Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 911: Instructions

After many experiments, Xiu knew that [Crescent Feather] would bring a dreamlike feeling, but it also had sequelae, that is, there would be a short-term loss of thinking, and it would take some time for the two worlds to overlap.

And Nazi had recovered.

"It's already five o'clock, eat something and I'll take you back."

Xiu handed over the breakfast in his hand, and Nazi found that it was actually hot. It seemed that he had just bought it.

However, she hadn't come into contact with this kind of food for a long time. Every day, her father would only come to her at noon to bring her food, which was usually fast food that looked similar and cold.

"What? Not to your taste?" Xiu looked at her dazed look and pushed her over, "Why don't you try mine?"

"No need~" Nazi picked up her share and ate it slowly.

Xiu looked at her posture and knew that she must have often used superpowers to assist herself in the past, and even used superpowers to replace her hands and feet, so now her movements were a little stiff, and she couldn't even hold the chopsticks steadily.

But it was just a breakfast, a simple solution.

Taking this opportunity, Xiu also told her the details.

"Although you are wearing a limiter, the situation is not stable yet. I will go to you tonight and teach you how to control your power and how to relieve your pain."

"Really?" Nazi seemed a little excited.

"Don't worry, I will help you." Xiu comforted softly, but the next second his tone became serious again, "But I need you to promise me one thing."

"I promise." Nazi answered directly without hesitation.

During the communication last night, she could feel that Xiu would not hurt herself.

Just like he said, they are the same kind of people.

"I need you to promise me not to tell anyone what happened last night. If someone asks, just say you met a psychic elf.

At the same time, don't let others know the real function of this bracelet. If someone wants to rob it, input superpowers into it and overload the internal circuits to melt."

Xiu had already considered that situation and buried a self-destruct device when designing it. As long as the input superpower reaches a threshold, the circuit inside will burn out.

Xiu came to her and covered the bracelet with his sleeve, looking at her and emphasizing: "This is very important, remember?"

"I won't let anyone touch it." Nazi nodded solemnly, then looked at her arm, her eyes seemed to penetrate the sleeve.

Xiu found that she seemed to have misunderstood something, so he had to persuade her with a wry smile: "As long as it is not taken away by others, come to me again if it is gone, don't be too nervous."

She didn't have a strong control over superpowers like Casey, so the three-stage full opening was basically a limit for her, Xiu still guided her to start from the first stage.

When Xiu felt the fluctuations of superpowers around her again, he was temporarily done.

"You maintain this state first, and I will teach you in detail tonight how to use the limiter and control superpowers."

Xiu and Casey didn't need to talk at all, and they appeared in the northeast of Jinhuang City in the next second.

Before, because he was afraid that Nazi would sense the fluctuations of superpowers and interfere with his plan, Xiu basically stayed away from the Jinhuang City gym, so he could only choose a compromise position for the second move.

As if he had sensed something, Xiu just stopped aside and didn't approach the gym, whispering to Nancy.

"It should be your father, I won't go over there, just say that he didn't go home because he was chasing a Psychic Pokémon, relax and don't conflict with him, otherwise he will stay here and I won't be able to come tonight."

Nancy naturally understood what Xiu meant, and after letting go of her hand, she walked towards the gym by herself.

As expected, when Nancy walked on the empty street and approached the gym, a figure flashed out. It was a tall, middle-aged man with a full beard.

Because he was worried about touching the two, Xiu couldn't monitor it. He could only see that after they said a few words, Nancy returned to the gym regardless.

And the middle-aged man seemed to have noticed something, and actually walked towards the way Nancy came.

But his behavior was a little strange. Xiu could sense the superpowers in him, so he could see that he was not tracking, but offsetting the superpowers that Nancy had released.

Xiu looked a little surprised. Sure enough, besides him, there were people who were studying the skills of using superpowers.

Moreover, this uncle's ability is not bad, but unfortunately there is a gap between people, and the amount of superpowers is directly crushed by his daughter.

The big thing has not been accomplished, Xiu did not dare to contact too much, so he had to turn around and leave.

Because he had rested last night, Xiu was full of energy and started to sort out the information in his hand and then translated it.

Fortunately, such a big family is very organized. The information Xiu got detailed records of the buying and selling in the past 30 years.

But it's a pity that the information of those children is gone, otherwise it might be possible to help those abducted children go home.

And this is just one of the orphanages in Jinhuang City.

Xiu's expression became more and more determined, and then he took a step towards the set goal.


At night, a long-haired girl sat in the main hall of the Jinhuang Dojo. At this moment, she was looking at the bracelet on her hand in a trance.

And at this time, a figure walked into the hall and woke the girl up.

The violent superpowers attacked the visitor directly.

But the surging superpower disappeared as soon as it approached the figure. Nazi could feel that part of the superpower disappeared directly in her perception.

Before she could react more, a voice sounded in the hall.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Nazi's face showed surprise, and she quickly gathered her superpowers and flew towards the figure.

When she saw that the person coming was indeed Xiu, she approached without hesitation.

"Why did you come now~"

Xiu could hear that the tone was not blaming, but more like a child acting coquettishly to his parents.

"Your father was guarding outside just now, and I couldn't find a chance to come in. I waited for a long time before he left." Xiu explained with a little helplessness.

"By the way, why didn't you turn on the light?" Xiu looked at the hall. Although he could see the general outline, it was too dark to see the specific situation.

"Do you want to turn on the light?"

"No, I just asked out of curiosity." Xiu went straight to the point, "Time is running out, go to your room."

"Here." Nazi used her superpowers to roll up Xiu and flew towards the room.

It must be said that Xiu felt the superpowers around her, and her control was too poor. The superpowers were constantly losing control and escaping to affect the surroundings.

These superpowers would affect living beings when they came into contact with them.

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