African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1076 Nanyang Industrial Exposition

In 1910, the wheat planting area in East Africa alone reached more than 20 million hectares, or more than 300 million acres, with an average yield of about 65 kilograms per mu. The national wheat output was close to 30 million tons, which was equivalent to the total wheat production of Shandong in the previous Far Eastern Empire. Yield.

In the previous life, the wheat planting area in Shandong Province was more than 60 million acres, which was only one-fifth of that in East Africa. However, the total wheat output was not much different. Compared with the unit output of wheat in East Africa, it was very small. However, at the beginning of the 20th century , the unit output of wheat in East Africa has exceeded the global average. Even according to the living standards of previous generations, the wheat output in East Africa is enough to feed at least 50 million people.

But this is not the peak of wheat production in East Africa. During the peak period of wheat planting in East Africa, that is, in the early 1990s, the wheat planting area in East Africa was even higher than it is now. At that time, the wheat planting area in East Africa alone exceeded more than 40 million hectares. Now it has dropped by nearly half.

On the contrary, the planting area of ​​rice and cash crops continues to expand. Because of the construction of water conservancy projects in East Africa, many areas across the country have the conditions for rice planting, and the unit yield of rice is also higher than that of wheat. At the same time, with the transformation of agriculture, agriculture is moving towards higher With the development in the direction of profits, the planting area of ​​cash crops is unprecedentedly strong, reaching a level of nearly one billion acres.

In addition to the two main staple crops of rice and wheat, the output of corn, potatoes and millet in East Africa is also not low. Just from the grain output alone, it can be seen that East Africa has long since got rid of the food crisis and has achieved diversification of choices early on. change.

With abundant products and sufficient resources, the quality of life of East African citizens will naturally not be too bad. Even black slaves in East Africa can ensure food and clothing, and the weight, height and other data of East African citizens will naturally increase accordingly.

All in all, even if East Africa learns from the Soviet Union and despises agriculture, it is unlikely to encounter the Soviet Union's food problems. What's more, the East African government has always attached great importance to agriculture. Even if the international grain market continues to be depressed, East Africa's grain production has been growing. .

April 1910.

Far Eastern Empire, Jinling.

As the Far Eastern Empire became increasingly open, the trend of spreading Western learning to the east became increasingly fierce, so the Far Eastern Empire decided to organize an international expo, which was named the Nanyang Entrepreneurship Expo.

It can be seen from the name alone that this Far Eastern Empire Expo is closely related to the Nanyang Chinese. The economic strength of the Nanyang Chinese has always been good. At the same time, the Nanyang Chinese also have a strong sense of identity. This Nanyang Industry Encouragement Conference is organized by the Nanyang Patriots. Co-organized by individuals and the government.

As early as the 1970s, the Far Eastern Imperial Government participated in the Philadelphia World's Fair in the United States, so the Far Eastern Imperial Government was not unfamiliar with such international expositions. In order to encourage the development of the country's industry, it was also important to hold international expositions in the country. It is imperative.

Stimulated by the two industrial revolutions, developing industry has become the consensus of most countries in the world, and the Far Eastern Empire is no exception. The Nanyang Industry Encouragement Association is a good publicity opportunity to "open up people's wisdom and promote industry."

East Africa is also participating in this Nanyang Industry Encouragement Conference. After all, the Far Eastern Empire has always been an important overseas market for East Africa, and it is naturally impossible for East Africa to give up this opportunity.

In addition to East Africa and the host Far Eastern Empire, there are more than a dozen countries participating in this Nanyang Encouragement Conference, including Britain, the United States, France, Japan, and many countries or regions in the Nanyang region.

Nanyang Entrepreneur Association, East Africa Pavilion.

Cohen, the main person in charge of East Africa, is exhorting members of the delegation: "Our Rhine Empire has brought a total of more than 300 exhibits this time, covering power equipment and products, mechanical products, chemical products, automobiles, etc., in addition to A small number of East African specialty agricultural products.”

"This exhibition can be said to be a direct test of the empire's two five-year plans. You must do your homework and give guests who enter the East African Pavilion a home away from home experience, and allow our East African products to spread throughout the Far Eastern Empire."

Although the East African government currently defines the country as a semi-industrial country, the overall industrial strength of this second largest semi-industrial country in the world is actually second only to the United States and Germany.

Therefore, the industrial exhibits brought by East Africa this time are not only large in quantity, but also of excellent quality. There are even many innovative industrial products in East Africa that are not available in other countries in the world.

Cohen continued: "In the past, our market in the Far Eastern Empire has been concentrated in the north, but this time the Far Eastern Empire Expo was held in the south. The city of Jinling plays an important role in the Far Eastern Empire and historically played the role of the southern political center of the Far Eastern Empire. ”

"Even compared with Shanghai, this place is not much different, and Jinling is just at the intersection of our competition with countries such as the United Kingdom. If we can open a breakthrough here, our East African goods can further pass through here and radiate southward." , and Jinling is located on the bank of the Yangtze River. With this water transport artery, our products may even reach the Sichuan and Chongqing regions of the Far Eastern Empire.”

"Speaking of which, you should also understand the important position of the city of Jinling in the Far Eastern Empire, so many dignitaries of the Far Eastern Empire gather in this city."

"These dignitaries play an important role in opening up the market, so you all should be polite and don't be too proud because of the current poverty of the Far Eastern Empire. If you cause trouble for me, don't blame me for settling the score."

As Cohen said this, the members of the East African delegation also tightened their minds a lot. In fact, even if Cohen did not emphasize this, most members of the delegation did not have this intention.

After all, the Far East Empire and East Africa have deep roots. As the main source of East African immigrants, many East Africans have a certain degree of connection with the Far East Empire. This is reflected in the fact that most people in East Africa at least have a good impression of the Far East Empire.

"Don't worry! Captain Cohen, we still have a good idea in our hearts. After all, this exhibition has a business attribute. Even from this perspective, we will not cause any trouble." said Mokaen, deputy head of the delegation.

At international expositions, many commodities will be traded on the spot. For example, some European and American merchants carry a large amount of goods and prepare to sell them directly at the exhibition. East Africa is no exception. Merchants have always been the least concerned about status and the like. They mainly look at who can bring benefits to themselves. If they can make a lot of money, even the British are willing to provide services calmly.

Cohen said: "Very good, remember your promise. This Nanyang Industrial Exposition is an important opportunity for us to promote East African industrial products. The government attaches great importance to it. If we mess it up, not only you, but even I will be punished, so everyone must work together to successfully complete this task."

Afterwards, under the leadership of Cohen, the East African participants began to arrange the East African National Pavilion, including exhibits, posting exhibit introductions and other work.

The East African National Pavilion is the largest in this Nanyang Industrial Exposition, because among the foreign countries participating in this exhibition, East Africa attaches the most importance.

Similarly, the categories and quantities of East African exhibits are the largest, reaching 200,000 pieces. You must know that the total number of exhibits in this exhibition is only more than one million pieces, which shows the East African government's big hand.

The East African government is not afraid that these products will not be sold. If the sales are not good, the worst thing is to send them to the Huaihai Economic Zone for sale. Jinling is very close to Anhui, and northern Anhui and northern Jiangsu are within the radiation range of the Huaihai Economic Zone.

From this point, we can also see why East Africa attaches so much importance to the Nanyang Industrial Exposition. Nanjing is not far from the Huaihai Economic Zone in terms of geographical location. If Nanjing can be used as a springboard, the influence of the Huaihai Economic Zone can be expanded to a certain extent, which is equivalent to expanding the economic influence of East Africa in the Far East Empire.

Moreover, Nanjing is not Shanghai. Although Shanghai is more developed, it is mixed with foreign forces such as Britain, France, and the United States. Relatively speaking, Nanjing is less affected by them, which is conducive to the competition between East Africa and other countries.

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