African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1079 Water Conservancy Construction

Of course, East Africa's approach to easing relations with Brazil in this way can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause. After all, East Africa itself is the world's largest coffee producer, and East African coffee is relatively famous in the world, especially coffee from Kenya. After several years of marketing, it has gained widespread recognition and become a hot-selling product in Europe.

Therefore, even if East Africa cedes profits to Brazil, it will be very limited. On the contrary, East Africa has gained more benefits from Brazil. Brazil has essentially become one of East Africa's important overseas raw material suppliers.

This is the gap between industrial countries and agricultural countries. Although East Africa can only be regarded as a semi-industrial country, in comparison, Brazil has a lower industrial level.

Moreover, Brazil's geographical location is not good. South America is too far away from other markets. The closest countries to Brazil are the United States and East Africa, and the current industrial levels of these two countries are higher than Brazil.

Take the coffee trade as an example. Coffee grown in Brazil can only be sold to other countries. After all, the country’s processing level is not high and it lacks independent sales channels.

In fact, the same is true for Argentina. However, Argentina has vast plains that are easy to develop, and its population is relatively small compared to Brazil. In addition to other reasons, the economic development of the two countries is completely different at this stage.

Lecamon: "All in all, the purpose of our 'friendly' exchange is to demonstrate the strong military strength of East Africa and to allow Brazil and other South American countries to have less distractions when trading with us."

To put it bluntly, East Africa wants to use "ship gun diplomacy" to deter South American countries and ensure East Africa's interests in South America. Of course, the main focus is on deterrence.

When Chel and Lecamon were talking, Brazil also had mixed feelings about the arrival of the East Africans, especially the two world's most advanced dreadnoughts, which made the Brazilian government's evaluation of East Africa even higher.

Brazilian President Nilo Pesanya said: "Only in front of the East African battleships can we clearly realize the gap between the two countries. We still underestimate the strength of the East African country."

Although the South African War made East Africa stand out in the world, the impression given by East Africa at that time was more of strong military strength, especially the military strength of the army.

Later, when the dreadnought was born, and East Africa became the second country in the world to own a dreadnought, and it was entirely manufactured in East Africa, people realized that East Africa also had considerable industrial strength.

In Rio de Janeiro, in the presence of the East African Fleet, Ambassador Lecamon and Brazilian President Nilo Pesanya had a friendly exchange.

In addition to military deterrence, East Africa is not a bad guy. East Africa also brings many cooperation plans.

Including building a submarine cable between East Africa and South America, strengthening information exchanges between Brazil and East Africa, establishing a smoother diplomatic mechanism, strengthening cooperation in the economic field between the two countries, and jointly responding to the development of emerging tropical plantation areas such as Southeast Asia...

Although Brazil and East Africa are competitors in agriculture, the two countries still have some common topics in dealing with competitors such as Southeast Asia, India, and Caribbean countries.

"President Pesania, thank you for your recognition. I think the relationship between East Africa and Brazil will eventually become closer and closer." Ambassador Lecamon said with satisfaction after signing a large number of cooperation agreements.

President Pesanya had a pleasant look on his face. I don’t know what he was thinking in his heart, but he didn’t have many bad thoughts in front of the East African Fleet.

This has to mention Pesanya. He is a Republican in Rio de Janeiro, so when the East African fleet docked in the port of Rio de Janeiro, he naturally had more "respect" for East Africa.

Subsequently, under the escort of the East African Navy, Ambassador Lecamon left Brazil and headed for Uruguay, the next stop.

This time the East African Navy will visit four countries: Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina.

As for Chile, although East Africa also has ideas, the East African Navy is also afraid of the wind and waves in the Drake Strait. If the ship capsizes there, the East African Navy will suffer a big loss.

Rhine city.

East Africa operates in both the Far East and South America at the same time, mainly to open up markets. No matter what means are used, as long as the results can be achieved, it doesn't matter to East Africa.

While East Africa is conducting frequent diplomatic activities, East African countries are still evaluating the current development situation in East Africa.

It is not necessary to discuss the specific situation of the two five-year plans. After all, some policies in East Africa started long before the five-year plans, such as the construction of water conservancy in East Africa.

Minister of Water Resources Yars Dehui reported: “So far, our country has built 247 large reservoirs, 1,937 medium-sized reservoirs, and more than 63,000 small reservoirs. The total reservoir capacity is close to Four hundred billion cubic meters.”

The storage capacity of the Three Gorges Reservoir in the Far East Empire in the previous life was 39.3 billion cubic meters, which is close to 40 billion cubic meters. That is to say, in more than half a century from the colonial period to the present, the equivalent of ten construction projects was built in East Africa. Three Gorges Reservoir.

In fact, there is indeed a need to build a large number of reservoirs in East Africa, but the role of a large number of natural lakes in East Africa cannot be ignored. Take Lake Malawi, the smallest of the three major freshwater lakes in East Africa, for example. The water storage capacity of Lake Malawi is approximately It’s eight trillion cubic meters.

What is the concept of eight trillion cubic meters? It is no different from some seas. For example, the water volume of the Bohai Sea is about two trillion cubic meters, and Lake Malawi is about four times the size of the Bohai Sea.

Of course, in addition to this kind of super-large lake in the world, there are many large naturally formed lakes in East Africa, especially in the East African Plateau and central East Africa. They can all function as reservoirs.

Therefore, although the results of East Africa's efforts in the past half century are very outstanding, for nature, these efforts of East Africans are not even a fraction.

Yasted continued: "In the past thirty years, our country has built more than 3 million kilometers of artificial canals, built 1 million sets of motor-driven wells, and built various types of embankments with a total length of more than 200,000 kilometers. At the same time, it has also completed Regarding the management of most river basins in the country, in general, my country’s water conservancy construction has achieved outstanding results in the past, making outstanding contributions to my country’s industry, agriculture and urban water supply, and at the same time greatly improving my country’s inland water transportation conditions.”

"Especially between the 1990s and the Second Five-Year Plan period, we completed the entire East African Grand Canal project, which greatly improved our country's sea-river intermodal transport capabilities."

Of course, the East African Grand Canal is mainly completed by connecting the Zambezi River system and the Congo River system, so even if it wants to be navigable, it will have to go through complicated transfer procedures, and due to geographical constraints, there will be more compromises. Currently, we want to connect the entire line. , only ships under 300 tons can pass.

"The construction of the canal has greatly improved my country's inland water transportation capacity and reduced my country's logistics costs. It is an important supplement to the existing transportation network. As my country's economic construction accelerates, and due to land reasons, the requirements for transportation and logistics are also increasing. The higher.”

East Africa has a vast territory and a relatively small population, which undoubtedly increases the logistics costs in East Africa. Therefore, the East African government, or Ernst himself, has always attached great importance to the country's transportation construction.

Although the current East African railway and road network has greatly improved the transportation conditions in East Africa, water transportation has always been Ernst's obsession.

The development of water transportation is also a major difficulty in East Africa. For this reason, at least more than two million black workers paid the price with their lives before the East African Grand Canal was built.

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