African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1078 Navy Trip to South America

In addition to cars, East African home appliances are particularly eye-catching at this Nanyang Industry Conference.

"Electric kettle, electric tea kettle, electric coffee pot, what's the difference between these three!"

"I won't go into details about the electric kettle. Its main function is to boil water. The electric teapot is a special appliance we launched for your country's tea culture. The electric coffee pot is similar to a teapot and is specially used for making coffee. It is similar to a traditional stove. The biggest difference between them is that they all use electricity to generate heat to heat liquids, instead of using fire.”

"What if I use an electric kettle to make tea or coffee?"

Facing the inquiry from the Far Eastern Empire customer, the East African staff said: "Sir, of course you can do this. These items may have similar functions, but they are more to meet different needs. Ordinary people may not be particular about it. These, but people with a certain style or status prefer to be innovative, such as tea or coffee, which can be cooked in a rice cooker, but this does not prevent many nobles or businessmen from using special utensils."

The same interesting dialogues are endless in the East Africa Pavilion. This Nanyang Industry Encouragement will open the eyes of many people in the Far East Empire, especially the development of external industrial civilization will have a deeper understanding.

While East Africa was selling goods in the Far Eastern Empire through the Nanyang Guangdong Association, a sizable East African fleet was marching toward the Americas in the Atlantic Ocean.

This fleet, composed of two dreadnoughts, two pre-dreadnoughts, and three cruisers, headed west along the ocean current near the equator.

A fleet composed of two dreadnoughts is definitely a big deal at the moment. Apart from the United Kingdom, only two countries can do it, namely Germany and East Africa, and the destination of this East African fleet is South America.

If the exchanges between East Africa and the Far Eastern Empire are about making friends through culture, then the exchanges with other regions are more about deterrence by force.

In order to expand the market, East Africa participated in the Nanyang Business Encouragement Conference organized by the Far East Empire. This was a peaceful and friendly exchange platform.

As an emerging market that East Africa values ​​​​and South American countries, East Africa does not have such a good temper. After all, East Africa is essentially a member of the great powers.

Rio de Janeiro.

As the capital of Brazil, the most powerful country in South America, Rio de Janeiro developed rapidly in the 19th century and is now in no way inferior to other cities in the world.

Of course, the development of Rio de Janeiro is not of universal significance to Brazil. Only Rio de Janeiro in the whole of Brazil looks like it. If we look at the whole country, Brazil is either an undeveloped virgin land or a large area of ​​plantations and Farms, compared to those industrial powers in the world, the entire Brazil is a large rural area.

It’s no wonder that the Paraguayan war in the last century was very embarrassing. Although Brazil won the war, Brazil was much larger than Paraguay, not to mention that at that time, Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina joined forces to deal with Paraguay.

"This is Rio de Janeiro. It seems to be developing well. It looks similar to Luanda." East African Navy Rear Admiral Chel said.

As the capital of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro currently has a population of only a few hundred thousand. This population level is considered a big city in East Africa, but there are a lot of big cities in East Africa compared to Brazil.

"General, Rio de Janeiro is the capital of Brazil. It also has the best port conditions in Brazil, so it has developed quite well. However, the overall development level of Brazil is somewhat difficult to describe. You must know that the history of Brazil's founding is much longer than the empire, but now it has We are left far behind," said the accompanying Ambassador Lycamon.

Chelre: "I don't know much about the situation in Brazil, but their development is indeed not as good as that of East Africa."

Ambassador Lecamon said: "In terms of population, as early as the middle of the last century, Brazil's population exceeded 10 million, but now Brazil's population is only more than 20 million, less than 30 million, so Brazil's slow development is normal. , our population growth rate and that of the United States is much higher than that of Brazil.”

Chel: "After all, Brazil's original suzerainty, Portugal, didn't have a large population. Now it's good that Brazil can surpass Portugal in terms of population. Unlike in East Africa, whether it's the Far East Empire or the German region, these two main sources of immigrants, the population Nothing can compare to small Portugal.”

Lecamon: "In addition to population, Brazil's national management is also very chaotic. Now Argentina is more attractive to immigrants than Brazil. You must know that Brazil's conditions were much better than Argentina before."

In Lecamon's view, Brazil is not inferior to Argentina in terms of natural talent, and it was far ahead of Argentina before. Although Argentina's development was also very poor in the first and middle of the 19th century, after the 19th century, it can now be said that Argentina is the fastest growing country in the world. At the stage of development, in terms of wealth alone, Argentina, an agricultural country, even surpasses East Africa and many European countries.

With the support of foreign countries led by the United Kingdom, Argentina's population has increased nearly five times from the 1970s to the present, its railways have reached more than 30,000 kilometers, its annual exports of wheat exceed three million tons, and its beef exports have reached more than 300,000 tons. tons, making Argentina one of the few rich countries in the world, with a per capita income level that is comparable to industrial powers such as Germany and France.

Brazil, meanwhile, was not only thriving, but also declining. With the Republican government coming to power, the Brazilian government launched a fierce internal struggle. It was poor, but also very troubled. With the joining of East Africa in the 1990s, Brazil's domestic politics became more turbulent, forming various forces such as pro-US, pro-British, pro-East African, pro-German, pro-French, and pro-Portuguese.

Among them, the strongest influence on Brazil's domestic politics are Britain, the United States, and East Africa. The three countries attach great importance to Brazil, and their attitudes are inconsistent.

However, East Africa's influence on Brazil is slightly weaker than that of Britain and the United States. This is also normal. After all, in the last century, East Africa, which was also an agricultural country, was not much stronger than Brazil.

Moreover, compared with Britain, the United States, and even France, they had been dealing with Brazil much earlier than East Africa, so a complex network of interests was formed in Brazil.

The situation began to change in the 1990s, when East Africa had just defeated Portugal and Britain in South Africa, and East Africa appeared as a military power in Brazil for the first time.

After all, Brazil's sovereign was Portugal. Although Portugal had long since declined, it was not comparable to Brazil at that time. Defeating Portugal would have caused a certain shock to Brazil, not to mention that Portugal had an extremely powerful ally, Britain.

It was in the 1990s that East Africa began to strengthen trade and exchanges with South America, and the 1990s and the early 20th century were the era of rapid industrial development in East Africa.

With the dual blessing of influence and industrial strength, the trade volume between East Africa and Brazil has risen rapidly. Today, East Africa is already Brazil's third largest trading country.

The emphasis here is on industry because if East Africa was still an agricultural country, trade with Brazil would not be smooth sailing.

Because Brazil is a typical agricultural country, and its climate is similar to that of East Africa, this made East Africa the main competitor of Brazil in the international agricultural market in the early days. For example, Brazil's rubber industry was defeated by East Africa.

Of course, East Africa is now Brazil's primary rival in the agricultural sector. As East Africa began to transform into an industrial country in the 1990s, East Africa was able to establish more trade relations with Brazil. And because of the change in East Africa's foreign policy towards South America, the East African government offered certain benefits to buy off Brazil, so that the trade between the two countries has more room for maneuver.

The method is also quite simple, that is, East Africa purchases agricultural products from Brazil, and then processes and sells them to other regions. For example, East Africa purchases coffee raw materials from Brazil, processes them into finished products in East Africa, and then sells them to the Far East, the Middle East and other regions through East Africa's trade network.

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