After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Two hundred and twentieth nine chapters, Xing Department Shilang

This neat and tidy killing method immediately shocked those students.

"Xue Ji conspired with the disciples of the Demon Sect, rebelled against the imperial court, and should be punished!" Meng Xing said.

"Zhong Zhaotou, these two demon disciples are arrested and punished. They must still have comrades. Maybe someone in the court has secretly defected."

"Yes!" Zhong Zhao nodded, also a little shocked by Meng Xing's powerful aura.

The strength of the other party is not high, but this kind of powerful momentum exudes, but it is impossible to refuse.

At this moment, the two Demon Sect disciples fell down limply, black blood spilling from their mouths, so frightened that the arresting knight who was holding them backed back quickly, their eyes extremely horrified.

"They died of poisoning!" a catcher exclaimed.

Meng Xing stepped forward and saw that the two demon disciples had already died. Obviously, they were hiding poison behind their teeth, and this poison was extremely poisonous and could not be rescued at all.

Their death makes what is happening now even more confusing.

Meng Xing looked at the students around him, then pointed to a few of the people who had the most trouble just now, and said, "Zhong Caotou, arrest them all, and ask them who ordered them."

Zhong Zhaotou quickly let many catchers capture the students. Under the threat of sharp weapons, they did not dare to resist.

Moreover, Meng Xing dared to kill the son of the minister of punishment, so how could he be afraid of them, resistance may be a dead end.

Numerous students lost their backbones, like a tree falling and scattered, one by one they were so frightened that they quickly left, for fear of being arrested and sent to the prison for interrogation.

Many students also faintly felt that they seemed to be used by others, and they were afraid that the imperial court would pursue it and withdraw their degrees from the two universities. If this was the case, they would have lost more than their gains.

At this time, Meng Xing looked at Xing Yixuan and said, "Xing Yixuan, you are here this time because you have good intentions for me!"

Xing Yixuan snorted: "I'm here to catch the evil spirits of the Demon Sect. This is the responsibility of my soul angel Yamen. If you are the evil spirits of the Demon Sect, I will naturally kill you and remove the scourge for the court."

He was naturally not afraid of Meng Xing. With such a low strength, if there was no princess to rely on, he would have taken action long ago.

"Not bad! It seems that you are very loyal! However, you came so quickly, are you also under the instigation of the demons to frame me and kill me?" Meng Xing asked.

"Don't spit your blood! How could I, Xing Yixuan, be instructed by the demons of the Demon Sect?" Xing Yixuan rushed up, this guy had sharp teeth, and wanted to take him to the ditch after a few words.

"As for whether you were instructed or not, you know it yourself." Meng Xing said.

Soul Angel's Yamen is quite special. It is under the jurisdiction of the emperor. Naturally, Meng Xing can't kill him directly. Otherwise, he will fight against the emperor.

Moreover, with the useless strength revealed by himself, he cannot kill the opponent unless his strength is exposed.

As for Xing Yixuan's father, as a gold-level soul angel, his strength is only between the fifth rank, so there is no need to be afraid of him.

Xing Yixuan snorted, controlled the anger in his body, and said coldly: "If you find the evidence, then, if there is no evidence, don't wrong a good person."

Every official in this capital city is not simple! This Xing Yixuan looked very grumpy, but he should hold back his temper, and he would hold back, and would not be recklessly stimulated by others. Meng Xing thought to himself.

"Of course, if there is evidence, Zhong Caotou will naturally be arrested." Meng Xing said.

"If you want to arrest me, think about your own situation! If you killed the son of the minister of punishment, he will definitely not give up with you." Xing Yixuan said.

The surrounding people gradually dispersed, and Xing Yixuan also left boringly. This time, it was in vain, and he didn't take the opportunity to kill Meng Xing, which made him regretful. He will never give up, none of the people he wants to kill by Xing Yixuan can escape from his palm.

Also, this time Princess Yangping actually came. Although she didn't make her debut, she could imagine how important this Meng Xing was in her heart. Otherwise, why would she come to this place so eagerly.

Therefore, if he wants to kill Meng Xing, he must be justified.

Otherwise, you will get yourself into trouble. Otherwise, he must use the means of assassination, or the means of exorcism, to let others get rid of him secretly.

Xing Yixuan is also thinking about which method to use is more suitable.

Xing Yixuan's words actually made Zhong Caotou's heart a little dignified. Killing the son of the minister of punishment was naturally a big deal.

Everyone returned to the government office to discuss, and Princess Yangping also came in.

Zhao Fu Yin was stunned when he heard that Xue Ji was beheaded by Meng Xing, he pondered for a while, and said, "Meng Gongzi took the opportunity to kill the son of the minister of the Ministry of Punishment, which is actually a good thing. This guy has committed many crimes. There are more than ten cases of his cases, and five or six people were killed by him. The minister of punishment is not strict with his sons, and he should also bear a huge responsibility. Moreover, this time, the disciples of the demons joined the fanning crowd. This kind of situation It's also possible that he ordered it. Maybe, he already has the heart of rebellion."

"So, as long as this government writes to the court and makes the stakes clear, even if the minister of punishment has a strong backing, it will be difficult to get rid of the guilt."

Everyone nodded, Jiang was still old and hot, and Zhao Fuyin was naturally more handy when dealing with this kind of thing.

Princess Yangping said: "I will also go and clarify this matter with the royal father."

This is that someone in the court is easy to do things, and Meng Xing also took a fancy to this, and then shot to kill Xue Ji, who wanted to escape punishment.

The court's Wang Fa can no longer punish this person, and the other party can get rid of the guilt completely by relying on the powerful power, then, only Meng Xinglai can take action.


Xue Mansion, a luxurious mansion covers a vast area.

Xue Pan, the servant of the Xing Ministry, went down to the government office and sat in the hall, brewing tea with a straight face, while thinking about the important affairs of the court.

At this moment, a man who looked like a butler quickly entered the hall and said in a panic, "Sir, it's not good!"

"What happened? How can you be so panicked?" Xue Pan frowned.

"Young master...Young master was killed in front of the Jingzhao Mansion, saying that he colluded with the demons of the Demon Sect." The housekeeper said.


The teapot fell on the table, Xue Pan's expression froze.

After a long while, he said, "Didn't I ask someone to save him? Why does this still happen?"

The butler explained in detail what he had heard.

"These demons from the Demon Sect actually wanted to drag me into the water and hide among the students of the two universities. That guy surnamed Meng dared to take the opportunity to kill my son. It's really a good trick! I will never die with this person! "Xue Pan slapped the table heavily with his palm, with a look of grief and resentment in his eyes.

Xue Ji was his favorite son-in-law, but he didn't expect to die like this.

Xue Pan waved his hand and said, "Go! Pull the body back."

"Yes!" The butler left.

After thinking about it for a while, Xue Pan changed into his official uniform and went to the residence of the Minister of Punishment, then to the residence of the Minister of Household and Minister of War, and finally to the palace.

Xue Pan united these forces just in case. If the emperor wanted to kill him under an excuse, he could rely on these forces to escape the disaster.

But he walked out of the palace soon, because Emperor Xuanye went to the Taoist temple of Huanghuo Sect and went to a private meeting with the female sect leader.

At this time, even if there is a big thing, you can't bother, otherwise, with the temperament of Emperor Xuan Ye, these ministers will be scolded.

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