African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1075 Meat Consumption

In this way, Germany must have sufficient strategic determination, and the government must always maintain a clear mind and high efficiency. However, Germany under the leadership of Wilhelm II is obviously unlikely to achieve these points.

Moreover, even if Germany can maintain its best condition, if it wants to win the final victory, it will still need the support of external conditions, that is, the governments of other countries will surrender or make mistakes in governance. Assuming that Britain, France, and Russia are all countries like the Austro-Hungarian Empire, That might still be possible.

The reason why the Austro-Hungarian Empire was ranked low among the European powers was mainly due to fundamental flaws in the system. As long as there was no unified and strong government, the Austro-Hungarian Empire would not be able to fully implement many beneficial policies.

And the most fatal thing is that the inefficient government of Austria-Hungary is still Germany's most important ally, which further makes it more difficult for Germany to win the war.

In East Africa, the United States and Germany are completely different. For East Africa and the United States, war is a non-essential option, at least in large-scale decisive battles. The situation in Europe can be said to affect the whole body.

The United States and East Africa have no such worries at all. After all, the United Kingdom cannot allow Canada and the United States to conflict, nor can it allow Egypt or South Africa to attack East Africa.

As regional powers, East Africa and the United States have no powerful forces nearby that can threaten the two countries. If the above incident occurs, the two countries can expand naturally.

It is basically impossible to achieve a peaceful transition of world dominance. If you want to obtain the international market controlled by Britain and France, regional turbulence, war, etc. will inevitably occur.

The geographical advantages of East Africa and the United States allow the two countries to deal with traditional powers such as Britain and France, even if the process is longer.

Even without Germany disrupting the situation in Europe in the previous life, the United States could achieve its goals step by step, but the final effect may not be that ideal.

Of course, the current East African government still has no ideas. East Africa and the United States are basically the same on this point. After all, the two countries have a better choice, which is to let Europe cause chaos on its own.

"During the Second Five-Year Plan period, my country's consumer goods grew at an average annual rate of about 3 percent, and national living standards improved significantly. In particular, the consumption of light industrial products increased significantly, among which the consumption of home appliances was the most prominent."

“Consumption of textiles and food has also increased significantly. In food consumption, per capita consumption of meat and dairy products has increased significantly, exceeding the levels of some European countries. Among meat products, pork and beef consumption account for the highest proportion, followed by poultry. , and finally mutton and other consumption.”

As a German country in East Africa, and under the dual influence of immigrants from the Far East Empire, pork has always been a source of meat that is highly accepted by the East African people.

Of course, before the 1990s, pork sales in East Africa were far inferior to beef, and pork consumption was limited by production.

This situation reversed after the 1990s, mainly because East African agriculture had matured and international agricultural product prices, especially grain prices, had been at low levels. In order to consume excess grain, East Africa began to develop aquaculture on a large scale.

Pig farming has begun to rise on a large scale in East Africa. So far, pork has become the largest source of meat for East African citizens.

Of course, this is closely related to the diverse cooking methods of East Africa. The German region, the Far Eastern Empire and the Slavic region, the three main sources of East African immigrants, all have their own meat processing techniques.

In particular, pork, a meat that is difficult to process, has higher requirements for breeding and cooking skills. As a country of immigrants, East Africa has greatly enriched the methods of meat cooking and preservation.

Sausage, bacon, bacon, braised, stir-fried and other methods, coupled with the promotion of East African breeding and slaughtering technology, pork can be effectively transformed into various delicacies, thus being promoted throughout East Africa.

Of course, pork is very popular in East Africa. In addition to dietary traditions, advances in breeding and slaughtering technology, and diverse cooking methods, it is also related to the local environment and climate of East Africa.

Although East Africa has rich grasslands, the quality of cattle and sheep raised in East Africa's grazing industry under the tropical grassland climate cannot be compared with other regions. This also provides conditions for the increase in pork consumption in East Africa.

Not to mention East Africa, even Germany and Denmark, countries with high-quality pasture due to their temperate maritime climate, consume more pork than beef.

Generally speaking, meat consumption in East Africa is developing towards diversification. Although pork and beef currently dominate, the consumption of other meats is also increasing rapidly, especially poultry.

Sources of meat such as mutton, camel meat, fish, horse meat, donkey meat are also increasing. Southern East Africa, that is, the South African plateau, is rich in mutton, while camel meat in the northwest Somali region is a specialty meat source, and horse meat is relatively niche in East Africa. , Fish meat is also relatively popular in East Africa, but it is restricted by geography and is concentrated on the coast and near lakes and rivers. As for donkey meat, it is a completely new experience for many East Africans, and donkey meat cooking skills mainly come from the north of the Far Eastern Empire.

"Currently, my country's meat consumption is developing in a diversified direction. With the development of animal husbandry and breeding industry, the per capita meat consumption has increased significantly, and the national physical fitness has improved significantly. According to the 1909 army recruitment standards, height alone is higher than It increased by two centimeters in the 1980s.”

In terms of height, East Africans have not been short from the beginning. Now the average height of East Africans is above the world average. In a 1909 sample survey, the average height of adult men in East Africa was about 172 cm and that of adult women was 163 cm. That is to say, the current average height per capita in East Africa is approximately 167.5 cm.

This level is comparable to that of France, where the average height of the French is 167 cm, Germany is 169 cm, and the Netherlands is 171 cm.

And height is obviously directly related to the standard of living, just as the height of Europeans today has increased a lot compared to before.

In the middle of the last century, the average height of the Dutch and French was only about 165 cm, while Germany was only about 163 cm. According to the early average height data of East Africa, in the 1970s, the average height of East Africa was just over 160 cm. The severely malnourished immigrant population was the main reason for the low average height of East Africa at that time.

In a few decades, the average height of East Africa has increased by nearly ten centimeters, which is an important manifestation of the improvement of living standards in East Africa.

The fact that the average height of Germans exceeds that of France is also related to the rapid economic development of Germany. In the middle of the last century, Germany was slightly inferior to France, but now it is above France, which is difficult to explain.

In the middle of the last century, Germany had not yet been unified, and the years of war had a huge impact on German production. The German region was the world's main population outflow area. Now Germany's industrial development and political stability have created conditions for agricultural development, so the quality of life of Germans has improved significantly.

The most telling example is Russia. Today, Russians are obviously not as tall and strong as they were in the past. Because of the low living standards, Russian soldiers are almost the shortest in Europe.

The average height of Russian soldiers is only about 165 cm. It should be noted that although the army has a relatively loose height restriction, it can basically reflect the accurate data of the height of healthy men in a country.

Moreover, Russia has lower requirements in Poland, Ukraine and other regions. Instead, the Baltic part of the country has the highest height. The height of soldiers in the European and Asian parts of Russia is in the middle. Poland and Ukraine can be regarded as relatively poor areas of Russia in this era.

As for the Asian part of Russia, although the population is small, it does not mean that their quality of life is poor, especially the proportion of meat in food is relatively high. After all, the Asian part of Russia is not suitable for agricultural cultivation.

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