After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and thirty-fifth, this is almost like sending death

"Anything else?" Gu Qingzhuo asked.

"No more. I have said everything I know," said the burly man.

Meng Xing took out Liu Shiyun's portrait, unfolded it to him, and said, "Have you seen this girl?"

The burly man widened his eyes, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said, "I have never seen such a beautiful girl. But I have seen it now, and this girl is really beautiful!"

With such a wretched expression, Meng Xing just wanted to beat him up, just like an otaku in a previous life who used his own five-fingered girl for an island movie.

Meng Xing immediately put away the painting, not wanting to give him another look, and said, "Okay, let's rest, these people will stay here and make plans tomorrow."

"Hey! Didn't you agree to let me go? Why have you changed your mind now?" said the burly man.

"I'll see your performance in the future. Don't want to let you go for a few days." Meng Xing said.

"Your words don't count, shameless!" the burly man said angrily.

"Do you robbers always count what you say? When you murdered people and robbed money, did you ever think that others should not be killed, but they were killed by you? Today, if we are not strong enough to protect ourselves, I am afraid that you will also kill us. Right? So, don't say anything shameless! You have to think about what you have done." Gu Qingzhuo, who had a vicious tongue, said loudly.

The burly man was speechless.

"Abolish the martial arts of the others, throw them out, and let them fend for themselves," Meng Xing said.

Only then did the burly man realize that the people behind him were not dead at all.

"Okay! I'll do this. I've recently learned a way to cultivate a crippled person. I haven't had a chance to try it. It's just right to use them to practice." Yang Xiaochui said with great interest.

The burly man couldn't help but shuddered, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Soon, he opened his eyes and watched Yang Xiaochui abolish the cultivation base of those half-dead guys and threw them out of the formation.

Meng Xing and others went to rest one by one, leaving only the burly man here alone, as if not afraid of him escaping at all.

The wound on the shoulder of the burly man could not die, and it stopped after some blood flowed.

The next day, when everyone got up, they could no longer see those guys who had abolished their cultivation, and they all left.

Everyone improvised and ate some dry food, then packed up and continued on their way, driving the burly man forward like a duck.

"Isn't it too obvious that we are rushing him away like this?" Yao Jianyu said.

"We're killing chickens and showing off monkeys! With this bandit leader, no one else dares to come and rob us. If anyone dares to come, we must consider whether he should be like him and become our prisoner." Gu Qingzhuo road.

"What are you trying to do? Are you trying to go deep into Qiongzhou? You are not afraid of death, and don't drag me to be buried with you!" The burly man said in horror.

"We're going to take you to meet the Liu family." Meng Xing said.

"No! No! I can't see anyone from the Liu family. Every time I see it, it's an accountant of the Liu family. I can't see anyone from the Liu family at all."

"People like us at the bottom can't see the young masters, masters, and ancestors of the Liu family at all. You should let me go."

"You seem to be afraid of the Liu family?" Meng Xing asked.

"Of course I'm afraid! Just like the common people seeing the emperor, the Liu family can decide our life and death at any time. Are you afraid?" said the burly man.

This is like seeing the big boss of the company at the bottom. Whether the bottom-level employees can continue to work in the company and keep their jobs depends on the words of the big boss.

And this world is even more cruel. A word from the big boss may decide your life and death. There is no difference between the emperor and the emperor.

The burly man continued: "You people, the most powerful are only slightly higher than me, why are you not afraid of death? If you provoke the Liu family, the consequences can only be death."

"We bring you here,

I just wanted to see how you died at the hands of the Liu family. "Gu Qingzhuo said.

"No! You kill me and don't leave! You kill me now, it's better than dying at the hands of the Liu family." The burly man stopped and didn't leave.

"Why are you so afraid of the emperors of the Liu family?" Yao Jianyu kicked him.

Yesterday's Jue Kong Sword broke out, Yao Jianyu didn't actually use a ruthless attack, he just wanted to see how his strength and resilience were, otherwise this guy would have been killed by his sword long ago.

"Can you not be afraid? When the Liu family kills people, they like to break the bones of people's whole body, and then cry in pain all night before dying. Last time I saw with my own eyes, the bandit leader in a small county town nearby was killed by the people of the Liu family. ." The burly man looked like he had more seasons in his heart.

"So, if you can see the Liu family, it's best not to see them. It is said that they are not very good-tempered, and they tend to kill people. Although I am also in the business of killing people, compared with them, it is still too far behind."

"They all practice fire-attribute exercises?" Meng Xing asked. People who are generally short-tempered are also greatly influenced by their own practice.

"Yes! It is said that the Liu family has a set of very powerful fire-attribute exercises that can swallow flames," said the burly man.

Tunna flames? This kind of exercise is probably more powerful, more evil, and more violent than the one who cultivated the Fire Spirit Vessel on his own. It's no wonder that the Liu family's people are so powerful. I'm afraid they have to pay a lot to cultivate this special exercise, and the speed of cultivation may be much faster than other exercises.

Meng Xing thought to himself, and had a deeper understanding of the Liu family.

"Let's go! If you don't go, I'll chop you up and feed the dog." Gu Qingzhuo also kicked him.

The burly man was helpless and had to move on.

After walking for two hours, the burly man refused to leave, saying: "In front is Baiji County, where there is a powerful bandit leader, who is in the sixth-grade Golden Bell Realm, let's go, we will Killed by him."

"I said, the six of you are too young and arrogant to do things recklessly! The deeper we go, the more there will be no turning back. This is really going to die!" The burly man said with a bitter face.

"This Qiongzhou is the Longtan Tiger's Den. We have to venture into it, and of course we will take you with us to see if you die first, or we die first." Yao Jianyu said with a snort.

"Masters, brothers, please forgive me. I, Gu Biaofeng, just learned to robbery, and most people don't know how to kill. At most, it's robbery... No, not robbery. When I meet you guys, it's considered a robbery. I'm unlucky. Just spare me!" Gu Biaofeng, a burly man, pleaded.

Everyone scoffed, seeing how skilled he looked when he robbed, and he just learned to rob?

"I believe you are a ghost! Hurry up!" Gu Qingzhuo kicked him again and said.

Gu Biaofeng had to face bitterly, bite the bullet, and move on, but he looked frightened and afraid of death.

After walking for half an hour, he said, "Did you feel it? Someone has noticed us and followed us."

"Of course I know." Yao Jianyu said.

Yang Xiaochui said: "You guy, you were so bold when you wanted to kill us, why are you now a coward?"

"It's almost like sending us to death, who's not afraid? I still want to save my head and give it to my poor 80-year-old mother to inherit the lineage." Gu Biaofeng said.

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