Both parties were just standing in the air, but the fierce battle of super powers had already begun. Apart from the two main players, only Xiu could get some information through perception.

It was the first time that Xiu saw a human being could compete with Casey.

It was outrageous!

"Stop playing, if you drag it on, people will notice it."

Xiu's will joined in, and the rough energy confrontation was played out in a delicate operation under Xiu's control. Casey directly broke through the super powers around her, and then Xiu sent the powder of [paralysis grass] over.

Xiu didn't say he would fight her fairly~

The effect of the paralysis grass cultivated by Murasame Linzi is self-evident. Nerve paralysis directly cut off her ability to call on super powers.

If Casey hadn't caught it first, she would have fallen directly.

Before the super powers in the sky dissipated, Xiu threw the meteorite into the air, and under Casey's guidance, he directly absorbed all the super powers that were scattered around.

Otherwise, if these wanted to wait for natural dissipation, something might be affected and become diseased.

After taking the meteorite back, the golden ring on Casey's hand flashed, directly suppressing her violent superpower.

"Let's go!" Xiu waved his hand, and he and Nazi disappeared from the spot.

It took only two minutes from meeting to leaving, and only three minutes after they left, a middle-aged man came here.

This person left after staying for a while, and the way he left was also [teleportation].

But these have nothing to do with Xiu.

The investigation in the past few days made Xiu almost walk all over the city. He was very familiar with the situation in Jinhuang City. He took Nazi to an unmanned house and controlled her to put her down.

Nazi lost control of her body at this time, but her consciousness was still clear.

Xiu did not directly invade her brain with superpowers, but chose a more gentle telepathic contact.

The confrontation just now showed that her superpowers were very strong. Even in this state, she still had the power to resist. If the invasion made a mistake, her brain would be burned.

And Xiu also found that she only used superpowers arbitrarily, otherwise she would not be tricked by him.

After learning the lesson from the fight with Mewtwo, he would not give up the skills he had worked so hard to develop.

Unless he wanted to kill her.

But this would not do him any good.

Don't forget her identity!

She did not reject telepathy, but took the initiative to connect.

However, as soon as he came into contact with Xiu, he felt a chaotic and confusing thought rushing towards him along the channel.

This is equivalent to a data flow shock. Xiu had tried it several times before and suffered a lot. Bulbasaur almost burned his brain that time.

But the object is different. How much information can a girl under 20 years old have? How could such a method affect his will?

Moreover, with Casey as a safety, Xiu did not mean to cut off and just resisted.

Xiu even had time to look through the messy information.

But as time went by, Xiu did not move, and the whole person seemed to be stunned, and from the slight feedback on his face, it seemed that he was not asleep.

After a while, Xiu opened his eyes and looked at Nancy with a strange look.

He took out the antidote made of nectar and fed it to Nancy.

Nancy gradually recovered and reactivated her superpowers, but at this moment Xiu stretched out his hand to her without any defense.

"We are the same kind~"

When his hand touched Nancy, she was stunned and subconsciously pulled back to avoid it, but Xiu grabbed her one step ahead.

Feeling the touch from her hand, she fell into a strange state.


Xiu communicated with her again, and the long-forgotten memory was passed on.

That was his feeling when he learned about Casey's situation and then fought all the way.

Casey's problem did not defeat them, but made them more closely connected, and they walked a long way together until they overcame the difficulties and solved the problem.

And Xiu's memories directly broke through Nancy's heavy psychological defenses, and she began to communicate with Xiu slowly...

The data flow just now was a very rough means of application. If it were an ordinary person, it would be difficult to bear it, but Xiu not only carried it, but even intercepted a part of it.

Originally, he just wanted to see if there was any possibility of communication, but he roughly guessed Nazi's situation from those fragmented images.

And the subsequent communication made Xiu confirm his guess.

It's a bit sad to say that although Nazi is a superpower, she is also a victim of superpowers. Before she was five years old, she was quite normal, with a good family and her parents loved her very much, not to mention that her father was the gym owner of Jinhuang City and had a very high social status.

This led to her being sought after by everyone like a little princess since she was born.

Until she was five years old, her superpowers awakened. This did not cause much reaction at first, because her father was a superpower, but as she grew up, her superpowers began to get out of control.

The first people affected were those who had close contact with her every day, and the worst was her mother. Because of this, she died soon, and the staff were also affected. The gym was not unexpectedly closed directly.

Only her father was a superpower himself and had resistance to this, so he was spared.

Because of this incident, she was restricted in the gym and could not go out at will.

At first, her father could still suppress her, but as she grew older, her superpowers also grew, and soon this suppression relationship was reversed.

However, because of the previous incident, she was actually afraid of contact with strangers, so she took the initiative to stay in the gym and had no intention of leaving.

So the boring time began to pass, but the impact of superpowers on her became more and more serious, and her brain often had unbearable pain.

At that age, she encountered such a tragedy of family destruction, coupled with the psychological and physical impact of out-of-control superpowers on her, and she was alone in the gym like a prison for a long time.

This environment made her personality extremely strange and even violent, full of destructive desire.

The superpower fluctuations that Casey accidentally emitted just now attracted her attention. To a certain extent, her attack on Xiu was driven by her disgust for superpowers.

"I didn't mean it~"

Nazhi relaxed and slowly sat on the ground, her expression was a little panic, and she was completely different from the indifference when they first met.

"I know the pain you have endured, I understand everything about you."

This is not empty talk. Xiu has been walking all the way, how could he not know the pain caused by the impact of superpowers on the human body.

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