After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and thirty-six, the choice that makes people move

"You know that you have an 80-year-old woman in your family. How dare you come out to be the leader of a bandit, who would you lie to?" Gu Qingzhuo sneered.

Lie and don't draft. This guy looked rude, but he wasn't honest at all.

At this time, everyone was in Baiji County. After walking for another two hours, they found a backing position and set up camp to rest.

To be honest, everyone is still a little worried, after all, this Baiji County is surrounded by a bandit leader of the sixth-rank Admiralty Realm.

Everyone's strength is basically at the seventh-rank God Refining Realm, which is a realm apart.

When they were in Zhenwu Sect in Guangyang County, everyone felt that their cultivation was not bad, and they were quite complacent. Now that they came out, they were all experts, and they had no sense of superiority.

This is still after everyone has been practicing hard for more than half a year, and their strength has improved a lot. If it was before, it would be even more unbearable.

Among the six people, I am afraid that only Meng Xing is the most determined. With his strength, there is no need to be afraid even if he encounters that Liu family ancestor.

After setting up the camp, Meng Xing displayed the formation technique again. Three formation discs flew out and flew in three directions. The formation discs were activated, and countless vitality rushed in, shrouded around the camp, and the formation discs disappeared into the void.

Gu Biaofeng saw this strange scene, and he was shocked and said: "This... this is the formation? Are you a member of the Taoist sect?"

No wonder they were powerless to resist yesterday, the strange and unpredictable Daomen formation, few people can resist.

Only people in the sect can deal with the formation of people in the sect. The martial artist of the martial arts system can only rely on fists to be hard.

It was also the first time that Gu Biaofeng encountered this kind of formation in his life.

Meng Xing glanced at him and said, "I'm not someone from the Taoist sect. But I have special means to cast the formation."

"High! It's really high! With your formation, we don't have to be afraid of being beaten to death by the bandit leader of the sixth-rank Golden Bell Realm." Gu Biaofeng quickly flattered, and at the same time he was relieved.

"You are also the leader of the bandit, a raccoon dog on a hill, and being beaten to death by another leader of the bandit is also your retribution." Gu Qingzhuo with a venomous tongue said.

Gu Biaofeng was speechless for a moment.

Xiao Yuluo said: "Junior brother, fortunately you know the formation technique, we can walk more safely and sleep well at night."

Meng Xing said with a smile: "Although this formation can protect us, but when the formation is out, we have to rely on ourselves. We can't stay in the formation all the time. We still need to improve our strength."

"By the way, Senior Brother Yao, Senior Brother Gu, how are you two practicing the Nine Swords of the Sky?" Meng Xing remembered the Nine Swords of the Sky that he obtained in the ancient tomb of Emperor Jinglong. After returning to Zhenwuzong, he handed it over to them The two have practiced, but they have not paid attention to them these days.

Yao Jianyu said: "I just realized four tricks, and one of them was the last time you taught me to understand it."

Gu Qingzhuo said: "I just realized the three moves, and the fourth move is almost there. These nine swords of the sky are very profound and mysterious, and it is difficult to comprehend."

"This set of swordsmanship actually has a lot to do with the realm of cultivation. The higher the cultivation, the better the understanding. The nine moves actually correspond to the ninth grade to the first grade, so don't worry." Meng Xing said.

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Both of them nodded, and after practicing for so long, they naturally understood the reason.

"This time I went to Liu's house to have a look, and I will rely on the two senior brothers' Absolute Nine Swords. Senior Brother Yao, you also teach Senior Brother Li and Xiao Chuan this exercise, so that our strength can be improved."

Li Buxian and Yang Xiaochui were still practicing the incomplete Juekong Sword.

Yao Jianyu nodded and said, "Okay."

So, he took Li Buxian and Yang Xiaochui to the outside of the formation to practice the Nine Swords of Juekong. Gu Biaofeng, a bandit, was here, so naturally he couldn't teach him in front of him.

After half an hour, many bandits gradually appeared here, holding weapons and arms, watching from a distance Li Buxian and Yang Xiaochui practicing their swords, neither of them were using their qi, so they looked weak. very.

Yao Jianyu stood aside, watching quietly.

Not long after,

Except for the position of the backing mountain, all the other places were surrounded by bandits. Judging from this posture, there were nearly a thousand people.

A bald-headed man of the seventh-rank God Refinement Realm held a big sword, walked over, and said: "The strength of the three is good, they are all cultivations of the God Refinement Realm, but what kind of swordsmanship did you practice just now? Without any power, are you acting for us?"

"Yes! It's just acting for you fools." Yang Xiaochui said with a smile.

"What did you idiot say?" said the bald man.

"I said that you are a fool!" Yang Xiaochui said.

"Boy, are you trying to find death? What about the other people with you? Call them all out, don't hide in the dark, I know!" The bald man shouted furiously.

"I just don't call them out, what can you do?" Yang Xiaochui said.

"What else can I do? I'll hack you to death first, and see if you dare to contradict me! Come on together, hack him to death for me first!" The bald man waved at the bandits behind him and said.

Hundreds of bandits suddenly rushed in like locusts, carrying big swords, shouting and killing one by one.

"Kill! Kill them!"

Most of these bandits are in the open vein realm, and there are also many condensed phase realms. The power of the outbreak is not weak. There are many ants and they can kill an elephant. In fact, it is very difficult, and it consumes a lot of spiritual energy.

Yao Jianyu, Li Buxian, and Yang Xiaochui each shot a few people and killed a few people, but those bandits were not afraid of death.

If you use the Nine Swords of Juekong, you can only kill a dozen people, and the rest may kill them, so three people dare to use it at will.

One-to-one kills can still be used, one-to-many, this kind of expendable exercises should be used sparingly, unless you reach the high-quality realm, where one sword can kill thousands of people, you don't have to worry.

The three of them had to keep retreating and retreating into the formation, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

Those bandits were ready to kill, and they rushed to kill without hesitation. Suddenly, many people fell into the formation and disappeared. Other talents suddenly realized and quickly retreated.

"This is the formation, you give me back first, don't go forward!" the bald man shouted, he was well-informed and quickly knew the reason.

When Gu Biaofeng took people to rob Meng Xing and others, it was at night. Without any precautions, it felt a lot weirder, and Gu Biaofeng had less knowledge. He didn't expect that he would be so unlucky. A hard stubble.

The bald man's face was ugly. No wonder these people dared to swagger into Baiji County. It turned out that there was a formation master from Daomen. If they wanted to kill these people, they had to consider how to deal with the formation master of Daomen.

During the formation, Meng Xing was resting leisurely in the tent.

[1. Continue to rest and dream beautifully. 】

[2. Climb into Senior Sister Xiao's tent, rub shoulders with Senior Sister Xiao, and kiss me for at least two hours. 】

[Three, with one enemy a thousand, killing more than a thousand bandits, the sound shook Qiongzhou. 】

Meng Xing looked at the nearby tent, and Senior Sister Xiao was resting there. I wanted to rub her ears with her, and I would be gentle with me, but this strategy is too fast, will it frighten her?

Meng Xing thought for a while, and suddenly felt a little moved. If he chooses this, there should be no sequelae, right?

However, would it be too long for two hours? The donkeys of the production team may not be able to stand it either.

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