After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Two hundred and twentieth chapters, unscrupulous

"Am I an idler? I'm your senior sister!" Luo Yao said angrily with her hands on her hips.

Meng Xing looked her up and down and said, "You are not as old as me, don't always think about being my senior sister, I won't admit it. My senior sisters are only Liu and Xiao, you should be My junior sister is almost the same. So, in front of my senior brother, be honest, or you will be spanked."

" dare to hit cultivation is not as strong as mine! If you want to fight, I will beat you." Luo Yao said gruffly.

When it came to "ass", she didn't go on, her face flushed, and she was embarrassed to say it.

Zhou Ruoqing next to her smiled gently, watching the two quarrel.

"Sister Ruoqing, how are you? You are gentle and cute. Like her, a tigress." Meng Xing shifted the line.

Zhou Ruo chuckled and said, "According to the level of cultivation, I am also your senior sister."

"If I were a tigress, I would have eaten you a long time ago! Would you let you talk so much in front of me?" Luo Yao snorted.

I'm afraid you don't know that eating is different between men and women, but you want to eat me, I welcome you at any time. Meng Xing thought to himself.

"Stop talking nonsense! If I have nothing to do, I will go to the dining hall to collect firewood." Meng Xing said, turning around and walking outside.

Luo Yao and Zhou Ruoqing hurriedly followed behind him, Luo Yao said, "Do we also need to know the rules of the formation when we go out?"

"Of course. You can watch my pace and walk wherever I go. You can do the same when you come in," Meng Xing said.

Luo Yao and Zhou Ruoqing watched carefully, followed his pace, and quickly walked out of the yard.

When they came outside, Luo Yao asked, "I want to ask, have you heard about Bai Xia these days?"

Since returning to Zhenwuzong, Luo Yao and the three women have been working hard to cultivate, and they didn't come out until today, so they couldn't wait to ask.

"No! People are high and mighty, and they are ghosts and ghosts. They can't be seen at all." Meng Xing said, without blinking his eyes when he was lying.

Recently, for the Sect Master's affairs, I'd better keep a low profile and avoid jumping around.

"You have something to do with Bai Xia?" he asked.

"No, it's just that people have saved us many times, and I want to say thank you to him face to face." Luo Yao said perfunctorily.

Then you don't have to, unless you are willing to promise yourself, or thank you is an empty word. Meng Xing complained in his heart.

Meng Xing said: "Okay, I'll go to Dichai first."

"You know about Aichai all day long, why don't you know how to make progress? The people from Soul Angel said last time that they invited you to join their yamen, which is better than being here every day with Aichai." Luo Yao said.

"I drank firewood to keep my ears clean."


"Because of you chattering in my ear like a magpie."

"You are a magpie, you are a magpie every day!" Luo Yao said angrily.

Meng Xing ignored her and ran away in a puff of smoke.

Luo Yao said: "Look at him, I was thinking about him, but he took my words as a deaf ear. He listened carefully to what Senior Sister Xiao said, and followed her to practice every day."

"Because Senior Sister Xiao likes him, he knows. Senior Sister Luo Yao, do you like him too?" Zhou Ruoqing said with a smile.

"The ghost likes him! I like Bai Xia, but I don't like him. His cultivation is so weak that if I want him to protect me in the future, I won't be able to protect him. Maybe I will protect him." Luo Yao's face was a little rosy, said.

"He saved us last time. If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid we would all be given to you..." Zhou Ruo said lightly.

"Yeah! It was thanks to him that we were able to avoid disaster last time. He is quite talented in these areas, he knows the way of formation, he can also strategize and learn some poems. Therefore, I think he is very talented. It seems that the person who is suitable for officialdom is a person who is an official or a general and a coach, and it is really a waste of talent to be a true martial artist here." Luo Yao said.

"So, you just want him to know some progress?"

"Yes! But look at him,

They don't listen to other people's advice at all, and they don't know good people at all. "Luo Yao said dissatisfied.

Zhou Ruo chuckled lightly and said, "Senior sister, you care so much about him, this is not like you before, you didn't care about him at all, and you even thought he was inferior to Bai Xia and Senior Brother Yao. They. Now, you seem to value him a little more than Bai Xia."

"That's because Bai Xia is too illusory, coming and going so quickly, people can't figure it out. And he is the closest person to us." Luo Yao sighed.

"Let's go! Let's go back and continue to practice."


Meng Xing drank firewood for an hour, ate breakfast, and then returned to his residence, went to the backyard, teleported the array through the array, and appeared in the courtyard of the capital the next moment.

Looking around, nothing has changed, and no one has entered the house to search. There were no servants, and all was silent. One person has the advantage of one person, and no one bothers.

However, next time, I can let Senior Sister Xiao and the others come to the capital to play. Anyway, the space-time teleportation formation is faster than Yujian flying and high-speed trains.

Walking out of the house, walking along the street, brushing the system. The wool at the foot of Zhenwuzong Mountain was almost wiped out by him, and the system did not pop up many options, but in such a fresh place, it was very active.

[1. Continue to walk on the street. 】

[Second, there is a pair of shrew who are arguing next to you, you also join the quarrel, become a shrew, and scold them. 】

[Three, there is a beggar with ragged clothes and a muddy face next to him, he comes forward and hugs and kisses ten. 】

Meng Xing glanced at it and saw that the pair of shrews were very sturdy, with their hands on the waist of the bucket, their majestic appearance, their eyebrows were cold, their foul language, and their rudeness, which simply affected the appearance of the inner city of the capital.

I'm afraid I didn't scold them and cry, but they did.

And the beggar with ragged clothes and mud on his face, who doesn't even know that he hasn't bathed for hundreds of days, unless he's crazy and has special hobbies, he can't speak.

Meng Xing shivered for a while and lost his appetite. He chose the first option and quickly walked away.

[The task has been completed, get a random reward: hide +1]

Meng Xing spent a while in the inner city, and then came to the outer city.

At this moment, a woman's cry came. Meng Xing looked around and saw a group of people watching from a distance. Two squires were dragging a delicate woman away. The woman had a beautiful face. She looked extremely beautiful, and a young man in brocade clothes was sitting on a horse with a fan and looked at her squintingly.

"Take her away!" said Young Master Jinyi.

"Young Master Xue, Young Master Xue, please let go of Xiao Lao'er's daughter! Please spare Xiao Lao'er's daughter!" A gray-haired old man in his fifties knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing, begging for mercy, his forehead kowtowed. Bleeding.

"Go away! You owe me one hundred taels of silver, and you used your daughter as a mortgage."

"I... Where do I owe you a hundred taels of silver? I only borrowed your ten taels of silver." The old man said.

"You borrow my money, don't you need to borrow interest? The interest on the loan of 10 taels a day is exactly 100 taels in ten days, plus the principal of 10 taels. I don't want you to repay the principal, which is already considered a good son. "The young master in Jinyi said.

" suck blood! I...I fought with you!" The old man gritted his teeth and rushed over.

Young Master Jinyi sneered and pulled the reins, forcing the horse to raise its hooves and trample on the old man.

The people around them exclaimed that if they were stepped on by a horse's hoof, they would be seriously injured if they didn't die.

"Father!" The delicate woman let out a miserable whimper.

The horse's hoof fell, but it stepped on an empty space, and the old man was dragged away in an instant.

Everyone saw a handsome young man in blue clothes appearing not far away, with the old man slumped next to him with a gray face.

The person who came to the rescue was naturally Meng Xing. He frowned. He didn't expect to see this kind of robbery of civilian women at the foot of the capital. It seems that the last time I heard what the people said, I'm afraid It's all true.

Some people are just daring, thinking that with power, they can be unscrupulous.

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