These days, through the system, I have obtained earth-level exercises with attributes such as thunder, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Through these few days of practice, each spiritual meridian has reached the peak of the fifth-rank sea-crossing realm. There are already signs of a breakthrough.

The strength and physique obtained by the system also transformed his physical body to an incredible state, and his explosive power could easily kill a fourth-rank goddess master.

Therefore, the earth-level exercises of the martial arts system can be cultivated very quickly, and their strength is increasing almost every moment.

At this time, Meng Xing was running the Earth-level low-grade exercise Lei Gang Divine Art in his body, and the vitality of the thunder-attribute spirit veins boiled in his body.

Gradually climbed to a peak, with a bang, the thunder-type spiritual veins were like galloping rivers, becoming more powerful in the body, and the surrounding thunder-type vitality also rushed in, being incorporated into the body, and fused with the thunder spirit veins in the body. .

Then, Meng Xing performed the Jinsha Xuansha Art, the Mumian Magical Art, the Jingshui Boyuan Art, the Qinglian Burning Heaven Art, and the Immovable Mountain Art. The five spiritual meridians of gold, wood, water, fire and earth It is also such a breakthrough, one by one, reaching the fourth-grade gods mood, and it is a matter of course.

Meng Xing's aura was also very powerful, like a turbulent sea, as if it was sweeping the sky.

The fourth-grade divine mood actually condenses the aura of one's own body. It can control the thoughts of every inch of the body, as if every inch of the body has produced spiritual thoughts, and the control of power is also more perfect.

However, the strength and physique obtained by the system have already filled his body with power, and even if he does not use the power of the spiritual veins, he can still achieve this perfect step.

Now, what's worse is the deeper control of the body's mind, and it should be possible to achieve the peak of the fourth-grade god's mood.

At that time, only with the movement of the mind, the body will be able to explode with more powerful strength.

Meng Xing mobilized the earth spirit veins in his body,

The whole body was shrouded in a layer of khaki light, and the strength of every inch of the body seemed to be extremely powerful.

He punched out, and a khaki air machine spewed out, and with a bang, it bombarded a hill, and the hill immediately exploded and collapsed, razing it to the ground.

Meng Xing was familiar with the fourth-grade gods mood for a while, and felt that the realm was almost stable, so he mobilized his hidden attributes to lower his cultivation to the peak of the ninth-grade open pulse realm, and then quietly returned to the inn.

Silent all night.

The next day, everyone got up and gathered in a private room to discuss how to meet the Liu family.

"I think, let's send a greeting card to see if they meet." Yao Jianyu said.

Gu Biaofeng said: "It's not the person they invited, they won't meet if they send the invitation."

"Then what should we do? Are we going to kill it?" Yang Xiaochui said.

"You are looking for death, don't drag me, I still have an 80-year-old mother to support." Gu Biaofeng said.

Meng Xing pondered for a while, then said: "Just send me a greeting card, and give the guards some money by the way, to see if they are willing. If you don't want to talk about it."

Everyone nodded, no objection.

So, like chasing ducks, the six people drove Gu Biaofeng to the front of the Liu family mansion.

This is a vast house with rockeries, lakes, gardens, small buildings, etc., and some scenes can be seen from the outside, revealing a luxurious and magnificent, showing a powerful style, but deeper is to see not.

Meng Xing took out the prayer note, handed it to a guard leader, and said, "This is my prayer note. I want you to help me pass it to the Liu family's patriarch."

Said, Meng Xing also handed the other party a piece of gold, and the golden light flashed away and entered the other party's arms.

The guard leader weighed the weight of the gold in his arms, and said expressionlessly, "Patriarch Liu has not seen anyone, please go back."

If you don't see anyone, why are you still taking my gold ingots? It's harder than the emperor to meet. Meng Xing complained in his heart.

"Then how can we let the Liu family master see us?" Meng Xing asked.

"The head of the family has already said that no one will be seen unless you are the emperor in person, or are invited by him," the head guard said.

Depend on! It's really so arrogant! To actually want the emperor to come to see him in person, do you really think of yourself as an emperor? Meng Xing just wanted to explode his strength immediately and strangle this patriarch to death. After thinking about it, he endured it.

If you kill the Liu family patriarch today, tomorrow your reputation will probably reverberate across the country.

Meng Xing patted the guard on the shoulder, then took the golden ingot back at a very fast speed when the other party was not paying attention, and left quickly with five fellow sects, Gu Biaofeng and others.

After Meng Xing and others left, the guard leader touched his arms, and was surprised to find that the golden ingot had disappeared.

On the street, seven people were walking.

"I said it all, they will definitely not see you." Gu Biaofeng breathed a sigh of relief at this time and said.

Just now, he was really afraid that Meng Xing would have a conflict with the Liu family. If he really provokes the Liu family's head, everyone would definitely die.

"What should I do now?" Gu Qingzhuo asked.

"There is only one way." Meng Xing said.

"any solution?"

"It's just to find the Liu family, beat them up, and let the Liu family's patriarch come out." Meng Xing said.

Gu Biaofeng was so scared that his face turned pale: "Are you crazy? Are you still going to provoke the Liu family? Ladies and gentlemen, let me go quickly, I don't want to die! The people of the Liu family are very protective of their shortcomings, and they beat the little ones. Yes, it must be old."

This guy looks like a burly man, but he is timid and afraid, and he doesn't know how he became the leader of this bandit.

The six people didn't bother to pay attention to him and continued to walk on the street.

At this moment, there was a rush of hooves, rampaging on the street, passersby avoided one after another, and all of a sudden, chickens and dogs jumped.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! If you don't want to die, don't block the way!" A young man's scolding sound came from the horse.

The speaker was a young man in blue brocade clothes, tall, with long and narrow eyes, puffy eyelids, thick eyelashes, and looked very fierce.

"Mom! Mom!" A five or six-year-old girl stood in the middle of the street, crying in a daze.

The young man in brocade clothes was already galloping close, and he didn't care about the crying little girl. On the contrary, he had a fierce look in his eyes and scolded, "I want to die! Let you die!"

The tall horse under his crotch, with its hooves raised forward, rushed towards the little girl. Seeing that the little girl was about to be hit by him, her tendons were broken and she died.

"Hong'er! Hong'er!" A woman's shrill and frightened cry rang out, instantly stagnant on the noisy street.

Everyone on the street watched in astonishment, wanting to save them, but no one dared to act rashly.

At this time, Meng Xing had already appeared in front of the little girl, grabbed the little girl into his arms with one hand, and cut out a sword with the other hand.

With a bang, a sword slashed on the front hooves of the tall horse. The powerful Qi machine cut off a pair of front hooves of the horse. The horse stumbled and hit the ground with a bang. .

The young man in Jinyi was caught off guard and almost fell to the ground. He twisted his body, and there was a pounding sound of his muscles and bones, and he finally stabilized his body.

Meng Xing took the little girl back to the side of the road. At this moment, the woman came to her senses, came over in a hurry, hugged the little girl, kept crying, and said to Meng Xing, "Thank you! Thank you for saving my daughter!"

However, the young man in brocade was staring at Meng Xing, staring closely with murderous intent in his eyes, and said, "You killed my beloved horse, you are courting death! Just take your life and pay for my beloved horse! "

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