After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and thirty fourth, the fat sheep to be slaughtered

There doesn't seem to be anything special about that place. Why do those people disappear when they go in?

It's really weird.

It was dark at night, and the surroundings were silent, except for the rattling of night birds and the roars of some wild beasts in the distance, which were especially harsh in this dark night.

This kind of situation made those gangsters want to retreat, afraid that there will be mountain monsters and ghosts, and they will come out to eat people at this time.

The burly man felt chills in his heart, but he didn't run away immediately, relying on the courage of the art masters, and supported himself.

He also knew that there were actually no ghosts in this world, and those so-called ghosts were actually just powerful yin gods or yin demons.

At this moment, Yao Jianyu came out of the formation, as if emerging from nothingness, and said with a smile, "You want to arrest us? Where are we here?"

When the burly man saw this guy he knew, he became bold, as long as these people weren't monsters and ghosts, it would be easy.

"It turned out that you were playing tricks. What tactics did you guys use? Where did my men go?" His eyes stared at Yao Jianyu, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

"This is our secret, how can we tell you? If you want to save them, it depends on your ability." Yao Jianyu said.

The other party obviously did not expect that any of them would know the way of formation. After all, there are not many people in this world who know the formation of Taoism, and those people are generally dressed as Taoist priests.

"Humph! Shoot me an arrow and kill him!" the burly man waved.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Those bandits armed with bows and arrows began to shoot arrows, and a sharp arrow, carrying a qi machine, cut through the void and flew towards Yao Jianyu like locusts.

These arrows were lost, enough to penetrate the body-protecting qi machine and destroy the body of the sixth-grade cultivator.

Yao Jianyu flew a few arrows with his sword and felt the power of these sharp arrows.

Therefore, he was too lazy to deal with it and directly entered the formation. The power of the formation surged out, and those sharp arrows flew into the formation, their power was eliminated, and they fell to the ground.

The burly man's eyes widened, and those sharp arrows disappeared. Could it be that these people have some strange magic?

Yao Jianyu appeared again and said coldly, "Don't waste your energy, these things are useless to us."

"I want to kill you and see if it works." The burly man shouted and attacked Yao Jianyu with a big sword.

Yao Jianyu raised his sword to meet him, and the voices rang out, colliding violently.

After playing for a while, Yao Jianyu unleashed a sword in the sky, bursting out a powerful energy, and slashed towards the burly man.


The powerful force slammed down, and the burly man was slashed by a sword and flew towards the position of the formation.

"No! No!" He tried his best to struggle, but Nai He spurted blood, his whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and it was extremely numb.

With a bang, he fell into the formation, and countless sea waters rushed in. Before he could react, he was submerged by the sea water. It seemed that countless sea water had been poured into his mouth, and he fainted instantly.

Yao Jianyu's sword broke out, and he could deal with the masters of the sixth-rank Golden Bell Realm. It was naturally easy to deal with the burly men of the same rank, but the sword itself was also very expensive.

When the bandits outside saw the leader disappear, they panicked one by one, like birds and beasts scattered, and hurriedly fled here, how dare they fight with Yao Jianyu.

Yao Jianyu's body was soft, as if he was overindulging, so he quickly entered the formation and went to the tent to rest.

The burly man and his group of subordinates who had already fainted were dragged to a safe place by Gu Qingzhuo, Li Buxian, Yang Xiaochui and others, lest they really be killed.

Gu Qingzhuo tied the burly man with a special rope, and then kicked him a few times to wake him up.

The burly man was in pain all over his body and woke up with a grin.

"You...what do you want to do?" he asked in horror.

"Of course I want to kill you! Look at your subordinates, they are all dead here." Gu Qingzhuo pointed behind him and said.

When the burly man looked at the "dead corpses" in the row behind him, his face was immediately pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead in shock.

"Brothers, I'm still useful, don't kill me!" He panicked.

"Tell me, what's the use of you?" Gu Qingzhuo sneered.

"I know a little about the Liu family, I can tell you." The burly man said.

"Come on, let me see if there is any use value. If not, this is your burial place."

"As long as you promise to let me go, I will say it. Otherwise, I won't say it if I kill you." The burly man said stubbornly.


Gu Qingzhuo stabbed him in the shoulder with a sword, blood dripping immediately, and he shouted "Ah".

"You fall into our hands, and you don't have the capital to negotiate the conditions. If you don't tell me, I can scrape off your body and feed it to the dog!" Gu Qingzhuo said coldly.

"I said, I said!" The burly man said with a terrified face, not daring to be tougher. I'm afraid these people really do what they say.

He doesn't want to die. In this Qiongzhou area, he has endless prosperity and wealth, and he doesn't want to die like this.

I didn't expect that this robbery would encounter such a hard stubble. This is something that has never happened before.

It is really all day long to hunt geese, and the geese pecked their eyes.

"We are the robbers who robbed the Liu family. Half of the looted money needs to be handed over to the Liu family. The Liu family will acquiesce to our existence and will not strangle us."

"There are hundreds of robbers like us in Qiongzhou, and the competition is very fierce. We sometimes go to nearby prefectures and counties to rob and come back after robbing."

The burly man said quickly.

"Who are there in the Liu family? Why do you listen to the Liu family like this?" Gu Qingzhuo asked.

"The patriarch of the Liu family is said to be a master of the fourth rank of divine will. He is incomparably powerful. He is unmatched in Qiongzhou, just like an emperor. The patriarch of the Liu family has four sons, each of whom is a master of the sixth-rank golden bell level or above. There are few rivals in Qiongzhou. If we don't listen to them, they will come after us for thousands of miles, and we can't escape." The burly man said.

Everyone was a little shocked. I didn't expect that the Liu family was so powerful. There were even masters of the fourth-grade gods. The four sons of the ancestors of the Liu family were almost the same as the peak masters of the True Martial Sect.

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"If you want to go through Qiongzhou and go to other places, I advise you to take a detour, otherwise even if we don't come to rob you, others will come. For the Liu family's robbers, people like you They are all fat sheep to be slaughtered."

Sheep to be slaughtered? Isn't this Liu family so poor and mad that they treat us as fat sheep to be slaughtered? Everyone was speechless.

"The more you go into Qiongzhou, the more powerful the masters you will meet. With your cultivation base, I'm afraid you won't be able to defeat those masters above the sixth-rank Golden Bell Realm." The burly man continued.

This is true, unless it is protected by this formation, or against those masters, you must be careful about your own safety.

I didn't expect that I was just here to find Liu Shiyun, and there would be such a difficult problem.

This Liu family is even more powerful than Zhenwuzong, no wonder they can control the entire Qiongzhou.

I just don't know, how could the imperial court allow such a powerful family to exist and not come to destroy the Liu family?

This entire Daqin, on the surface, looks very bright, but it is actually thousands of holes, and various forces are everywhere. Meng Xing sighed a little.

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