out her strength. ]

[It's best not to fight. There is no grudge. Maybe she is just curious. ]

Xiu and Casey communicated briefly in telepathy, and at this moment, Xiu's face changed.

He could feel that Nancy on the opposite side was mobilizing super powers to attack him.

Casey also immediately fought back, and the two super powers confronted each other in the air.

The special thing is that the super power mobilized by Nancy showed blue fluorescence, which was a symbol of insufficient control.

But the terrifying thing is that this blue fluorescence covered half of the sky.


Casey didn't care about hiding her strength. After releasing the restrictions, the super power that could only barely compete directly pressed back.

Maybe Nazi didn't expect this, but she seemed to be serious. She raised her hands towards Xiu, her whole body glowed, especially her eyes, and her long hair moved without wind under the encouragement of superpowers.

Are you not familiar with this Xiu?

This is the state of being serious.

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