After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

One hundred and eighty-eighth chapter, defeated like a mountain

"Brother Meng, you are too modest. If those four monsters don't die, our army of 100,000 people will be damaged here, which will also cause huge losses to the court." Jiang Yiting said.

Li Buxian, Yang Xiaochui, Luo Yao and others next to them were also very shocked when they saw this scene. The strength of the four-headed monsters was comparable to that of the fourth-grade gods, so they were beheaded.

It turns out that as long as the means are used correctly, even if the strength is not strong, it can help others to kill powerful enemies. It seems that blindly being reckless, no matter how strong, is not enough, but it may hit the scalp and bleed.

Using auxiliary means such as the formation method, it can easily achieve the effect of four or two thousand pounds.

Everyone was thoughtful and felt that Meng Xing had taught everyone a lesson.

[1. As a bystander, do not personally participate in the fight. 】

[2. Kill Wuyang County City, and fight all the masters of Wuyang County King alone. 】

[3. Capture Wuyang County City, establish himself as king, and fight against the Daqin Empire. 】

Meng Xing glanced at it, and without thinking, he chose the first item, and the others were the rhythm of death.

Although he has the ability to beat to death all the masters around Wuyang County King, but in this way, people from other forces will stare at him, and he will never die.

By the way, this big formation must not be said to others that it was transformed by yourself, otherwise you will also be targeted by others.

Only a few people know about it.

Meng Xing hurriedly instructed: "Lord Jiang, Lord Zhou, don't spread the word about the transformation of this formation, so as not to be known by others, I have the worry of my life. Tell Daoist Wuchen and the others, as few people as possible know about it, the better."

Everyone suddenly realized that his cultivation was only at the ninth-rank Open Pulse Realm. If it were spread out, I am afraid it would be really bad for him. No one wants the enemy to have such a person. Once they know it, they will definitely hunt them down to death.

Moreover, the four masters of the demon clan died at once, and they will definitely investigate the cause. Once they are traced to him, how can they resist with the strength of the ninth-rank open pulse realm?

Jiang Yiting nodded: "Okay, I will tell them, and I will ask the coach to warn them."


The siege battle is still going on, because seeing the four beheaded monsters beheaded, the imperial army is immediately invigorated, morale is boosted, and one by one fights to kill the enemy. The fifth-grade masters opened the way, first killed Wuyang County City, and fought continuously over Wuyang County City.

The King of Wuyang County dispatched several experts from the Demon Sect, as well as several experts from the martial arts system, to snipe them.

However, because of the death of the four-headed monsters, there is no master of superior strength around the King of Wuyang, and it is difficult to deal an overwhelming blow to the master of the court.

The four court masters who killed the monster were also guiding several fifth-rank masters of Wuyang County King to fly towards the Tiangang Earth Spirit Formation, trying to kill them in the big formation.

And countless soldiers have set up cloud ladders and attacked Wuyang County City. In the battle on the city wall, the soldiers guarding the city of Wuyang County King fell one by one, blood flowed into rivers, and many people began to surrender. save.

When Wuyang County King saw this scene, his face was pale, and he knew that the situation was over, so he took the pitiful Qin You, and some concubines, and with the help of Jin Yuan Daoist and General Ling, hurriedly escaped from Wuyang County City.

At this point, the rebel forces have been removed, Wuyang County City is under the control of the imperial court again, and the King of Wuyang County has become a lost dog. It only took two or three months from the beginning to the end.

The King of Wuyang County was not well-prepared in the first place, and the plan to raise the army was also exposed because of the rebellious plan, and he died horizontally and vertically. lose.

If it weren't for the fact that he was his son, and the tiger poisoned his son, the King of Wuyang County would have had the heart to kill Qin You.

The King of Wuyang County fled to Qingyang County, and the commander-in-chief of the imperial army sent an expert to hunt him down.


The main officials in the army had to deal with the affairs of Wuyang County, Jiang Yiting, Zhou Jingyun and others were also very busy, Meng Xing, Li Buxian, Luo Yao and others returned to Yuanwu Mountain Villa to prepare to deal with the affairs there.

Everyone stayed in the army for one night, and they felt uncomfortable and didn't sleep well, so they didn't want to stay there.

Just before the six people returned to the valley, they saw thirty or forty people sneak in from the woods on the side and surrounded them.

The first person was Qin You, who was followed by Taoist Jin Yuan and a fifth-grade expert from the Demon Sect.

With a bruised face and fire-breathing eyes, Qin You stared at the six people, and said hoarsely, "As expected, it's you! Of the three of you men, who knows the formation method?"

Since catching those three women, he has been unlucky all the time. He has lost more than a dozen personal masters, Yuanwu Villa, and a large number of military supplies. His father's treason plan has also been known to the court. Now The Wuyang County City was defeated, and they also lost the Wuyang County City and became the bereaved dog.

The most important thing is that he was beaten a few times for no reason, all because of the five people in front of him.

Qin You could not wait to kill these six people at this moment.

Daoist Jin Yuan, who looked sluggish, opened his small eyes and looked at the six people with a surprised expression. He always thought that the person who knew the formation method must be a middle-aged or an old man. so young.

"None of us know the formation technique." Meng Xing said slowly.

"You're lying, no one knows the formation, how could you guys come back here and want to enter the Primordial Mist Valley?" Qin You sneered.

"We have a jade talisman that has passed the formation, and we can enter it safely. Those who know the formation have already left here." Meng Xing said, and took out a jade talisman from his body.

The Taoist Jin Yuan on the side was a little disappointed when he heard the words. He came here to catch the person who knew the formation technique, to ask him the secrets of the formation technique, to improve his formation technique, and to follow the King of Wuyang County to make a comeback in the future. Easier.

Qin You grinned and said, "Since you don't know how to form formations, then go to hell! Come on, hack these six people to death, and take away their jade talismans!"

While speaking, he stepped back cautiously.


At this time, Yang Xiaochui moved, a sword was cut out, and a khaki air force rushed out, killing more than a dozen soldiers in an instant.

Those people didn't expect him to be so fierce. It was too late to retreat and dodge. Even the fifth-grade masters of the Demon Sect didn't have time to rescue him, and a dozen people died in one fell swoop.

Qin You was extremely angry and said, "Quickly kill him!"

"Do you still want to kill? Wait for the next life!" The figure of Daoist Wuchen appeared and laughed loudly. Behind him were two rank five masters of the martial arts system.

"Brother Meng, as you expected, these people are all here to die." This sentence was said to Meng Xing. Now Daoist Wuchen only wants to have a good relationship with Meng Xing and learn a little more from him. Knowledge, so he came to protect Meng Xing, and he also volunteered to come.

Daoist Golden Ape's expression changed: "They came back on purpose to deceive us?"

"It's just a chance. I didn't expect that you guys are really thieves, and you still want to do something wrong, and don't even care about your own life." Daoist Wuchen said, and came to Meng Xing's side.

"Brother Meng, what do you want to do with them?" Daoist Wuchen said respectfully.

Daoist Jin Yuan glanced at him, a little puzzled, how could he be so respectful and polite to this young man? As a master of Daomen Lei Zong, shouldn't this young man from Xiuwu Zongmen be respectful and polite to him?

Could it be... He had some guesses in his heart, lowered his head, and his eyes were a little fierce.

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