After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter 239, Senior Sister, you don't have to take action

Meng Xing was a little annoyed, Senior Sister Xiao is now my woman, how dare you, a bandit boss, dare to dig my corner? If you still want to hide your strength and don't want those high-quality powerhouses to notice you, I'm afraid I'll beat you to death immediately!

Yao Jianyu stood up and said coldly, "You don't look at yourself in the mirror, so you deserve it?"

The burly man laughed and said, "Whether you're worthy or not depends on the girl. With a silver wax gun head like you, it's strange that the girl likes you."

Gu Qingzhuo also stepped out and said, "If you have such a silver-like iron spearhead, if you have the strength, why do you have to rely on robbery to make a living and become a vassal of the Liu family? The Liu family gave you a little thing, and you have to be grateful. Worship people."

The same poisonous tongue made the burly man's blue veins burst, and his eyes were like poisonous snakes staring at Gu Qingzhuo.

"Boy, you want to court death, how dare you say that your grandfather is your enemy?" The bald man jumped out and said.

"It turns out that this person is your grandfather, you ask your grandma if this person is worthy of her." Gu Qingzhuo said coldly.

"" The bald man was so angry that the veins on his forehead protruded, and the blood vessels almost burst.

The burly man said fiercely: "Boy, go to hell!"

He realized that the bickering was not his opponent, so he could only vent his anger by force. When he moved, the bones of his whole body crackled, and he punched Gu Qingzhuo, his qi collapsed and exploded like thunder.

"Junior Brother Gu, I'll come first." Yao Jianyu raised his brows and stopped Gu Qingzhuo, who was eager to try. cut out.


The qi in his body was quickly drained, and his momentum weakened sharply, but this sword directly smashed the opponent's qi.

A long gully appeared at the foot, straight to the front of the burly man, cut him into two halves with a sword, fell to the ground, and died.

The bald-headed man and the group of gangsters showed incredible horror in their eyes. Their leader, a master of the sixth-rank Golden Bell Realm, was killed by a sword like this?

And the one who killed him was just a young man at the peak of the seventh-rank God Refinement Realm.

Many gangsters took a few steps back involuntarily, worried that the other party would stab them with a sword and kill them.

Gu Biaofeng also widened his eyes and felt very fortunate in his heart.

The last time he was stabbed by Yao Jianyu with a sword, he dared to be merciful and did not use all his strength. Otherwise, he would have been choked to death by a sword like this burly man surnamed Qiu.

Yao Jianyu stepped back slowly. The Qi machine in his body was more clean than last time. There was a shaky feeling. .

Gu Qingzhuo stared at the bald man and the three masters next to him, and said, "The four of you, let's go together!"

With a clanging sound, his sword was also drawn out, and the energy condensed out at an extremely fast speed, a powerful momentum emanated from his body, and the whole person seemed to have become a god in an instant.

The bald man and the three masters looked at each other and said, "Let's go together and kill him! They can only break out one trick, and after one trick, they will be useless and let us slaughter."

They naturally saw Yao Jianyu's situation.

"Okay! Let him break out first, and then let's kill him." said one of the masters.

The four of them also drew out their long knives and spread out cautiously, their eyes fixed on Gu Qingzhuo's sword.

Gu Qingzhuo's body was moving, his speed was so fast that he turned into a shadow, and a sword followed and swept out. Qi and sword intent formed a semi-circle around him, treating all four enemies as a blow. Target.

The bald man and the other three also slashed out with their swords, the air burst out, and in the roar, one person flew out, the other person also flew out, followed by the third person flew out, and finally to the bald man,

He was blasted back by the air machine for more than three long distances, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Among the three people who flew out, two were cut off at the waist and died, but the third was seriously injured.

The bald-headed man was the least injured, only slightly injured. He quickly stepped back a few feet and shouted in horror, "Come on with me, and hack this exhausted guy to death!"

"Come on together! Kill him!"

"Avenge the boss!"

When many gangsters saw Gu Qingzhuo's appearance, they became bold and roared and rushed towards him.

At this moment, Gu Qingzhuo propped his sword on the ground, supporting his body, his expression was weak and weak.

Li Buxian and Yang Xiaochui walked over quickly, Li Buxian brought Gu Qingzhuo to the edge of the formation, but Yang Xiaochui resisted many bandits, his body flashed, sword shadows flew, and he killed several people in an instant.

"Kill! Let's go together, kill them! Whoever kills a person, I will reward one hundred taels of silver." The bald man continued to roar, his face grim.

Now is an opportunity. Among these people, two masters have lost their combat power, but how can the others resist the attack of more than a thousand people?

When many gangsters heard the 100 taels of silver reward with white flowers, they suddenly came running and roaring as if they had been beaten with blood.

Yang Xiaochui was quickly surrounded and killed by hundreds of gangsters. He killed one after another, and his hands were almost exhausted.

Li Buxian joined the battle circle, and was surrounded and killed by hundreds of bandits, all of them were like hungry wolves, their eyes flashing, and some people even ran to Meng Xing's side. One hundred taels of silver, these people are obviously soft persimmons.

Xiao Yuluo wanted to make a move, but Meng Xing stopped him. Meng Xing held her soft little hand and said, "Senior sister, you don't have to shoot, let me do it!"

"You? How can you beat the hundreds of them alone?" Xiao Yuluo said speechlessly.

Moreover, Meng Xing's cultivation was only at the ninth-rank Open Pulse Realm. Xiao Yuluo didn't want to embarrass the person he liked, so he didn't remind him.

"Who said I'm going to make a move... I'm going to pay." Meng Xing found a few ingots of silver in his hand, and he didn't need a silver note because the silver was heavier, so he could easily throw it out.

"Pay?" Xiao Yuluo's beautiful eyes widened, but she didn't react.

But when Meng Xing threw out the few ingots of silver in his hand, he roared: "The silver is here, whoever kills your boss will get a thousand taels of silver."

Immediately afterwards, Meng Xing threw dozens of silver ingots in several directions. These silver ingots were relatively heavy, about five taels per ingot, and more than a hundred taels were scattered all at once.

Those bandits were like hungry wolves, their eyes lit up, even Li Buxian and Yang Xiaochui didn't bother to kill them, and they all went to grab money.

Immediately, the entire battlefield was chaotic like a pot of porridge. In order to grab money, those bandits all shot at others, and instantly more than a dozen bandits were killed by their own people. Those who got the money were overjoyed.

Some people heard Meng Xing's words and exclaimed, "Is there really one thousand taels of silver?"

"Of course, I am very refreshing. I have given you more than two hundred taels just now." Meng Xing said, took out three more silver coins, and threw them to the few people.

Those few people were overjoyed and immediately believed, there has never been such a cheerful Lord, and the money is too generous.

So, under their influence, they turned their direction one by one and ran towards the bald man. The bald man's face suddenly turned green, and he was so frightened that he quickly fled.

That guy is so arrogant! Someone who bought me. The bald man was furious.

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