After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter 223, Senior Sister is reluctant to leave you

Meng Xing followed Princess Yangping and Zhuo Lingyan back to the princess mansion in the imperial city.

On the way, Princess Yangping asked Meng Xing why she knew the murderer Mu Zuoxuan, and Meng Xing recounted the past.

"The evildoers of the Demon Sect are really pervasive, and they have caused great damage to the court. This time, I must advise the emperor to cut down the roots of these evildoers." Princess Yangping said.

Don't look at her soft and weak, but she is particularly tough when dealing with enemies, showing the momentum of a superior.

If it was in a previous life, Princess Yangping would be especially suitable for that kind of heroic and domineering female president, very queen-like.

When Meng Xing faced her, she had the feeling of facing a female president.

That kind of noble, elegant, beautiful and refined temperament also easily arouses men's desire to conquer, knowing that she may not be so easy to conquer, but also has a feeling of not wanting to give up.

In the hall, three people sat down, and the maid brought refreshments.

Zhuo Lingyan glanced at Meng Xing and said, "The story of that monkey hasn't been finished yet. When are you going to tell us again? Why don't you tell us now?"

She has been thinking about this story all the time. Before she finished listening, she always felt itchy in her heart, like scratching her heart.

"I'll talk about it tomorrow when I'm free." Meng Xing refused.

After running around for a day, although not physically tired, but mentally still a little tired.

Princess Yangping said: "Do you think, apart from Mu Zuoxuan's three people, are there other people from the Demon Sect who are secretly working with him?"

"There must be, it depends on whether Zhao Fuyin and the others can interrogate them."

Meng Xing ate and drank some, chatted for a while, then came out, walked out of the imperial city, came to the inner city street, walked to the house where he lived, bought some gifts on the way, and planned to give Xiao Yuluo and Liu Shiyun These sisters are giving away some.

I haven't practiced the exercises with Senior Sister Xiao in the past two days, and I don't know how she will be angry.

It seems that she needs to improve some strengths properly, lest she urge herself every day.

Back in the house, Meng Xing took out the array plate and teleportation array, and through the teleportation, he appeared in the courtyard of Jianchi Peak of Zhenwuzong.

Because the formation in the front yard prevented teleportation, he appeared in the back yard, the same as when Zhuo Lingyan came last time.

When he walked to the front yard, he saw Xiao Yuluo sitting in the pavilion, as if he was in a hurry and a little restless.

"Senior sister, why are you here?" Meng Xing stepped forward and asked.

"Meng Xing, you're finally back. Where have you been these past two days?" Xiao Yuluo saw Meng Xing with surprise on his face, and quickly stood up and asked.

"I have something to do, I went to another place." Meng Xing said.

"Why didn't you tell me? It made me worry about you all the time." Xiao Yuluo complained a little.

"I'm going to practice the exercises. You see, my current strength has reached the ninth level of the open pulse realm. This time I have accumulated a lot of money, and I have hit the peak of the open pulse realm in one breath." Meng Xing stretched out his palm and radiated open pulse. Qi machine of the ninth level of the water attribute.

"Not bad! Not bad! This time I finally got enlightened, and I was promoted to two minor levels at once." Xiao Yuluo said with joy, a look full of a sense of accomplishment.

After training this junior and senior brother for so long, she finally gained something, otherwise she would almost doubt her life, whether Meng Xing really didn't have the talent for cultivation.

"Senior sister, do you have anything else to do with me?" Seeing her like this, Meng Xing felt a little funny in his heart, but his face was calm as usual.

"Senior Sister Liu went down the mountain alone yesterday and said she had something important to do. She also left you a letter. I'm a little worried about her, she seems to be very worried." Xiao Yuluo said.

Saying that, she handed Meng Xing a letter.

Meng Xing's expression was a little dignified. He opened the envelope and took out the letterhead. It was written in thin gold script, which was already quite charming.

"Meng Xing: Senior sister is leaving for the time being, please don't read. Senior sister is actually reluctant to leave you. Senior sister likes the poems you wrote. Next time we meet, you must look for him in the crowd... The man is in the dim light. At', finish this song and give it to me..."

"Senior sister is actually reluctant to leave you? Senior Sister Liu thought,

I'm afraid you also like me, so you can't bear to leave me? When you leave this time, you specially left a letter to me to express your feelings? "Meng Xing thought to himself.

This senior sister is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and her appearance is cold and glamorous, as if she refuses to be a thousand miles away, but once she opens her heart, she is more enthusiastic and unrestrained than everyone else.

He naturally had a feeling of being liked in his heart, but Senior Sister Liu's departure made him calm down.

Xiao Yuluo asked, "Did Senior Sister Liu say where to go?"

"It didn't say where to go." Meng Xing frowned, "I'm afraid she will go back to her hometown and deal with the affairs of her hometown."

"Senior Sister Liu once said that she was sent to the True Martial Sect to practice when her family suffered a great disaster. If this is the case, things in her family may not be easy, and I am afraid it will be a little dangerous." Xiao Yuluo said.

Meng Xing nodded and said, "Where is her hometown?"

"I heard her say that it seems to be in the Qiongzhou area."

"Qiongzhou is adjacent to the sea, and it seems to be more than 2,000 miles away from our place in Dingzhou." Meng Xing frowned.

Xiao Yuluo said worriedly: "Senior Sister Liu went to such a far place alone, I'm afraid it's very dangerous."

"Let's go down the mountain to find out the reason for the disappearance of the sect master after a while, so let's find her by the way." Meng Xing said.

"it is good!"

Meng Xing took out some gifts he bought and said, "Senior sister, I bought this from the mountain and gave it to you."

Xiao Yuluo smiled and said, "These days you will buy some small gifts when you go down the mountain, but you can think of us."

This is because you are all fish in my pond, so I will treat you better. Meng Xing complained in his heart, but felt a little depressed. Without a familiar Senior Sister Liu, he always felt that something was missing.

This glamorous Senior Sister Liu still holds a lot of weight in her heart. He was a little stunned, abandoned the depression in his heart, continued to chat with Xiao Yuluo for a while, watched her leave the yard, and then returned to the house.

Lying on the comfortable bed, he took stock of what he needed to do.

The first one, of course, is to go down the mountain to look for Senior Sister Liu, by the way to see if I can help her.

The second important thing is to find out the truth about the disappearance of the sect master. Which sect was kidnapped by him? By the way, the first thing to investigate is the Jue Shen Sect.

The third thing is to develop and develop more in the capital, and by the way, get in touch with Princess Yangping and Zhuo Lingyan, so that they can be useful in the future.

The fourth thing, go to Yuanwu Mountain Villa and see what happened to the three women who practiced the Dayan Sutra. Don't go out to seduce other men while the owner of my village is gone, and don't have the heart to practice.

Well, by the way, why haven't I seen Luo Yao and Zhou Ruoqing recently? It's because I'm so busy that I don't have time to pay attention to them.

The teleportation array flew around every day, as if traveling through different time and space, and the donkeys of the production team were not as tired as me.

Thinking of this, he quickly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Meng Xing got up, but saw Luo Yao and Zhou Ruoqing trapped in the formation in the front yard, unable to come out.

Meng Xing went to bring the two of them out, and the arrogant Luo Yao said angrily, "What the hell are you doing? Why do you want to set up a formation here?"

"The purpose of setting up a formation here is to trap you, the person who rashly entered here." Meng Xing said.

"Tell me, what do you have to do with me? If you have nothing to do, leave here quickly. I am an idler here, Mo Jin."

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