After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and sixteen, analysis of the case

After Meng Xing read it, he handed the file to Princess Yangping to let her know about the situation.

Zhong Zhaotou said: "Meng Gongzi, this case has no clue, and there is no evidence left at the scene. You have read this file, what do you think?"

The dossier is very simple, and it is a bit embarrassing to say what to think. However, Zhong Zhaotou also wanted to see if there was anything special about the other party, and whether he was really good at breaking the eucalyptus as Zhou Jingyun said.

Meng Xing pondered for a while, and said, "The file says that the other two students threw sharp weapons behind their backs, indicating that these two students died unknowingly, were attacked to death, and died one step earlier than Ding Hai Shi."

"Yes." Zhong Zhaotou said: "The blood on their bodies is relatively solidified and black, and the expressions on the faces of the two of them are astonished, and they can't rest their eyes."

"How far apart are the two?"

"It was nearly two feet away. At that time, they were reading at night with candles, each sitting at one end of the courtyard." Zhong Huotou said.

"This shows that the person who shot it must be a cultivator of the cultivation system, not an ordinary person. Ordinary people can't kill two people without disturbing others. The residents around heard the screams and did not come out to report. Eucalyptus, right?" Meng Xing said.

"Yes." Zhong Zhaotou said with some surprise, because Meng Xing's judgment was completely correct.

"The resident said that the screams were very small at the time, and he didn't realize that someone was not killing them. He didn't realize that the sound was the screams of someone being killed until we went to inquire in the morning." He added.

"Yeah! If he realizes it and goes to report it immediately, the murderer will definitely not be able to escape." Meng Xing said.

"So, this shows that the scream was made by Ding Hai, who died last. The other two people were covered by his mouth when they died."

"To be able to do this in such an instant, what level do you think this person's cultivation is at?" Meng Xing asked.

"It means that this person is at least above the eighth-grade condensed phase." Zhou Jingyun said.

"Yes. So, based on this, the strength of my ninth-rank Open Pulse Realm can completely dispel suspicion." Meng Xing said, and glanced at Xing Yixuan meaningfully.

Everyone kept nodding their heads. Zhong Caotou was a little shocked. He didn't expect that Meng Xing could judge the murderer's cultivation based on this little information.

"I didn't do it, what do you think I did?" Xing Yixuan said angrily.

"I didn't say you did it, I just think it's impossible for you to put this crime on me," Meng Xingdan said.

"I didn't say it was you who did it, just that you were suspicious." Xing Yixuan quibble.

"Oh, that's good. But now, it seems that your cultivation is in the seventh-grade God Refinement Realm, and the suspicion is the greatest." Meng Xing said.

Xing Yixuan snorted and said nothing.

He knew that if he debated with Meng Xing, he would only have to suffer. The opponent's sharp teeth could make people angry.

Meng Xing changed the subject and said, "When that person didn't kill Ding Hai immediately, he must have had a conversation with Ding Hai, which shows that when he knew Ding Hai, he wanted to know something."

Everyone nodded and felt that Meng Xing's analysis was very reasonable. When he analyzed the situation, it was as if he had seen it with his own eyes. This ability is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

Zhuo Lingyan's eyes flashed with adoration, and Princess Yangping also looked thoughtful. She was thinking, what would happen if she analyzed it herself?

"After that person asked, he started to kill, and he had the confidence to escape, so he didn't cover Ding Hai's mouth."

"If it is a master of the Condensation Realm, if it is discovered by the master of the guard and the soul angel patrolling, can you escape with such confidence?" Meng Xing asked.

"Impossible! If it is a master of the Condensation Realm, it is discovered by the masters of the guard and the soul angel patrolling, and he will definitely not be able to escape." Zhou Jingyun said firmly.

"And this person dares to be so bold, or he is very familiar with the surrounding environment and is very familiar with the patrol time of the guards and soul angel masters.

To be able to avoid the pursuit of officials, or his cultivation base is above the seventh-grade God Refinement Realm, and he can escape in a very short period of time. "Meng Xing calmly analyzed.

"So, we only need to track down the murderer in these two aspects."

Everyone nodded immediately, with admiration in their eyes. Just relying on the dossier, they analyzed so many things and narrowed the scope of investigation a lot.

Zhong Zhaotou's thoughts of trying to compare Meng Xing were gone. He only felt that under the analysis of the other party, this clueless eucalyptus became simpler and clearer.

If he were to analyze it, he would definitely not have thought of these points.

This era is broken, and there is no monitoring or anything. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack, all depends on luck.

"Next, let's analyze the purpose of that person killing the three Ding Hai Shi. What do you think he did?" Meng Xing asked.

"I think they may want to put the blame on Meng Chunhui, a student of Qingfeng College, so that a more powerful conflict between Guozijian and Qingfeng College will break out." Zhong Caitou said.

Everyone nodded, this is probably the clearest purpose.

Meng Xing took a cup of tea and took a sip, thought for a while, and said, "Ding Hai Shi was the first to attack, right before the conflict broke out between Ding Hai Shi and Meng Chunhui?"

"Yes. I asked Meng Chunhui, and it was Ding Hai who grabbed him first, accusing him of plagiarizing the other party's poems." Zhong Zhaotou said.

"In this way, someone instructed Ding Hai to come out to make trouble, and the person in charge must be the one who killed him. The motive of the other party's murder may be to intensify the conflict again, but Ding Hai did not complete the task he instructed. , it may also expose his risk, so this person chose to kill and silence." Meng Xing said.

Beidi Pavilion

"Yes. After the students of Guozijian found out that they were dead in the morning, they gathered a lot of people to go to Qingfeng Academy to make trouble, and asked Qingfeng Academy to hand over the murderer. We took Meng Chunhui away, and those students gave up." Zhong Zhaotou said.

"The purpose of this person may be to make Guozijian and Qingfeng Academy have an endless conflict, and then cause great disputes in the court." Princess Yangping said, her eyes were a little cold.

Most of the officials in the imperial court came from Guozijian and Qingfeng Academy. If the two academies are in conflict, the imperial court may also be caught in a great conflict.

"This person's intentions are extremely sinister!"

Meng Xing said: "I think this may be just one of the purposes. The murderer may also have other purposes."

"Other purposes?" Everyone looked at him.

"I haven't thought of this purpose for the time being, it's just an intuition," Meng Xing said.

"Then what do we do next?" Zhong Chaotou asked.

"Go to the eucalyptus site to see if there are any clues. Just looking at the file, I can't see any other problems." Meng Xing said.

Zhong Zhaotou said with admiration: "Meng Gongzi, you can analyze so much with the file, you can already see that you are indeed much better than us in breaking the case."

Meng Xing smiled slightly, stood up, and said, "Let's go to the eucalyptus together."

The crowd then walked out of the yamen, got on the horses prepared by the yamen, and walked towards the outer city.

After half an hour, everyone came to the outside of a house on Xixiang Street in the outer city.

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