After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Two hundred and thirtieth eight chapters, too lazy to pay attention

Oops! Going to die at the scene. No, I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed!

Meng Xing's thoughts turned in his heart, calmly, and smiled: "Just now I asked Senior Sister Xiao to teach me the exercises and practice exercises. Brother Yao, how are you practicing?"

What I asked Senior Sister Xiao to teach was the practice of rubbing the ears and temples, and what I practiced was the practice of kissing. Meng Xing complained in his heart.

"There are more than a thousand bandits outside, and we have long since stopped cultivating." Yao Jianyu said.

The eyes of the three people looked at him with strange eyes. They always felt that something was wrong with this junior brother, but they didn't know what was wrong with him.

Yao Jianyu, Li Buxian, and Yang Xiaochui probably wanted to say something: Junior Brother, something is wrong with you!

Yes, his face was radiant, as if he had swallowed the medicine of the dragon and the tiger. Could this be the reason for practicing for a long time, or because of a breakthrough in cultivation?

The three of them took a look and felt that his cultivation had not changed much.

"Let's go! Let's go and have a look together. These bandits are really poor and crazy." Meng Xing said, quickly diverting their attention, lest they think too much.

These bandits came to rob them, apparently thinking that they had valuables on them, but they were not traders, and they didn't carry a lot of items. Ordinary bandits would think they didn't have much money and didn't bother to pay attention.

But many people who came to Qiongzhou must have been robbed by them, so many people who heard the wind did not dare to come to Qiongzhou, so they could loot less and less things, and they could only loot those who were ignorant. people.

Therefore, even if there are six or seven pedestrians like Meng Xing and the others, they have to try to see if there is any oil or water.

These bandits are all fishing, and I am afraid they will starve to death in the future.

However, this is probably what the Liu family did on purpose to control these bandits and the land of Qiongzhou.

The four people walked to the edge of the formation and saw more than a thousand people outside holding torches, ready to attack them.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

One after another torches were thrown, like locusts. After entering the formation, the torches were extinguished and fell to the ground.

The four of them were a little speechless. Come on, they don't need to pick up firewood anymore. These bandits brought them here.

When the photon man saw that the fire attack was not effective, he was very helpless. This formation is really not something that can be easily cracked by people outside the Taoist sect.

He became more and more certain that this group of people must have treasures with them, and even the formation masters invited them to protect them. Which people from the Wushu sect have this treatment?

Even for the Liu family who controls Qiongzhou, it is difficult to invite such a master of the formation.

Of course, if the other party has a Taoist person, it may be very difficult to deal with. But these people must stay in the formation and defend themselves, which also means that the cultivation of the people in the Taoist sect may not be high, otherwise they would have killed them long ago, and would they still use this kind of defensive means?

Although the bald man is rude, he is not stupid.

The photon man thought for a while and said to one of his subordinates: "Go, tell the boss, there is a group of big fat sheep here, and a master of Taoism is here to protect."

"Yes." The subordinate led the way.

So, the bald man took the bandits and stayed on the side of the mountain, waiting for someone.

In the formation, Yao Jianyu said, "Junior brother, what should I do if these people don't leave?"

"We will always face the master of the sixth-rank Golden Bell Realm. Just wait for him here. We will have a chance to deal with them only by keeping quiet." Meng Xing said.

The four of them walked back and took a look at Gu Biaofeng, who was standing in a corner. This guy was lying on the ground and fell asleep.

The four went back to their small tents to rest. Meng Xing recalled the feeling of rubbing his ears and temples with Senior Sister Xiao, and at the same time, he also retrieved the Earth-level exercises obtained from the system, and silently became familiar with the formulas and the operation of the spiritual veins.

Spiritual veins such as thunder, water, fire, and earth have already been cultivated to the peak of the fifth-grade realm. As long as the golden and wood spiritual veins are also cultivated to the peak, they can directly break through the fourth-grade spiritual realm.

In fact, spiritual veins such as thunder, water, fire, and earth can also break through to the fourth-grade gods in advance.

But the other two spiritual meridians may be a little out of balance, so Meng Xing has been suppressing these days to see if he can improve the skills of the gold and wood spiritual meridians.

Unexpectedly, this time the system has a quest for him to interact with Senior Sister Xiao. He naturally wants to try it. Of course, this is also because he feels that Senior Sister Xiao is also interested in him, so he dares to go to the strategy. If he encounters one A woman who has no feelings for him will definitely give him a big ear.

Meng Xing first practiced the Golden Sand Xuansha Art for an hour, and then practiced the Mumian Magic Art for an hour. The time passed before he knew it, and it was already dark outside, so he lay down and rested.

The next day, everyone got up and ate a little dry food to make do. Meng Xing felt that he had to prepare some water, pots and pans, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, etc., and put them in the storage bag. At this time, he could also use it when he was living in the wild, otherwise he would get tired of eating dry food every day. .

The dry food at this time is naturally not as delicious as the compressed biscuits in the previous life, it can be said to be dull and tasteless.

The six people came to Gu Biaofeng and saw that he had woken up and was sitting bored. His hands were locked by iron chains. The chains were made of special materials and could not be broken even with his cultivation. Broken, had to wait honestly.

"You young heroes, is there a large group of bandits outside? Has the master of the sixth-rank Golden Bell Realm come?" Gu Biaofeng asked.

This formation formed its own space and could block sound, so he naturally couldn't hear the movement outside.

"We don't know either, so you can go outside and have a look together," Yao Jianyu said.

"Yes." Gu Biaofeng hurriedly stood up and followed behind, worried that he would be lost and lost in the formation. The day before yesterday, he had experienced the power of this formation.

Every time this formation appears, the path is different, and Meng Xing's guidance is needed to know how to get out.

However, Meng Xing also told a few brothers some simple rules, and they could come and go freely.

After walking out of the formation, I saw that many bandits were still guarding not far away. There were five people standing in front of them. In addition to the bald man, there was also a burly man with a strong breath. . As for the other three men, their cultivation was not much different from the bald man.

"They finally came out. It's these seven people. One of them should know the formation of Taoism." The bald man shouted after seeing Yao Jianyu, Meng Xing and others.

After staying up all night, these people do not come out, and they are also at a loss.

The burly middle-aged man looked at the seven people and said, "You are so young? You are Gu Biaofeng, the leader of the bandits in Fenghuai County, and they were caught?" His eyes moved to Gu Biaofeng.

"Yes, it's me who doesn't know the experts, so I want to rob them. I'm really asking for trouble." Gu Biaofeng glanced at Yao Jianyu and the others, and said cautiously.

"Master? Haha, it's just five hairy boys, plus a girl. This girl is a stunning beauty, very suitable to be my Mrs. Yazhai."

The burly man glanced at Xiao Yuluo and said again: "Girl, you have no future for following these hairy boys! Why don't you follow me to enmity someone?"

Xiao Yuluo didn't even look at him, so he didn't care.

She just stared at Meng Xing who was standing in front of her with tender eyes, thinking back to the enchanting scene yesterday.

This scene will be unforgettable forever.

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