Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 910 All living things suffer

Xiu hesitated for a moment, looked at Casey, and after an eye contact, he made a decision. He took back the hand holding her and took out a box from his waist bag with a serious expression.

Nazi looked at the box with some curiosity, and didn't know why Xiu reacted like this.

Xiu opened the box and took out a bracelet with golden patterns from it.

If you look closely, you can find that this is exactly the same as the one Casey is wearing.

"You must know that Casey and I have finally found a way to limit superpowers after going through a lot of hardships, and I will give you this limiter today to help you control the superpowers in your body."

Xiu didn't cast one at the beginning. It was impossible for him to prepare only one according to his habit. He had to consider the possibility of damage to the one on Casey's hand.

However, the casting process of this thing is complicated, and the materials are expensive. Just such a small bracelet costs at least hundreds of thousands.

Of course, these are not the reasons why Xiu is so cautious. What is really important is that the bracelet contains a way to restrain superpowers. If it is cracked by outsiders, his fancy abilities will be limited.

For example, the "Forbidden Magic Field" that sealed the ruins, he couldn't come and go freely.

Of course, there are countermeasures, but it's still a big loss.

It's just that the situation that Nancy is facing now is a bit serious. Xiu is afraid that if he doesn't help her control her anti-human personality, it will take shape, and even if Casey can restrict her, it will be useless.

Xiu did feel a little sympathy.

He took this out after careful consideration.

Xiu put the bracelet on her hand, and then taught her how to use it through telepathy.

Nancy is not a fool. On the contrary, according to Xiu's research, the brain that can bear superpowers is usually very developed.

Soon, under Nancy's control, the first section of the bracelet lit up, and the superpowers that permeated her body were directly suppressed.

Soon, the second and third sections lit up one after another, and her superpowers that escaped were directly absorbed.

Xiu, who was next to her, felt it most clearly. He could feel that Nancy's threat to the outside world had been lifted, and as long as she didn't release it actively, there would be no big problem.

However, Nazi was like a computer crash, looking at the bracelet blankly and sitting there.

"What's wrong?" Xiu asked in a strange tone. Could it be that the limiter designed by Casey cannot be used on humans?

But it was clearly suppressed?

Before Xiu could ask more, the girl in front of him started sobbing.

This caught Xiu off guard. Why did she cry? What should he do now?

"Just tell me what's wrong. Is it uncomfortable to wear this?" Xiu was most afraid of this kind of situation, with no beginning or end and inexplicable.

Nazi slowly raised her head and asked Xiu in a crying voice: "Will they not call me a monster who killed my mother..."

Xiu frowned. Of course, he knew that this was a statement derived from the fear of the people at that time. Even her father had this tendency.

"They are monsters, their whole family is monsters!" Xiu didn't know what he remembered, and reached out to touch Nancy to share her emotions with telepathy, and comforted her: "You are not a monster, on the contrary, you are a real hero, otherwise you would not care about those people and imprison yourself in the gym."

Telepathic communication is very fast, and a large amount of information is exchanged in just a few seconds.

But before Nancy can calm down, she crashed into Xiu's arms and hugged her. She looked intoxicated, as if she was missing something.

She was not familiar with telepathy. Xiu could feel that she had some strange dependence on him, just like... a child's dependence on his mother.

That's right! It was not a shallow love between men and women. She had been alone in the gym since she was a child, and she had no such concept at all. She hugged him more like a child hoping to get protection and comfort from her mother.

And since her mother passed away, she has never come into contact with humans again.

Xiu sighed secretly and raised his hand to stroke her long hair.

"It's okay~ It's okay~"

But soon Xiu found that she had fallen asleep.

Xiu looked at the girl with tears still on her face, and couldn't help but shake his head slowly, thinking: "All living beings suffer... Saving others is just saving yourself~"

Raised his hand and gently wiped away the tears, and with a slight thought, he pulled out a set of mats and sleeping bags from his waist bag, and then carefully put her down.

It's cold now, and she might catch a cold if she is left like this.

At Xiu's call, the Night Patrol Spirit floated out of his pocket.

Just now, he had a good meal, and with the extra meals every day in the past few days, the body of the Night Patrol Spirit became more and more solid. Xiu felt that it would appear in the daytime soon.

But it's almost there now.

"Come, help me suck it."

The Night Patrol Spirit circled above Nazi, but was vaguely a little afraid.

Xiu immediately guessed what was going on. This guy was scared by the situation just now, and was afraid that he would reach out his tentacles to grab him again.

"She's not as crazy as me, don't be afraid."

Under Xiu's guidance, the Night Patrol Spirit activated its ability and pulled out wisps of smoke from Nazi.

At this moment, Nazi's peaceful expression began to change. Fortunately, the telepathy was not broken, and Xiu naturally kept a trick.

"I'm here, don't worry."

He was so familiar with this set of things that he easily calmed Nazi down again.

Xiu was using his own emotions to block the impact of negative emotional fluctuations on her.

But it soon failed.

It's not that Xiu can't do it, but the Night Watcher can't eat it. It needs time to digest.

And the current situation seems to be similar to Casey's situation, both are long struggles.

"Come back first."

Xiu didn't mean to force the Night Watcher, so he let it go back to rest.

Gradually cut off the telepathic connection, and saw that Nancy, who was sleeping, had some fluctuations.

But soon Xiu took out the [Crescent Feather] that worked all the time and placed it on Nancy's forehead.

In less than three seconds, she fell into deep sleep again.

…………Wait for you to dream…………

"Wake up."

Xiu woke Nancy up before dawn.

It seemed too early, and she still looked cute and sleepy at this time.

Realizing that she was trapped in some kind of bondage, she subconsciously called on her superpowers, but found that her body's feedback was not strong, and there was not much reaction. The superpowers seemed to be silent.

That was...

Memories of last night emerged, and Nancy reacted and looked at Xiu beside her.

"What's wrong?" Xiu looked at Nazi strangely, and then seemed to react. He stretched out his hand to unzip the sleeping bag and teased, "It's normal that you have never seen a sleeping bag?"

Nazi was freed from the restraints, sat up and looked at the bracelet on her hand, and then contacted Xiu telepathically.

"What's wrong with me?"

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