"Humph! Seeing us coming, you didn't run away quickly, but blocked the road. Isn't this just courting death?"


The dozen or so dogs behind the young man surnamed Xing shouted and scolded, as if they were disloyal if they didn't express their thoughts.

These people are naturally bronze-level soul angels and some handymen. Under the jurisdiction of this young man surnamed Xing, they look like they have a strong desire to survive.

The young man surnamed Xing stabbed down again with a savage sword, with a savage wind, with a certain killing intent.

"Death to me!"


At this moment, with a shout, three people walked out of the yamen quickly.

The first one was Jiang Yiting, and the two following behind were Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng.

"Xing Yixuan, how can you kill people indiscriminately?" Jiang Yiting said sharply.

"This person bumped into me and hindered us from doing the eucalyptus, so damn it! What if I killed him?" Xing Yixuan squinted his eyes and said.

"Brother Meng, you have finally come to our Soul Angel Yamen. Welcome!" Jiang Yiting turned to Meng Xing and said kindly, ignoring Xing Yixuan's words.

Because Meng Xing exposed the rebellion of the King of Wuyang County and brought back the military supplies and supplies reserved by the King of Wuyang County, he recorded several great achievements in his credit book, and was rewarded by Lord Cai Han and the court. Naturally, the stars are extremely attached.

It has been a long time since he made a great contribution, but when he came back to Wuyang County this time, he made a few great contributions. He is about to be promoted to a gold-level soul angel, and he has also attracted the attention of many soul angels in the government office, but these days are very happy. very.

Just now, Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng came to tell him that Meng Xing was here, and he was so excited at the princess' mansion that he was thinking of visiting.

Meng Xing nodded: "I'm here in the capital, and I want to meet with Lord Jiang, Brother Zhou, and Brother Xu, and catch up."

Xing Yixuan squinted his eyes. It turned out that this person and Jiang Yiting, Zhou Jingyun and others were old acquaintances. No wonder he dared to come to Soul Angel Yamen.

But even if I know Jiang Yiting and the others, who can escape the person I want to kill? What's more, this person's cultivation base is only like this, only in the realm of the ninth grade.

"Master Jiang, do you want to protect this person?" Xing Yixuan said coldly.

"Xing Yixuan, what do you want?" Jiang Yiting turned his head and asked.

"Naturally, I want to kill this person and collide with my case, which is a capital crime!"

"Xing Yixuan, don't think that because your father is a gold-level soul angel, you dare to do whatever you want here. If you dare to do it, we will not stand by." Jiang Yiting said.

"Hey! Jiang Yiting, if you want to take action, am I afraid of you?"

While speaking, Xing Yixuan had already sneered and beheaded Meng Xing with a knife, and he was about to kill this person in front of him.


The scarlet-red saber qi pierced through the void, and a scorching heat rushed towards the face, and the air distorted.

Xing Yixuan demonstrated the unique skills of fire attribute exercises.


Jiang Yiting slashed out with one blade, instantly cutting off the opponent's blade Qi, the two blades collided, the Qi machine exploded, like a bomb exploding, and the sand flew up.

The bluestone slabs on the ground shattered countlessly, and the ground was in a mess.

Xing Yixuan flew out with his horse, and with a bang, the fat military horse fell to the ground, blood splashed and neighed. But Xing Yixuan took the opportunity to fly from the horse to the ground, stabilizing his body.

"You... how dare you kill my army horse?" Xing Yixuan's eyes were bloodshot.

Jiang Yiting's cultivation base is a sixth-grade golden bell, and he is not as good as he can't resist the blow just now.

Jiang Yiting glanced at him coldly, snorted, ignored him, but softened his expression and said to Meng Xing: "Brother Meng, let's go to the yamen to chat, this kind of people who only bully the weak and fear the strong don't need to pay attention, it's just a fight. Because of his father's relationship, he became a silver-level soul angel, but he is actually a scumbag."

After he said that, he took Meng Xing in, with Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng following behind.

Xing Yixuan gritted his teeth and stared at Jiang Yiting and Meng Xing, wishing to kill them both.

But did not dare to take action.

Soul Angel Yamen stipulates that the following crimes are capital crimes. Therefore, if he starts to deal with Jiang Yiting, Jiang Yiting can kill him.

"How dare you say that I, Xing Yixuan, are a scumbag, and this revenge will be avenged! As for that kid, I must kill the chicken and show the monkey. Anyone who dares to fight against me must die!"

He said bitterly, and then walked into the Soul Angel Yamen with his other subordinates.


In a lounge, Jiang Yiting said while making tea, "Brother Meng, when did you come to the capital?"

"I'm here today." Meng Xing said.

"However, I heard from Zhou Jingyun that you were with Princess Yangping just now, how did you know the princess so quickly?" Jiang Yiting said with some doubts.

"It's the saintess Zhuo Lingyan of Lei Zong of Taoism and Princess Yangping who have known each other since childhood. She brought me to meet the princess." Meng Xing smiled, picked up the teacup, and took a sip. The tea was slightly bitter, but the water flowed into it. After the stomach, there is a sweetness in the throat.

"It turns out that the fairy-like woman next to you just now is Lei Zong's saintess. Brother Meng, you are really amazing! How did you know Lei Zong's saintess?" Zhou Jingyun gave a thumbs up with a face asked gossip.

Lei Zong's saintess, most people can't reach, her status is similar to that of Da Qin's princess, and she has a pivotal position in Lei Zong.

If anyone can marry Lei Zong's saintess, the saintess will become the suzerain in the future, maybe the entire Taoist Lei Zong can be used for her, and her status is more powerful than that of the court's consort.

There are also various restrictions on the consort of the imperial court. If the princess is beaten and scolded, the concubine will never dare to fight back, and the concubine has only idle positions in the court, and has no real power at all.


On the surface, it looks bright, but it is actually very embarrassing.

Meng Xing smiled and said, "It was Saintess Lei Zong who came to the door by herself. She wants to learn the way of formation, and she asks me for it."

"That's it." Everyone was stunned.

Sure enough, there is a unique craftsmanship that can be eaten all over the world. If you let others come to you, maybe you can find a good wife.

Zhou Jingyun was extremely envious: "Brother Meng, why don't you teach me the formation too. We have been single for a long time, so we thought that a woman would come to us and give us a hug."

"You go to Goulan every day to listen to music, are you afraid that there will be no women? Besides, you are so rude, do you really think you can learn the formation method?" Jiang Yiting said.

"Those hooking women are just for fun. There are so many hypocrisy, they are not as pure and clean as Lei Zong's saintess, nor are they comparable to the status of saints. If you marry a saint, you won't have to use them for the rest of your life. I'm so worried. Brother Meng, I really envy you!" Zhou Jingyun said.

Meng Xing said: "These eight characters haven't been written yet, so don't be envious. By the way, I also have something here, and I want to ask you to help me check it out."

Meng Xing immediately talked about the disappearance of the Sect Master of Zhenwu Sect, and asked them to help pay attention to it in the capital.

The three nodded, and Jiang Yiting said, "We will do our best. However, this involves high-quality powerhouses, so I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to find out this case."

Meng Xing sighed and knew that this matter was tricky, so he could only be a living horse doctor to see if he could find out something.

After chatting for a while, Zhou Jingyun said, "Brother Meng, how about we go to Goulan and listen to the music? You are new here, we invite you."

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