The first reaction of everyone was that these people were robbers and had colluded with the people in the restaurant, so they knew they were here.

"Who are you?" Yao Jianyu stood up and asked.

"Who? You don't deserve to know, arrest them all," said the burly man.

Everyone showed their weapons, their bodies flashed, and they began to fight with those soldiers. Most of these soldiers' cultivation bases were between the ninth and eighth grades. Naturally, fighting alone is not their opponent, but they are better than many people. , and this restaurant couldn't use his hands and feet, and for a while, a deadlock was actually formed.

The burly man's eyes flickered with fierce light, he swung his thick long sword, and attacked and killed Yao Jianyu.

when! when! when!

The sound of the collision between the sword and the sword is endless. The energy of the two people was revealed, and the entire restaurant shook as if they were about to collapse at any time.

Seeing this, the burly man flew out of the restaurant and landed on the street outside, shouting, "Come here to fight."

Yao Jianyu snorted and flew out, fighting with him, his Qi fully revealed, and the roar continued.


After fighting for a while, the burly man was blasted out by Yao Jianyu's burst of Qi, and his blood surged and fell to the ground, causing him to feel dizzy.

Some of the thirty or forty soldiers were also blown away from the restaurant.

"The idea is tough, retreat first!" The burly man shouted, got up from the ground and ran away first.

Seeing this, the others also fled, like birds and beasts scattered.

Yao Jianyu arrested the restaurant owner for questioning. The restaurant owner was trembling and said, "It's none of my business. I'm also forced, otherwise my restaurant won't be able to open here."

"Who are they?" Yao Jianyu asked.

"These people are from the Liu family. The Liu family's people control almost the entire Qiongzhou, and they are like the emperor of the earth in Qiongzhou." The restaurant owner said.

Liu family? That should be of the same clan as Senior Sister Liu. Everyone's heart moved.

"Then why did they arrest us?" Yao Jianyu asked.

"Anyone who enters Qiongzhou will be controlled and looted by the Liu family. If it's better, they may let you go back and let you do business with them. If it's worse, they will be killed directly and their property will be robbed." The restaurant owner said.

"The Exotic Land Reclamation of Vegetable Skeletons"

"Why do they do this?" Yao Jianyu frowned.

"Because Qiongzhou is located by the sea, there are very few fields that can be planted, and the land they control is also very large. There are many people who need to rely on them to eat. Without some looting, they can't survive at all." The restaurant owner said.

"The government here doesn't care about these things?"

"I don't dare to care! Those officials who come here are all assigned officials. They have little power, and they have to rely on the Liu family to survive."

Everyone nodded. In this way, the Liu family has become the emperor of the earth here.

"They didn't catch you, they won't give up. Today is just a test, and there may be more powerful experts coming." The restaurant owner said.

"Who are the experts in the Liu family?" Meng Xing asked.

"We don't know this. This is the secret of the Liu family, and no one else knows it."

"Have you ever seen such a woman come here?" Meng Xing asked while holding Liu Shiyun's portrait.

"This woman is so beautiful, like a fairy." The restaurant owner exclaimed, his eyes straightened.

"I asked if you have seen it?"

"No, no! Where have I seen such a fairy before, if I have seen it, I must have an impression." The restaurant owner said ramble.

After asking some more questions, everyone also had some understanding of Qiongzhou and the Liu family.

Qiongzhou is adjacent to the sea, the terrain is remote, and it is difficult to rely on fishing and hunting for a living. Therefore, anyone who passes through Qiongzhou and has a little money will be robbed. Some of them are pleasing to the eye, they may let you go, and those who are not pleasing to the eye will directly rob and kill.

Of course, if it is those former businessmen,

Those who can do business with them will also stay, and those who cannot do business will directly loot their property.

Therefore, the Liu family is like a soil emperor in this Qiongzhou, and they almost control the entire Qiongzhou.

After the restaurant owner left, everyone looked at each other.

Yang Xiaochui asked with some doubts: "Isn't Senior Sister Liu the young lady of the scholarly family? Why does the Liu family sound like the leader of a bandit?"

This is what everyone is suspicious of, which is completely different from the Liu family in everyone's mind.

"Also, didn't Senior Sister Liu say that the family suffered a great disaster, and was sent to our Zhenwu Sect to practice martial arts? Her family suffered a great disaster, why is there such a Liu family that looks like a soil emperor?" Gu Qingzhuo also Expressed the doubts in his mind.

"Could it be that Senior Sister Liu lied to us that the Liu family in Qiongzhou that she said was not the Liu family of her family at all?"

"It's also possible that there is a Liu family from a scholarly family in Qiongzhou, but that Liu family was wiped out by the current Liu family."

Between the same clan and the same clan, as long as the fundamental interests are involved, there will be endless battles, just like between princes, in order to compete for the throne, they will fight to the death.

After discussing for a long time, Gu Qingzhuo came to visit in the middle of the night, and everyone else went to sleep.

Tonight's events have also made everyone vigilant, so one person must watch the night, lest the Liu family's people kill them in the middle of the night, and everyone is still asleep.

The next day, Meng Xing and others continued to move forward. Along the way, everyone always felt that someone was watching, so they all proceeded cautiously.

In the evening, everyone was not ready to live in the restaurant, so they set up camp in the wild according to Meng Xing's wishes. Meng Xing took out the formation plate depicted by Zhuo Lingyan, and arranged a formation the size of a house to surround the camp.

"Meng Xing, don't you know how to set up a formation yourself? Why can you do it now?" Yang Xiaochui asked in surprise.

"I recently got to know other more powerful formation masters through Chen Jinshu. That formation master can describe this kind of formation. As long as you know a little about the way of formation, you can perform this fixed formation. I let that formation master. Made me some of these arrays for emergencies." Meng Xing said half-truth.

"So it is. The people of Daomen are really powerful, and they even have such fantastic ideas." Yang Xiaochui exclaimed in amazement.

Taoism has existed since ancient times and has a long history of development. Naturally, it is not comparable to the martial arts system.

Even the magical system of the barbarians, which was given power by the gods, probably took longer than the martial arts system.

With the protection of this formation, everyone felt a lot more at ease, so they burrowed into their tents to rest or practice.

After resting for an hour, I heard the screams of killing outside, and everyone stood on the edge of the formation to watch the situation outside.

I saw hundreds of people holding torches, weapons, bows and arrows, etc., standing in front of them, standing blankly.

The burly man was asking several people: "Where are those people? Why are they gone?"

"I saw them camping here, then resting and never leaving, how could they be gone?"

"Did they fly away with wings?"

"It's impossible! Even if it flies away, we can still see it."

Those few people said blankly.

The burly man looked at the front and waved his hand: "Go to the front to search, they should have just escaped not far."

Those gangsters rushed straight forward, entered the formation one after another, and quickly disappeared.

"There's a ghost! There's a ghost!" Some gangsters quickly stepped back when they realized that the situation was wrong.

The burly man's hair stood on end, looking at the places where his subordinates disappeared.

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