After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and fifteen, unwilling to be lonely

The only way is to crack the eucalyptus and clear the relationship with the eucalyptus, so that no one will make trouble.

The water in this capital is very deep, and my brother is almost unable to grasp it. Meng Xing complained in his heart.

Zhou Jingyun's words surprised everyone.

It's no wonder that when Meng Xing and Xing Yixuan confronted each other just now, he was well-organized in his actions and speeches, not afraid of danger, and dealt with things in a clear order. Instead, he brought Xing Yixuan into this eucalyptus step by step.

It turned out that he was a master of breaking the eucalyptus.

Naturally, everyone would not doubt Zhou Jingyun's words, because this kind of thing was easy to find out in the Ministry of Punishment.

Princess Yangping's eyes flickered, Meng Xing was actually good at making decisions and breaking the case, it seemed that she was the one who missed the point.

Although the strength of the other party's cultivation base is weaker, its ability in other aspects is very strong. No wonder even Governor Cai admired him, and Sister Lingyan treated him differently.

One is Lei Zong's saintess, and the other is an important court official who holds great power. Naturally, they will not misunderstand people.

It seems that she has to pay more attention to talents like Meng Xing, otherwise, others will take him away.

Zhao Fuyin was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Meng Xing was really a talent for breaking the eucalyptus. He already had a headache for such a eucalyptus. If someone could break the eucalyptus as soon as possible, it would be excellent.

He thought for a while and said, "Meng Gongzi, this case has something to do with you. Why don't you help this house and break this case? This house will be grateful."

He kept his stance low, a little pleading. If Meng Xing can break the eucalyptus, his low profile is worth it. As an official old fritter, he knows when to pick it up and when to put it down.

If the eucalyptus is not broken, the court will blame him, and his black gauze hat will no longer be guaranteed, and he will not be able to eat no matter how tall he is.

"Okay, I'll try my best." Meng Xing nodded. He also thought about it clearly. The water in this capital is very deep, so he will let the water out to make it look shallow.

The solution is to personally participate in it, and by the way, also check the fact that the sect master of Zhenwuzong was taken away, which is also the purpose of his coming here.

He always felt that there must be a great conspiracy when the suzerain was taken away, and this conspiracy might destroy the entire Zhenwu sect, or even affect the entire world.

Emperor Jinglong's secret manual is not a trivial matter. Anyone who knows it, I am afraid they want to get this heaven-level cultivation technique.

And once he becomes an invincible master, he may be able to control the entire world.

Of course, for those who have reached the first rank, immortality and becoming the gods of this world are their goals.

"Okay! Young Master Meng, you will be the sole master of this case, Zhong Zhaotou will assist, and three soul angels will supervise. I will also notify Governor Cai of this matter." Zhao Fu Yin immediately made a decision.

"Xing Yixuan, you are still a little suspicious. I hope you will do a good job in supervising things. If you really did it, you can't escape the guilt. If you didn't do it, you will have a share of the credit after this case is cracked. The government will also report it to the court according to the facts."

"Yes! I understand the humble position. Thank you for your fair treatment!" Xing Yixuan said.

Zhao Fuyin stood up and said to Princess Yangping, "Your Highness, how do you feel about this?"

Princess Yangping said: "Ben Gong thinks it's just right, this matter kills two birds with one stone, it can crack the eucalyptus, and let them prove their innocence."

Soon, this court interrogation ended. Although the eucalyptus did not make any progress, everyone had some ideas in their hearts.

Meng Xing followed the princess out of the palace, came to her top luxury golden silk nanmu carriage, and said, "Thank you for your help this time, the princess."

"I didn't help you much. Seeing that you have always been confident, I'm afraid you have already thought of a solution." Princess Yangping said.

"With the princess in charge, I, a disciple of a small sect, are more confident. In any case, I am very grateful for the help of the princess.


Princess Yangping nodded, this guy spoke very nicely.

"If you have anything, come to me. Put that jade pendant on you. You can enter the imperial city at any time and come to me at any time." Princess Yangping said.

"Sister Lingyan, let's go back."

Zhuo Lingyan hesitated for a while and said, "Princess, go back first, I will follow him to break the case and help him, lest he be bullied."

Princess Yangping thought for a while and said, "It's okay. Then you wait here for a while."

She entered the carriage, and after a quarter of an hour, she came out, changing into a man's attire and wearing a blue robe, just like an ordinary son.

But the appearance of red lips and white teeth, but it seems that there is a sense of charm in the handsome, plus the cold expression, noble temperament, like a cool peerless beautiful man, people feel amazing at first sight.

Meng Xing glanced at it and was almost attracted.

[One, Dan Ran is right, not surprised. 】

[Two, said to Princess Yangping: "Princess, you can be my male pet. In the future, in front of me, you will always dress like this man. I can spoil you every day.\

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