After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter 208, Goulan Listening to Music

Zhou Jingyun tried his best to invite, but Meng Xing's kindness was difficult to accept, so he followed Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng to go there. As for Jiang Yiting, in order to maintain his dignity as a silver-level soul angel, it was naturally impossible to follow his subordinates to go out and fool around.

Meng Xing became friends with Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng, and he was happy to see it happen. The other party knew Princess Yangping and Saintess Lei Zong, and the future is boundless, and it is also of great benefit to people with less background like them.

The three of Meng Xing came to Goulan and asked for a private room. While listening to Yiyi's singing outside, they drank and ate snacks under the service of a maid with a drooping collar.

These maids are still pretty, but compared with the women Meng Xing knew, they were naturally very tacky.

While eating, Meng Xing asked, "That Xing Yixuan's father is a gold-level soul angel of the Soul Angel Yamen? Has a high status in the Yamen?"

Some things are inconvenient to talk about in Soul Angel Yamen, so as not to have many ears and eyes, but talking here, I am not afraid that the walls will have ears.

"Yeah! His father is one of the five gold-level soul angels. He is naturally extremely arrogant, and he is also quite talented in cultivation. He has a bright future. Most of the silver-level and bronze-level soul angels in the yamen are ignored. "Zhou Jingyun said.

Xu Linfeng said, "If it wasn't for his father's support, how could he become a silver-level soul angel?"

Xu Linfeng rarely said a word, and naturally he was a little unconvinced that this little brother climbed up on his head.

"How high is the gold-level soul angel's cultivation?" Meng Xing asked. Although I have known them for a long time, I have never talked about the gold-level soul angel.

"The fifth-grade cross-sea realm. The later this practice, the more difficult it is. It is said that his father has been stuck in the cross-sea realm for many years. Well, the same is true for other gold-level soul angels. It is very difficult to break through the fourth-grade god's artistic conception." Zhou Jingyun road.

Meng Xing nodded, he himself was stuck in the fourth-grade divine mood, as long as he polished it for a while, he should be able to break through.

The strength and physique acquired by the system made his strength comparable to that of the fourth-grade gods, and also laid a solid foundation for his breakthrough, so for him, breaking through this realm would not be as difficult as others.

After staying in the goulan for half an hour, these two guys also took the maid to the room to solve the physiological problems.

Meng Xing was not interested, and was not used to this kind of gameplay, so he continued to sit there and listen to the music, which made the maid next to him look a little aggrieved.

Such a handsome little brother, so I can watch but not eat, isn't this a response to me?

Meng Xing looked at the maid's charming and seductive eyes, and felt that she must be thinking about this sentence.

[1. Continue drinking tea and listening to music. 】

[Two, take the maid into the small house and lick the maid's feet. 】

[3. Play an interactive game with the maid and broadcast it live. 】

Meng Xing glanced at the door of the private room, but it could be closed, but after a while, Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng came out, but it really became a live broadcast.

As for licking the little feet of the maids, is that what people do? Something a puppy would do.

What's good for little feet to lick, and it's not a lollipop.

If the maid sees that she has such a bad habit, I am afraid she will be too happy, but I will die socially. How can such a little maid be cheap?

If it was Senior Sister Xiao and Senior Sister Liu, maybe I would think about it.

Meng Xing chose the first item, and complained feebly in his heart. This system has come up with this set again, like a small movie in the computer in the previous life, tempting me every day whether to open it or not.

Why doesn't the choice appear to make me a good person? If my mind is not firm, I will go down this road of no return.

Meng Xing continued drinking tea and listening to music.

[The task has been completed, get a random reward: Strength +1]

After half an hour, Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng came out refreshed. Meng Xing suspected that they were done long ago, but to show his bravery and strength, he stayed inside for a long time.

Seeing that they are not blushing or panting, it is as if they are not working.

The three walked out of the hook bar and finally fulfilled their wish to get on the hook bar together.

The three of them can be considered to have experienced the "three major irons of life". They have carried guns together, shared the spoils together, and visited the Goulan together. They can't help but feel more sympathetic to each other.

Meng Xing thought for a while, he needs to find a remote place to cast the teleportation array, which is a bit inconvenient. Maybe he will come often in the future, so he might as well buy a house here.

"Fairy Wood"

Moreover, the houses in the capital will also appreciate in value, so it is good to consider it as an investment.

Seeing that it was still early, he asked Zhou Jingyun and the two to take him to the tooth shop, and find a tooth man to take them to see the house.

After looking at a few houses, it was quickly settled. Meng Xing paid the money, signed the deposit, and got the key.

Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng were a little surprised. They didn't expect Meng Xing to be so rich that he could afford a house in the inner city. Although they were also officials and their salaries were not low, their monthly expenses were quite a lot. Can you afford an inner city home?

Meng Xing also threw fifty silver coins to each of them and asked them to buy wine and drink. They knew Meng Xing's good intentions, and they spent some money on Goulan just now, followed him to see the house and paid some errand fees, so they didn't refuse.

Meng Xing went back to the newly bought yard, which was not far from the imperial city, and it took half an hour to walk to the gate of the imperial city.

There are some furniture in this yard, but the specific things have not been arranged yet, and some people need to be added to take care of it. The two maids Qing'er and Yan'er are very suitable, and they can be taken care of here first.

Meng Xing took out the teleportation array from the storage bag, activated the power of teleportation, and disappeared here instantly.

The next moment, he has appeared on Jianchi Peak, and everything in front of him is so familiar.

Meng Xing looked forward and was stunned for a moment, only to see Xiao Yuluo and Liu Shiyun trapped in the formation, both sitting on the ground, quietly practicing the exercises, waiting for rescue.

Meng Xing walked over, took the two out, and asked, "Two senior sisters, when did you come here?"

"An hour ago."

Xiao Yuluo glanced at him and said again: "When did you set up the formation here? No wonder we didn't come here."

The glamorous Liu Shiyun snorted and said, "Is there another woman hiding in it? So you've refused other people to visit?"

Meng Xing smiled and said, "This place was set up a few days ago. A person from the Taoist Sect Lei Zong came here and helped me set it up."

Naturally, he couldn't tell the two of them about the battle of wits and courage with Zhuo Lingyan, and he had a lot of misunderstandings with the other party, and it was inevitable that he couldn't explain it if he talked too much.

"Senior Sister Liu, if there are other women, you can find out if you search it." He said to Liu Shiyun again.

"Senior sister has so much control over my junior brother, do you like me?"

Since the last trip to the ancient tomb, the three people's relationship has deepened, so Meng Xing dared to make such a joke.

After all, he held the hands of both of them and tried to attack them. Although he was rejected, they did not completely object.

This shows that there is still a chance to be co-slept with in the future.

"I don't want to worry about your business, I just ask casually, don't think too much about beauty." Liu Shiyun said, with a blush on his face.

You are tough! In the future, I will definitely let you automatically fall into my arms and let you whisper to me: "Well! Xiang Gong, I like you so much!" Meng Xing thought to himself.

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