After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and thirtieth, can not control

The news of the murder of Xue Ji, the son of the minister of punishment, quickly shocked the entire civil service group and the Xungui group. Many people in the civil service group are clamoring to get rid of the shooter. The members of the Xungui Group watched with a cold eye, rather gloating at the misfortune.

Chen Fu Yin sent a letter to the court, accusing the waiter of the Ministry of Punishment for instigating the students from Qingfeng Academy and Guozijian to go to the Jingzhao Mansion to make trouble, and the two students who led the trouble were actually disciples of the Demon Sect. The evildoer is in collusion.

Immediately afterwards, Princess Yangping also went to the imperial study and told Emperor Xuanye about the cause and effect of the whole thing.

The minister of the Ministry of Punishment also wrote a letter to defend himself. He stated that he did not collude with the evil spirits of the Demon Sect, and his son died in vain. Please kill the murderer Yunyun.

However, the Xuanye Empire did not do anything, as if it did not happen, neither did it deal with the minister of the Punishment Department, nor did it issue a decree to deal with the murderer.

For a while, every official in the court was speculating on Emperor Xuanye's mind, not knowing how he would deal with it in the end.

Of course, Meng Xing couldn't control these things. However, the Demon Sect's people are obviously still lurking in the capital, and it is even more difficult to find them.

Through the interrogation of Mu Zuoxuan and two of his subordinates, he learned that there is a master of the fifth-grade Demon Sea Realm hidden in the capital, who is secretly working and plotting something.

As for who it was, Mu Zuoxuan didn't know, it was the other party who sent someone to contact them.

Meng Xing made an appointment with Princess Yangping and Chen Fuyin, and he would help them find the fifth-rank master of the Demon Sect. The condition was that Princess Yangping would go to the Soul Angel Yamen to persuade Cai Han, mobilize the soul angels in the world, and find the true martial arts sect master. trace.

Back in his house, Meng Xing passed the teleportation array and returned to Jianchi Peak.

Meng Xing felt that he would have to switch back and forth between the two places for a long time in the future.

The next day, after Meng Xing emptied the firewood in the dining hall, Xiao Yuluo, Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo, Yang Xiaochui, Li Buxian and others came over and prepared to go down the mountain together.

After these days of cultivation, the cultivation of the five people has greatly improved, and they have all reached the peak of the seventh-rank God Refinement Realm, especially Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo. There are faint signs of breakthroughs, and they may step into the sixth-rank golden bell at any time. to become a figure comparable to those peak masters.

This time down the mountain, the two of them also wanted to train and prepare to make a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

After the six people went down the mountain, they went straight to Wuyang County, came to the vicinity of the county town, and went to see Yuanwu Mountain Villa.

Yang Xiaochui and Li Buxian had experienced the incident at Yuanwu Mountain Villa, and vividly described the story of Meng Xing's use of the array to get rid of the many masters around Qin You, the playboy, and heard Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo and others exclaimed for a while.

Although they have heard it, but they have experienced it in person, the feeling is naturally more different.

After entering Yuanwu Villa, the three young girls who stayed there were also very happy to see them, and to everyone's surprise, their cultivation had reached the eighth-grade condensed phase, and they entered the state very quickly.

After everyone stayed in Yuanwu Villa for two days, Meng Xing pointed out the three girls a little, and used the teleportation circle to set the position. Next time, they could teleport here through the circle.

Then, everyone continued eastward, heading towards Qiongzhou.


In the imperial city, the residence of Princess Yangping, Zhuo Lingyan sat in the hall, but bored her face and looked at the direction of the door.

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"What on earth is this guy Meng Xing doing? He hasn't been here for two days? I still want to hear his story." Zhuo Lingyan said.

Princess Yangping is holding a volume of books, but she is looking at it seriously. Occasionally, she will take a cup of tea and take a sip of tea, and then look at the book carefully, full of the image of a talented woman who is eager to learn.

"He also said that he would find a fifth-grade expert from the Demon Sect for me. So far, there has been no movement, and I don't know where to go to be lazy." Princess Yangping said.

"Humph! This guy must have been teleported back to Zhenwuzong again. He couldn't sleep in the newly bought house last time, so he went back to Zhenwuzong to sleep again." Zhuo Lingyan said.

"I really envy you, you can actually transmit such a long distance through the teleportation array,

Faster than flying in the sky. " Princess Yangping said.

She was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that this teleportation array could go directly to Zhenwuzong. In this way, if you go from Leizong to the capital, I'm afraid it will be an instant thing.

She is becoming more and more aware that this teleportation array is used in wars, and I am afraid it has a powerful transportation function, but she does not know how many people can be transported.

But thinking about it, I am afraid that it is the limit to transport two or three people.

This kind of thing is not easy to ask directly, it can only be done by side-talking, after all, it may be a secret.

Zhuo Lingyan smiled and said: "This kind of formation, of course, is faster than flying in the sky, but it also has a disadvantage. It needs to be positioned in advance in order to reach a certain place more accurately, otherwise, it may fall off the position. Therefore, also It can only be used by those who understand formations or spells."

In this way, Daoist people can basically use it, and if you want to use the martial arts system, you must master some formation knowledge like Meng Xing. It seems that people who are still Taoist have a great advantage.

It is no wonder that the father and the emperor want to cultivate the Tao, and only by practicing the Tao can one gain longevity. And if people in the martial arts system want to live long, they must reach high-quality powerhouses, otherwise their qi and blood will still be weakened, and eventually they will be exhausted, and their lives will end.

Princess Yangping pondered, looking at the words in the book, but her thoughts were a little erratic.


All the way east, out of Dingzhou, came to the territory of Haizhou.

Everyone found a restaurant to live in, but Meng Xing planned to stay here for two or three days. After a night of rest, he waited until the next morning to inform others not to disturb him, and then teleported back to his own house in the capital.

After leaving the house, they came to Jingzhao Mansion and found Zhong Zaitou. Following Zhong Zaitou, they began to patrol the streets to see if there were any unusual people on the streets.

The fifth-grade master of the Demon Sect didn't know where he was hiding, and he had no surveillance, so he could only try his luck to see if he could be found.

Of course, if the system pops up an abnormal prompt, it is possible to find this master, but the problem is that it is not difficult to kill a fifth-rank master, and unless the system releases water, there may be no prompt.

The students from those two colleges didn't dare to come out and jump when they saw Zhong Zaitou. Before, they were not afraid of them at all, but now they are completely opposite. They saw Meng Xing, the evil star, who was also helping to patrol. Fear.

While patrolling the street, suddenly, a stool flew out from a restaurant, and then, the sound of ping ping pong fighting came from the restaurant.


A big hole suddenly appeared in the restaurant, and a tall, majestic, muscular man flew out of the hole, but twisted and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man dressed up jumped out of the restaurant, and a khaki qi burst out, like a sharp sword, and slammed into the big man with high nose and deep eyes.

The big man slammed it with a punch, his fist was like an iron bowl, and with a bang, the opponent's qi burst and kept retreating.

The middle-aged man was horrified, pulled out his knife, and slashed over. In the violent collision, his knife was also smashed by a punch, and finally hit by a punch, his body flew out and fell to the ground, Blood spurted out of his mouth.

The big guy with the kinky muscles was arrogant, and he punched the middle-aged man to death.

Meng Xing frowned, turned his head and asked, "Who is this big guy? Do you want to catch him for killing people so fiercely?"

Zhong Zhaotou looked at the big man vigilantly, shook his head and said, "We can't control it."

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